Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 293 Ten Thousand Poison Cave and Corpse Cave

Two consecutive arrows hit the statue.


The light curtain on the statue finally exploded.


The person who used the poison, his eyes lit up, jumped up high, waved his hand and hit a ball.

The ball roared out, approached the statue in an instant, and then exploded with a bang.

Inside the ball was terrifying poisonous water. Even from a long distance away, Lu Yan could smell the stench. He didn't know what it was made of. When it fell on the statue, it made a hissing sound, and the statue was filled with stench. The black smoke is constantly being corroded.

Lu Yan regained his energy, bent his bow and arrow again, and aimed at the statue.


"Stop them."

Those old men, as well as the mountain people in the true form, launched a crazy attack, and one after another terrifying attacks rushed towards Lu Yan.

Although Shen Yinuo tried her best to resist, she alone could not block all the attacks. Several attacks rushed in, hitting Lu Yan's neck, heart and other vital parts.

But Lu Yan's body and arms remained motionless, as steady as a rock, and he simply ignored these attacks.

Several attacks landed on Lu Yan one after another.

Most of the attacks from the mountain people in the True Body Realm could not break his defense. Only the attacks from those old men could put pressure on Lu Yan.

Lu Yan's body was beaten back and forth, and the scales on his body were torn and blood oozed out.

But that's all.

call out!

The nine-ring arrow shot out again, accurately hitting a spot on the statue that was corroded by the poisonous water.


Centered on the location where the arrow hit, cracks appeared on the statue.

The statue is like a deflated balloon, with some internal power rapidly leaking out along the cracks.

The statue immediately became dull.

And the power that blessed those mountain people also disappeared without a trace.

"Immortal Lord."

Many mountain people wailed.

What responded to them was a nine-ring arrow from Lu Yan.

This time, after the arrow hit, the statue exploded into pieces and scattered on the ground.

In the sky, the surging power also disappeared without a trace.


Lu Yan put away his bow and arrows, took out his sword again, and rushed outside with Shen Yinuo.

"Kill them, otherwise the Immortal Lord will blame them and it will be a big disaster."

an old man shouted.


Countless mountain people rushed towards Lu Yan and the others crazily.

But when it comes into contact with the furnace of the great sun, it turns into ashes.

puff! puff!

Lu Yan swung his sword, killing gods if he blocked it, and killing Buddha if he blocked Buddha.

Regardless of whether they were in ordinary true form or those old men, anyone who stood in front of him was split into two halves.

These people, without the blessing of the statue, are no longer powerful enough to stop them.

The two people crushed out, forcibly carved a bloody path, rushed out of the city, and then used their physical skills to quickly go away, leaving only a group of crazy mountain people behind.

He ran for hundreds of miles in one breath before stopping.

"Brother, I've been following you all the way, come out."

Lu Yan suddenly looked to one side.

"Your Excellency has such a keen sense."

A figure walked out from behind a big tree, it was the poison master from before.

Not long after they left the city, Lu Yan sensed that someone had been following them.

"You followed us all the way, what's the matter?"

Lu Yan said.

"You two are not from Southern Xinjiang, they should be from outside Southern Xinjiang."

The other party said.

"Are you from Southern Xinjiang?"

Lu Yan's heart moved and he asked.


The man nodded and said, "My name is Wen Xing, and I come from the Ten Thousand Poison Cave in Southern Xinjiang. Have you heard of it?"

"Ten Thousand Poison Cave!"

Lu Yan's pupils shrank.

Of course he had heard of it. He had done his homework before coming to Southern Xinjiang.

Due to environmental reasons, the Shiwan Mountains in southern Xinjiang do not have unified clans and are very scattered. There are large and small tribes scattered everywhere.

But in southern Xinjiang, there are two martial arts forces that are extremely powerful and unfathomable.

One is the Ten Thousand Poison Cave.

The other one is the corpse cave.

They are all local forces in southern Xinjiang. They have been inherited for a long time and seem to have existed since the ancient dynasty.

In the ancient dynasty, there were many sects, and there were countless powerful sects that could even threaten the imperial power.

At that time, Ten Thousand Poison Cave and Corpse Ghost Cave could compete with all the top sects.

However, during the Great Chu Dynasty, the Ten Thousand Poison Cave and the Corpse Ghost Cave were hidden, with few traces left in the world.

Until the Chu royal family was weakened, the world was in chaos, and Southern Xinjiang was out of the control of Da Chu, two major forces emerged again to dominate Southern Xinjiang.

Among them, Wan Du Cave is good at using poison.

The Corpse Ghost Cave is good at refining corpses and exorcising corpses, and can even drive monsters with weird and special methods.

"The ancestor of the Fang family in Jinzhou is known as the Granny of Ten Thousand Poisons. I wonder what it has to do with this Cave of Ten Thousand Poisons?"

Lu Yan thought to himself.

"We are indeed not natives of Southern Xinjiang. What does this have to do with you following us?"

Lu Yan asked again.

"To be honest, I have never been out of Southern Xinjiang, but I heard that outside of Southern Xinjiang, the land is vast and rich in resources, martial arts are prosperous, strong people are like clouds, and there are many treasures, especially the Xumi Mustard Seed Bag. Almost everyone with strong martial arts skills has one. Don’t know if it’s true?”

Wen Xing asked curiously.

"One for each person? The person who said these words to you must be teasing you."

Lu Yan muttered in his heart, shook his head and said, "The Sumi Mustard Seed Bag is extremely valuable even outside of southern Xinjiang. What? You want to buy the Sumi Mustard Seed Bag?"


Wen Xing nodded and said: "We who use poisons often carry a lot of poison powder with us. Sumi Mustard Seed Bags are a necessity. Unfortunately, although our southern Xinjiang has many resources, we lack Sumeru Mustard Seed Bags. I spent all my money I managed to get one, but it’s not big in size, only one meter long and one meter high.”

"Do you have any extra bags of Sumi mustard seeds with you? If so, can you sell one? It's up to you to ask for elixirs, martial pills, magic weapons, and precious metals."

Lu Yan's heart moved and he asked, "Is there any treasure from heaven and earth that can transform the true body?"

"Treasures of heaven and earth?"

Wen Xing was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said: "The treasures of heaven and earth are rare in the world. If I don't have the opportunity, I will only see them once in my life. How can I have them?"

"So, do you know the news about Jiaolong?"

Lu Yan changed the question.

"For news about the dragon, you have asked the right person. I, the Ten Thousand Poison Cave, have been living in Southern Xinjiang for a long time. I am very familiar with some particularly powerful beasts in Southern Xinjiang. I know that there are traces of dragons in three places in Southern Xinjiang."

Wen Xingdao.

Lu Yan's spirit perked up, but he suppressed the joy in his heart and said without changing his expression: "I am only interested in the dragons in the true body realm. I stay away from the dragons in the Yuan Shen realm."

"I know a place where there is a true body level dragon whose cultivation is at the peak of the true body. If I tell you the specific location, can you give me a Xumi mustard seed bag?"

Hear the way of punishment and temptation.

Lu Yan shook his head and said: "A Xumi mustard seed bag can't be exchanged for just a message. Let's do it this way. You can bring me three top body training martial arts and I can exchange it for you a Xumi mustard seed bag that is three meters long, wide and high." Mustard bag.”

"A three-meter bag of Sumi mustard seeds."

Wen Xing's eyes were fiery, then he shook his head and smiled bitterly, saying: "I really can't come up with three top body-refining martial arts, and there are too many. I can only give you two at most, and there is only one top-level body-refining martial arts. The other door is Palm Technique."


Lu Yan hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

He won't lose money on this deal.

After all, at the world bank's auction, a top martial arts can usually sell for four to five thousand martial arts tickets.

The ultimate physical training martial arts is more expensive.

Two top martial arts plus a piece of news about a dragon, I calculated carefully and made a profit.

"Deal now?"

Lu Yan said.

Wen Xing shook his head and said: "I don't have the secret book of the ultimate martial arts and the divine intention with me. I need to get it. You guys wait for me for three days. After three days, we will trade here, how about it?"

"As for the information about the dragon, I will tell you in three days."


Lu Yan nodded.


Wen Xing cupped his fists and jumped away.

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo also left and returned to the third-level bloodline in Prince Ming's Mansion. They wrote a secret letter about the sacrifices, statues and other things they had seen before, and asked one of Prince Ming's guards to ride a flying beast and stay overnight. Rush back to Prince Ming's Mansion.

Later, Lu Yan told Xiao Ran that he had discovered some other special problems of the mountain people and wanted to investigate. For the time being, he could only leave it to him to guard the Bloodline.

"Brother Xiao, if you find that the mountain people are invading in large numbers, you'd better abandon this bloodline first, leaving the Qingshan without worrying about having no firewood. When the reinforcements from the Ming Palace arrive, they can naturally take it back."

Lu Yan warned.

Because the statue was destroyed, and he was afraid that the mountain people would go crazy and take revenge.

Although he and Shen Yinuo did not reveal their true identities, they used Thunder Nine Rings after all. I wonder if these people in Southern Xinjiang can recognize the origin of Thunder Nine Rings.

Then, he met the other team members and told them about this. If something goes wrong, they should evacuate immediately and don't fight forcefully.

After the explanation, he and Shen Yinuo came to the place agreed with Wen Xing, found a secret place to hide, and waited.

Naturally, they would not stupidly run out on their own. If they were ill-intentioned after hearing the punishment and brought a powerful person from the Yuan Shen Realm from Ten Thousand Poison Cave, that would not be Liangliang.

Soon, three days flew by.

A figure flashed and Wen Xing appeared.

Lu Yan did not show up immediately, and continued to hide with Shen Yinuo, secretly observing whether anyone else was following them.

After half an hour, Lu Yan was relieved when no one else was seen.

"He doesn't seem to have much scheming, and he's not afraid of being tricked by me. He lives in southern Xinjiang. If he had run outside and engaged in intrigues, he would have been tricked to death long ago."

Lu Yan muttered in his heart and whispered: "Yi Nuo, don't go out yet. I'll go out and meet him. If something goes wrong, it's better than being wiped out."

After speaking, Lu Yan stepped out.

Wen Xing was a little impatient while waiting, thinking that Lu Yan had missed the appointment. When he saw Lu Yan, he looked happy and said, "Brother, you are finally here. I thought you forgot."

"Have you brought anything?"

Lu Yan said.


Wen Xing took out a box and threw it towards Lu Yan.

Lu Yan wrapped the box with all his strength and opened it carefully.

The other party was poisoning everyone, and Lu Yan didn't dare to be careless.

Inside the box, there were indeed two books and divine intentions. Lu Yan checked and found that they were genuine and non-toxic, so he put them away with confidence.

Then, he took out a bag of Xumi mustard seeds and handed it to Wen Xing.

After Wen Xing checked it out, his face was filled with joy.

"Eight thousand and eight hundred miles to the east from here, there is a volcano, and there is a fire dragon, the peak of the true body."

After saying this, Wen Xing jumped up and stepped back. As he left, a large number of poisonous insects flew out from under his feet and followed Wen Xing away.

"This guy is not as careless as he seems on the surface."

Lu Yan's heart skipped a beat.

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