Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 294 The seven refinements of the true body are not the limit

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo met, and the two of them ran towards the east.

On the way, Lu Yan separated part of his mind and sank into the sea of ​​consciousness to observe.

During the three days of waiting for the execution, Lu Yan was not idle, devouring and refining the immortal bones, and upgraded the nine first-class body-refining martial arts to the integration of human and martial arts.

The nine sects merge into one, merging into a supreme body-training martial arts.

In this way, Lu Yan reached the ultimate physical training martial arts that combines human and martial arts, reaching eight levels.

"Still no sign of integration?"

Lu Yan frowned slightly.

Boxing and kicking martial arts and body-training martial arts can be integrated, and this has been proven long ago.

Lu Yan has now mastered the Cold God Palm, Flame Dragon Palm, and Void Step. When he reached the sixth level of the ultimate physical training martial arts, the total is nine.

But at that time, there was no sign of integration.

When the body-refining martial arts reaches the seventh level, there will be none.

Now, there are eight physical training martial arts, plus fist and foot martial arts, a total of eleven, but there is still no sign of integration.

"Could it be that god-level martial arts are so special that fist and foot martial arts and body-building martial arts cannot be fused, only those of the same type can be fused? Or maybe nine top martial arts are not enough, or even eleven martial arts are not enough. need more?"

"Or can't it be integrated into god-level martial arts at all?"

Lu Yan thought about various possibilities.

Regardless of the possibility, it is not good news for him.

More than eight thousand miles is not too far for the two of them. Even the complex environment of the 100,000 mountains cannot stop the two of them.

Occasionally, they encountered monsters and monsters, but they were easily solved by the two of them.

The two of them arrived at their destination in less than half a day at lightning speed, and could vaguely smell the sea breeze in their noses.

This place is not far from the seaside.

Yunzhou is close to the sea, and this place is adjacent to Yunzhou. The land in the far east is naturally close to the sea.

The two people rose into the air and watched from a high altitude, looking for the volcano.

Looking up to the east, there is a vast expanse of blue, and about dozens of miles away, there is the boundless ocean.

The roar of the sea wind can be heard dozens of miles away.

The ocean in this world is extremely dangerous and the environment is complex. Even martial arts masters dare not go out to sea easily. Getting lost is a high probability.

"over there."

Lu Yan's eyes lit up, and he saw a group of volcanoes dozens of miles to the south. There were about a dozen of them, some of them emitting thick smoke.

The two of them stepped in the air and arrived at the volcano group.

Most of them are extinct volcanoes, surrounded by shrubs and weeds. Only a few in the middle are emitting thick smoke and seem to be active volcanoes that may erupt at any time.

"If the fire dragon wants to hide, it will probably be in these active volcanoes. Let's look for it."

Shen Yinuo said, flying to several active volcanoes first.

The two searched carefully, but were not sure which volcano the fire dragon was hiding under.

"Then force it out."

Lu Yan carried a boulder weighing tens of thousands of kilograms, flew to the largest crater in the middle, and threw the boulder into the volcano with all his strength.

Under the volcano, there is a faint red light, which is bottomless.

After a while, I heard a bang.

They waited for a while, but there was still no movement. The two of them started moving two larger boulders and threw them into the volcano.


Suddenly, an angry roar came from under the volcano, like a dragon's roar, piercing the nine heavens.


The two quickly retreated and distanced themselves.

The next moment, a huge creature rushed out of the crater.

This huge creature has a body like a long snake, more than fifty meters long. It is covered with scales. It has two horns on its head and four claws on its belly. Its whole body is fiery red and it emits bursts of hot breath.

"The dragon is really a dragon."

Lu Yan became a little excited.

It is very similar to the dragon in the myths and legends of previous lives.

Unexpectedly, in this world, I can actually see the legendary creatures from the previous life.

Of course, the origin of dragons in this world is very different from the origins of myths and legends in previous lives.

The dragons in this world are strange beasts.

At first, he lived on the blood and earth veins, but later, Jiaolong awakened the cultivation method from his own blood. He could directly absorb the energy of heaven and earth to practice without relying on the earth's blood energy, so he left the blood and earth veins and hid in the deep mountains and old forests. middle.

The fire dragon's huge eyes stared at Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo. He twisted his body and rushed toward the two of them.

"As promised, I will take action first."

Lu Yan showed a strong fighting spirit, and used eight top body-refining martial arts at the same time. He stepped hard in the air with his feet, and his true energy exploded, generating a huge thrust and rushing towards the fire dragon.


The fire dragon grabbed Lu Yan with one claw. A strong wind blew up, and the wind was like a knife, sweeping towards Lu Yan.

"Han Shen Palm."

Lu Yan pushed out his palms, and the force of his palms surged, forming a cold current to fight against the strong wind formed by the dragon.

The fierce battle between ice and fire caused a roar of explosions, filling the air with clouds and mist.

Between the clouds and mist, a huge dragon's claw poked out and grabbed at Lu Yan.

Lu Yan slapped out a palm and hit one of the toes of the dragon's claw.


There was a violent roar, and Lu Yan felt an incomparable surge of power. His body couldn't help but retreat backwards, feeling numbness and tingling in the bones of his hands.

"What a terrifying power. This fire dragon is obviously only in its true body, but its power is incredibly strong."

Lu Yan was secretly shocked.

The dragon clan is naturally powerful and has unparalleled talents.

Adults are their true bodies, and the most terrifying thing is their physical bodies, most of which are comparable to the king-level true bodies of human martial arts cultivators.

However, Lu Yan's current power is so powerful. With the addition of eight top body training martial arts and the cultivation of the five true body trainings, his power has reached a terrifying level.

Now, facing Fang Xuansha, who was two levels higher than him, Lu Yan was not afraid at all and could even beat him to the ground.

But just now, he was knocked away by the fire dragon's claw, and his hand bones hurt.

The power of the fire dragon was obviously much stronger than his.

Seeing that there was nothing he could do about Lu Yan, the fire dragon was also a little surprised. It roared into the sky, twisted its body, hovered in the air, pounced on Lu Yan, and grabbed out with four claws.

Lu Yan stared intently at the fire dragon's every move, and the cultivation method and divine intention of the Nine Strikes of the True Dragon appeared in his mind and compared with it.

At the same time, the body fell downwards and landed on the ground.

The dragon clan is born with the ability to fly into the air, but after all, he is only in the true body state. Being in the air for a long time consumes a lot of true energy, but he can still explode his full combat power on the ground.

The fire dragon twisted its body and rushed forward. Its claws were like hills, grabbing at Lu Yan.


Lu Yan used all his strength and struck out with another palm.

This time, he used the more powerful Flame Dragon Palm.

After a roar, Lu Yan retreated violently again, plowing a deep ravine on the ground wherever he passed.

"So strong. Although he has not reached the realm of Yuanshen, his strength is far stronger than the ordinary seven-refined true body. Even the seven-refined true body of the king-grade true body should not be so strong."

"Could it be that the physical body of this fire dragon far exceeds the true body of a king?"

Lu Yan's thoughts changed rapidly.

The fire dragon, not wanting to give Lu Yan any chance to breathe, pounced on him again.

Suddenly, a big sun furnace fell from the sky and pressed towards the fire dragon.

It was Shen Yinuo who took action.

The fire dragon's attack on Lu Yan did not stop. It just threw out its tail heavily and hit the Great Sun Furnace. The Great Sun Furnace was violently shaken and flew into the distance.

Lu Yan used Void Step and dodged to avoid the fire dragon's attack.

But the fire dragon's four dragon claws clawed out in succession, and Lu Yan kept dodging.

Boom boom boom.

The fire dragons scratched out large pits on the ground, with gravel flying everywhere.

After missing consecutive attacks, the fire dragon became angry and spat out a pillar of fire from its mouth, sweeping towards Lu Yan.

Lu Yan quickly retreated, running the Cold God Palm, and continuously struck out, the cold current swept across, fighting against the pillar of fire.

At the same time, Shen Yinuo also rushed over. She stood on the Great Sun Furnace and hit the fire dragon on the head.

The fire dragon could only change its direction and slap the Great Sun Furnace away with one claw.

But Shen Yinuo immediately drove the Great Sun Furnace to attack.

Being entangled by Shen Yinuo, Lu Yan quickly retreated, then took out the Xingluo Bow and shot at the fire dragon continuously.

The fire dragon roared angrily and swung its sharp claws, knocking away the arrows.

"Yi promise, don't confront him head-on or fight with him."

Lu Yan sent a message to Yinuo.


Yinuo exchanged moves with the fire dragon again, used his strength to retreat, waved his hand and threw out two flying knives, attacking the fire dragon's eyes.

The fire dragon turned his head slightly to avoid the flying knife, and then continued to pounce on Lu Yan.

Lu Yan did not confront the fire dragon head-on, but used his body skills to move around and shoot with his bow from time to time.

The purpose of their trip was not to hunt the fire dragon, but to use the fire dragon to practice the Nine Strikes of the True Dragon.

Just watch the dragon's attack methods and confirm them with the secret book and God's intention.

The fire dragon missed consecutive attacks and became a little impatient. He rose into the air and flew towards the crater, intending to return home.

"I haven't had enough."

Lu Yan caught up with him, his true energy poured into the arrows, and he shot a nine-ring arrow, hitting the soft part of the fire dragon's abdomen.

The arrows roared with such power that the fire dragon did not dare to be careless and struck the arrows with its claws.

With a clang, the arrow exploded, but the scales on the fire dragon's claws were also penetrated, and blood oozed out.

This made the fire dragon go crazy. He twisted his body again and rushed towards Lu Yan. When he opened his mouth, a pillar of fire came out.

Lu Yan quickly dodged, and the fire pillars from the fire dragon's mouth kept coming, but Lu Yan's movement was extremely fast and kept flickering, avoiding all the fire pillars.

After venting for a while, the fire dragon seemed a little tired, turned around and flew towards the crater again.

This time, no matter how provocative Lu Yan was, the fire dragon just blocked the arrow and did not fight back. He twisted his body a few times and rushed into the crater and disappeared.

"Lu Yan, this fire dragon has probably reached the eighth level of its true form."

Shen Yinuo came to Lu Yan's side and said.

"Eight refinements of the true body?"

Lu Yan was very surprised and said: "Didn't the True Body realm reach its peak at the seventh refinement? Why is there still an eighth refinement?"

"General martial arts practitioners have indeed reached the peak of the Seventh Refinement of the True Body, and can already start to attack the Yuanshen realm. However, for a few extremely talented geniuses, the Seventh Refinement has not been reached. The True Body can continue to transform and can reach the Eighth Refinement. Even the Nine Refinements.”

"Nine is the ultimate number. Historically, some geniuses with extremely high talents believed that the nine real body refinements were the real perfection. They were not satisfied with the seven real body refinements and would pursue the nine real body refinements."

Shen Yinuo explained.

"Then has anyone reached the Nine Refinements of the True Body?"

Lu Yan asked.

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