Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 292 Broken Statue

There are so many mountain people that even chopping a cabbage requires energy.

Although it is impossible for all of these mountain people to reach the level of Wuhou.

In fact, most mountain people don't have many wish power lines on their bodies, only a few or a dozen. Their strength is only stronger than ordinary people, not as good as limit-breaking warriors.

Only a small number of them have reached the stage of breaking the limits of warriors.

As for reaching the Wuhou stage, it is much less.

However, there were simply too many people.

Once the number of people exceeds 10,000, it is already a sea of ​​people, let alone hundreds of thousands.

Not to mention, there are also the existence of Grandmaster Realm and True Body Realm.


Lu Yan exchanged a move with an extremely burly mountain man with dense lines of wish power, sending him flying hundreds of meters and killing more than a dozen mountain men.

But this person did not die. His damaged body quickly recovered due to the connection of the lines of wish power.

It is still different from Wu Ling.

These mountain people, in the true body state, are no different from ordinary martial arts cultivators. They will die if they hit the vital point. Only in the true body state can they have terrifying vitality.

This is normal.

Otherwise, you can create an undead army casually, not to be invincible in the world.

call out!

On the left side, a spear stabbed Lu Yan at an alarming speed.

Lu Yan didn't even look back, and punched towards the back with his fist.

With a clang, the scaly fist, which was harder than a magic weapon, hit the spear, and the spear exploded immediately. The owner of the spear was beaten into a honeycomb by the broken spear.

However, this person was also in the true body state. His body was recovering quickly, and he attacked Lu Yan again.

"Spring rain continues."

Lu Yan touched his waist with his right hand, took out a sword from the Xumi Mustard Seed Bag, and used the Spring Rain Sword technique of Spring and Autumn Sword Technique.

Suddenly, the sky was filled with sword lights.

These sword lights were very small, like drizzle, impacting on the mountain people in the true form.

puff! puff!

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the sword light swept across. The mountain man was left with only a skeleton. The flesh and blood disappeared, and then with a plop, the skeleton fell to the ground and never got up again.

Lu Yan's eyes lit up.

This trick still works, and the opponent can be eliminated with one move.

"With a promise, rush out."

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo gathered together and rushed outside, leaving corpses everywhere they passed.

Bang bang bang.

High in the sky, energy surged again, and this surge of energy was particularly terrifying because it had been accumulating power before.

Then, two bolts of lightning as thick as a human waist struck down towards the two of them.

The speed of lightning was so fast that there was no time to dodge.

By the time he saw it, lightning had already landed on his head, so he could only resist.

With two violent roars, the light of Shen Yinuo's Great Sun Furnace was much dimmed, and Lu Yan also felt tingling all over his body, and traces of blood seeped out from the surface of his skin.

Their outward charge was hampered by this, and they were surrounded by densely packed mountain people.

Moreover, on the altar, the eight old men were walking in the air.

Two of them went towards another outsider, while six of them killed Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo.

The lines of wish power all over their bodies were so numerous and dense that it made people dizzy to see them.

Their hands danced rapidly, drawing strange trajectories.

As their fingers danced, the lines of wish power on their bodies filled the air with light, and the energy between heaven and earth gathered towards them, turning into giant swords, spears, or tigers to kill Lu Yan and the others.

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo were both shocked.

Because this kind of method is generally only available in the Yuanshen realm.

But the ability to sense those attacks clearly did not reach the level of the Yuanshen realm.

Lu Yan swung his sword continuously, and together with Shen Yinuo, blocked all the attacks of the six old men.

"It's not that strong. It's far inferior to the Yuanshen realm, but it's also beyond the ordinary Seventh Form True Body."

Lu Yan's heart moved.

These eight old men should be the strongest among hundreds of thousands of mountain people.

After a wave of attacks failed, the six old men launched another attack, gathering the power of heaven and earth.

"Yinuo, you open the way, I'll block them."

Lu Yan sent a message to Shen Yinuo.

The two were back to back, with Shen Yinuo responsible for attacking outwards and defeating a large number of mountain people.

Lu Yan, on the other hand, followed Shen Yinuo and retreated, blocking all subsequent attacks, including those from the six old men.

At this time, the statue on the altar shook slightly, as if it was angry.

Then, infinite lines appeared on the statue, and a powerful will spread out, emitting a special light, scattered on hundreds of thousands of mountain people, especially the eight old men and those in the true body state.

Suddenly, the strength of hundreds of thousands of mountain people increased greatly.

The strength of those mountain people in the True Body Realm also increased dramatically, and the lines of wish power on their bodies shone brightly.

Including the eight old men, there are a total of more than twenty mountain people in the true body state here.

This is a terrifying force.

At least a dozen of them were eyeing Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo. They completely ignored death and defense and killed them crazily towards Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo.

Dang Dang Dang!

Lu Yan blocked the attacks of several old men with several consecutive blows, and then split a mountain man in the true form in half with one knife. However, the mountain man was fine at all and recovered quickly.

"Spring rain continues."

Lu Yan used this move again, and the dense sword light rushed past, leaving only a skeleton of the mountain man.

But this time, the man was not dead. The shattered flesh and blood actually flew back to the skeleton and was quickly reorganized.

"It's that statue."

Lu Yan's pupils shrank.

The key to killing these real body mountain people is to erase the lines of wish power on their bodies.

The previous move of Spring Rain was able to wipe out all the lines of wish power on the opponent's body.

But now, because the other party has the blessing of the statue, the lines of wish power are intact and the light is still filling the air.

At this moment, although they had rushed out some distance and were not far from the city wall, they were still surrounded by dense crowds, which were endless and endless.

Moreover, the energy in the sky surges, and a terrible attack may land at any time.

If this continues, the situation will not be good.

Because their true strength is limited, and they may be exhausted before they can escape.

"You two, if you want to escape, you must first break the statue."

Not far away, a voice came.

It's another person who enters this city.

From a distance, it can be seen that this person does not seem to be very old.

At least he is not very old on the surface, in his thirties, but his combat power is extremely strong, his cultivation level is at least the seventh level of the real body, and the level of the real body is not low, otherwise he would not be able to survive until now.

What the other party said coincided with Lu Yan's thoughts.

As long as the statue is broken, these mountain people alone cannot stop them.

"Don't just sit back and reap the benefits. Take action. Let's take action together to destroy that statue."

Lu Yan drank lowly.

"Okay, kill."

The man responded, no longer rushing out, but rushing towards the altar.

This person's attack methods made Lu Yan look at him with suspicion.

The skin of this person's whole body turned dark green, and poisonous gas filled the air everywhere he moved. Many mountain people were directly corroded by the terrible poisonous gas, and even the wish lines were not easily blocked.

This method reminded Lu Yan of the Fang family in Jinzhou, which was very similar.

But this person's poisoning methods are obviously better than Fang's.

This person rushed towards the statue, which made the mountain people go crazy, and more mountain people rushed towards this person.

"Yi Nuo, go to that statue."

Lu Yan said something, waved his sword, and opened the way first.

With his tyrannical body-refining martial arts, he ignored the attacks of most of the mountain people and charged in blindly.

Even the mountain people in the true form couldn't stop him.

puff! puff!

Lu Yan jumped up and the two old men were split into two pieces.

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo rushed past and rushed towards the statue.

Boom boom!

From the sky, two bolts of lightning struck down.

"I'll block it while you attack the statue."

Shen Yinuo shouted sweetly, and activated the Great Sun Furnace with all his strength, floating above the two of them, blocking both lightning bolts.

Lu Yan, on the other hand, took out his bow and arrow and aimed at the statue.

next moment!

call out!

An arrow flew out of the air and hit the statue.

Nine-ring arrow.

After entering the fifth level of the true body, Lu Yan shot a nine-ring arrow, and the time to accumulate power was greatly shortened to only one breath.

The arrows were so fast that no one could stop them from hundreds of thousands of mountain people.

"You dare."

Two women on either side of the statue screamed, and one of them waved her sword to resist.

These two women, unlike those mountain people, do not have the slightest trace of wish power on their bodies. They are actually pure martial arts cultivators, and their strength is not weak. The woman wielding the sword has the cultivation of the Sixth Form of the Real Body, and it seems that , still a top-grade true body.

But there is a huge difference between a high-grade real body of the sixth real body refinement and the current Lu Yan.


The woman's war sword flew out of her hand, and the arrow pierced her chest and hit the statue.


A light curtain appeared on the statue, blocking the arrows, and a violent roar broke out.

call out!

Lu Yan shot the second arrow immediately after.

Still a nine-ring arrow.

The charging time was shortened to one breath, which greatly increased the speed of Lu Yan's arrow.

Lu Yan himself estimated that when he entered the sixth level of the true body, he should be able to shoot nine-ring arrows instantly.

There was another woman under the statue, but there was a hint of fear in her eyes, and her body stiffened, unable to block the arrow in time.


This arrow, without any weakening, actually hit the statue. The light curtain above the statue shook violently, and the light was obviously dimmed.

"Kill, stop him."

"If you dare to attack the statue of the Immortal Lord, the Immortal Lord will be furious."

"Damn, damn, these blasphemers deserve to be cut to pieces by a thousand cuts."

The statue was attacked, and the mountain people became even more crazy. They rushed towards Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo like crazy.

"The great sun is a furnace, and the sun is blazing in the sky."

Shen Yinuo shouted and jumped onto the Great Sun Furnace, his body seemed to be integrated with the Great Sun Furnace.

The Great Sun Furnace bloomed with infinite light, covering dozens of miles in radius, as bright as day, as if there was a real sun appearing in the sky, filled with terrifying heat.


Large areas of mountain people were reduced to ashes by the light of the furnace of the sun.

Even the mountain people in the true body state were burning up, and the lines of wish power on their bodies were quickly being burned and corroded, becoming dim.

The statue was attacked, and the blessing it seemed to have on the mountain people became weaker.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lu Yan took action one after another.

Two breaths and two more arrows were shot.

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