Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 290 Weird Mountain People

After settling in, Shen Yinuo went into seclusion on his own.

During these days in Prince Ming's Mansion, she had been refining level four martial arts pills in seclusion.

At the World Bank, they purchased 10,000 martial pills. They also killed many powerful men in the True Body Realm before. They also got some martial pills from those masters' Xumi Mustard Seed Bags, but the number was not large, only more than two thousand. I'll give them all a promise.

Yinuo's original cultivation level is close to transformation. With the blessing of these martial pills, transformation is not far away. As long as he practices for a while, he can successfully transform and enter the fifth level of the true body.

Lu Yan, on the other hand, continued to study martial arts.

In the blink of an eye, it has been a month since I arrived at Shiwanda Mountain.

In the past month, the situation has been calm and there have been no attacks from the mountain people.

Lu Yan was also happy to have some leisure time. He mastered all the three physical training martial arts in his hand and used the immortal bones to upgrade to the realm of human and martial arts.

As a result, Lu Yan's mastery of the ultimate body-refining martial arts reached seven.

With the seven gates operating together, his body became more ferocious, but his strength and defense had also reached an exaggerated level, making his combat power even higher.

After completing all the top body-refining martial arts, Lu Yan began to comprehend the nine first-class body-refining martial arts he had obtained at Prince Ming's Mansion.

Comprehension of first-class martial arts will be even smoother. In almost a day, one can gain an introduction to first-class physical training martial arts and condense the martial arts body.

Nine days later, all nine first-class body training martial arts were introduced, and then they were promoted by swallowing the immortal bones.

Boom, boom, boom.

Suddenly, the sound of war drums echoed through the mountains and forests.

“When the war drums sound, could it be that the mountain people are attacking again?

Lu Yan's heart moved, he left the house, rose into the sky, and came to the area around the Blood Vein.

"team leader."

Nine team members are already in place.

Not far away, Xiao Ran and hundreds of King Ming's troops were also in position, as well as another group of King Ming's personal guards.

"The scouts came to report that it was the mountain people who were attacking."

Xiao Ran said.

At this time, a figure floated over, it was Shen Yinuo.

Lu Yan looked at Shen Yinuo, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Yinuo, have you made a breakthrough?"


Shen Yinuo nodded.

Lu Yan looked happy.

Shen Yinuo breaks through and enters the fifth level of the true body, and his combat power will definitely increase dramatically.

Ouch ouch.

At this time, a large number of figures appeared in the mountains and forests in the distance.

These people, all tall and bare-chested, made howling sounds like wolves, and rushed towards the blood veins at an extremely fast speed. They could cover tens of meters in one step, and they quickly approached the blood veins.


Xiao Ran ordered.

Hundreds of soldiers of the King of Ming Dynasty bent their bows and arrows and shot out arrows.

The arrows passed through the woods and shot at the mountain people, but the mountain people waved their scimitars and blocked the arrows one by one.

After one round of shooting, only a few mountain people were killed, a few were injured, and the other mountain people were fine.

The expressions of Lu Yan and other Prince Ming's guards changed slightly.

"The people of Shiwan Mountain are strong and fierce, and everyone practices martial arts. However, it is said that those who practice martial arts are only superficial, and most of them are third-rate or second-rate martial arts. Most of the mountain people are just martial artists. How can they be so powerful?"

Fan Yun, another squad leader, said in surprise.

Judging from the actions just now, none of those mountain people are below Wuhou, and a small number of them have reached the master level.

It was completely inconsistent with the rumors. It was simply an elite army of Marquis Wu.

You know, in Prince Ming's Mansion, only the Imperial Guards of Prince Ming are all Marquis Wu.

Looking at the number of mountain people, there is an endless stream, numbering at least thousands.

"This is also what puzzles us. Perhaps it has something to do with the strange lines on their bodies."

Xiao Ran said.

Lu Yan naturally also noticed that every mountain man's body was covered with lines when he took action.

These lines are very much like the lines of wish, like small snakes, intertwined and intertwined, as if carved on the skin, extremely weird.

"Yinuo, I think the lines on their bodies look like lines of wish."

Lu Yan said.

"It's not like that, it's just the lines of wish power. It's strange, how come these people have the lines of wish power on their bodies."

Shen Yinuo frowned and was full of confusion.

"Cum again."

Xiao Ran yelled.

"Let's take action together."

Lu Yan and Fan Yun also gave orders at the same time.

Two teams of Prince Ming's personal guards also took out their bows and shot arrows.

Although most of the Ming Prince's guards majored in martial arts other than bow and arrow, they all practiced part-time. With their level of cultivation, the power of the shots was naturally astonishing. All the mountain people were shot and fell to the ground.

call out!

Lu Yan also took action himself and shot out an arrow, piercing the bodies of seven mountain people in a row.

However, those mountain people did not seem to know what fear was. None of them flinched. They were yelling and running towards them with lines all over their bodies.

"Cum again."

Xiao Ran yelled.

Two more rounds of shooting killed more than a hundred mountain people, and the mountain people also rushed to the Bloodline.


Xiao Ran held a spear in his hand, jumped up, and went up to kill him. He stabbed out the spear and pierced the bodies of three mountain people in a row. The spear shook, and the bodies of those mountain people were torn apart.

Then the spear swept out, but was blocked by a scimitar.

"Damn outsider, your opponent is me."

A particularly burly mountain man yelled and slashed at Xiao Ran with a knife. He actually had the strength of the real body.

The lines of wish power on his body were more numerous and denser, intertwined into a mysterious pattern.

For a time, the battle with Xiao Ran was inextricably linked.

Lu Yan held the sword in his hand and went to kill him. The sword flashed and several heads fell to the ground.

There is nothing unbearable or pitiful.

This is a battlefield.

On the battlefield, if you are not one of your own, you are the enemy.

Being merciful to the enemy is an act seeking death.

Holy Mother, the quickest to die on the battlefield.

Shen Yinuo, Fan Yun and others also took action together.

Several real bodies took action together, and suddenly a large number of mountain people were killed.

"Damn outsiders, kill."

A burly man, holding a mace, smashed it towards Lu Yan.

Lu Yan slashed out with his sword, hitting the mace. The opponent's body was shaken violently and he fell backwards.

"He is actually a mountain man in the True Body Realm."

Lu Yan was a little surprised.

According to Xiao Ran, the last time the mountain people attacked, only one in the true body state came, otherwise they wouldn't be able to resist it.

But this time, it was from three people.

Because Fan Yun also faced a master.


After the strong man was repelled by Lu Yan, he let out a wolf howl, and the lines of wish power on his body flowed, squirming like a small snake, emitting a glistening light, and the energy between heaven and earth gathered towards him crazily, and one jumped down , condescendingly, swung the mace and hit Lu Yan again.

Lu Yan swung his sword again, knocking the man away, and then slashed to death more than a dozen mountain people around him with the force of his sword.

Lu Yan naturally held back and only used a little strength. Otherwise, even though the mountain man was strong, it would only be a matter of one blow.

The reason why he held back was that he was curious about the other party's methods.

It seems that what these mountain people perform is not martial arts, but relies entirely on the lines of wish power on their bodies.

When you do it, the lines of wish power will glow, which can induce the energy between heaven and earth to bless your body, thus launching a powerful attack.

This method is a bit like a master in the Yuanshen realm, using his soul to activate the power of heaven and earth.

But it is obviously impossible for these mountain people to be in the Yuanshen realm.

Then, I fought with the big man for a few more moves, and found that the big man could only use the power lines to control the power of heaven and earth. His moves were superficial and nothing special.

The force was activated, the sword flashed, and the opponent's head flew out.


Suddenly, Lu Yan's eyes narrowed.

After the big man's head was cut off, he was still alive. The lines of wish power on his body were connected with the lines of wish power on his head, like silk threads, pulling his head back and connecting them together.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, by the Immortal Lord, I will not die."

The big man screamed excitedly and attacked Lu Yan as if he was desperate for his life.


This time, Lu Yan used his sword continuously and cut the opponent into pieces.

But the big man was still not dead. His broken body was connected by the lines of wish power and recovered again.

"Is this method a martial spirit? No, it is completely different from the power of a martial spirit."

"What is the Immortal Lord that the other party is talking about? Is it related to the Immortal?"

Lu Yan's thoughts changed rapidly, and he kept slashing with his sword continuously.

According to the experience of martial arts or demons, there is no real immortality in the world. The reason why you cannot be killed is because your attack power is not enough.

Sure enough, every time the big man recovered after being hacked, the will power lines on his body would become dim. After a few rounds of attacks, the big man made a hissing sound, and those wish power lines seemed to burn, and then disappeared.


The big man finally showed a look of horror.


The sword flashed and the head fell to the ground.

This time, the big man never recovered.


The real-body mountain man who fought with Xiao Ran roared, with fear in his eyes. After exchanging a move with Xiao Ran, he turned around and left.

The other mountain people also fled in the blink of an eye.


Xiao Ran shouted.

"Stop chasing."

Lu Yan spoke up to stop everyone.

"Captain Lu, why don't you chase them? These mountain people are getting stronger every time. If we don't take the opportunity to weaken their strength, there will be endless troubles."

Xiao Ran said, of course, with a very low posture.

Because the strength Lu Yan showed just now was far beyond him and unfathomable.

"The power used by these mountain people is strange, and there must be someone behind it. I plan to follow them quietly to find out."

Lu Yan said.

"Captain Lu is a righteous man, please be careful."

Xiao Ran clasped his fists.

"Yinuo, let's go together?"

Lu Yan looked at Shen Yinuo.


The two of them ducked away and left quietly like a wisp of breeze.

"Captain Fan, where does this Captain Lu come from? He looks young, but his strength is unfathomable."

Xiao Ran asked Fan Yun.

"Captain Xiao, if you shouldn't know, don't ask more questions."

Fan Yun said lightly.

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo came out disguised and used pseudonyms to hide their true identities.

The guards of Prince Ming who came with him naturally knew about it.

But before departure, Chu Long summoned them and told them not to expose Lu Yan's true identity.

Xiao Ran smiled awkwardly and didn't ask any more questions.

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo quickly caught up with the mountain people, and then quietly followed behind them.

These mountain people live here all year round, running through the mountains and ridges as if they were walking on flat ground, and arrived at their destination after a few hours.

In a mountain col, a huge city wall was built, making it look like a giant city.

The mountain people entered the city and the city gate was closed.

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