Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 298 Flame Saint, the existence that transcends tribulations

Soon after, the middle-aged woman and others erased the wish marks on the edge of the island.


The middle-aged woman dodged, jumped left and right, and rushed towards Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo.

It turned out that she had clearly remembered where Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo had just stopped.

But Shen Yinuo didn't panic. He waved a flying knife and landed in a certain area. Suddenly, a large number of wish patterns appeared in a radius of several hundred meters, and nine flaming tigers condensed and pounced on the middle-aged woman. .

"Damn it."

The middle-aged woman's expression changed drastically, she turned around and rushed out.

Boom boom boom.

After a series of roars, a few minutes later, the middle-aged woman finally broke out, but her hair was disheveled, half of her hair was singed, and there was a large black scorch mark on her back, exuding the aroma of meat.

There were still blood stains on the corners of her mouth, and she stared at Shen Yinuo and Lu Yan with extremely vicious eyes, wanting to eat them alive.

She knew that she had fallen into the trap. Shen Yinuo had deliberately let her see where the two of them were going.

"Take action."

The middle-aged woman roared angrily and waved her long stick, trying to wipe out the wish pattern and break in.

Shen Yinuo continued to watch Yuan Wen, and soon, he led Lu Yan to go deeper. Soon, he left the middle-aged woman and others far behind until they disappeared.

They traveled about three miles.

Shen Yinuo took a long breath and said, "Finally, there are no more wish marks here."

Lu Yan looked around.

This place is close to the center of the island. There are exposed fiery red rocks everywhere, like red-hot irons, with astonishingly high temperatures. If they hadn't been really powerful and protected their bodies with their true strength, they wouldn't have been able to stay there, and they would have been there very soon. Be roasted.

"Let's go out from the other side."

Lu Yan said.

Shen Yinuo nodded, and the two of them walked towards the other side of the island.

On the way, the two discovered that many rocks were scorched black, as if they had been struck by lightning.

But this place is deep underground, how could it be struck by lightning?

Suddenly, the two men moved their noses and smelled a refreshing fragrance.

"It smells a bit like elixir. How can elixir survive in such high temperature conditions?"

Lu Yan was shocked and confused.

"The world is so big and full of wonders. If there is a magical medicine here, I would definitely go and see it."

Shen Yinuo said.

The two of them walked in the direction where the fragrance came from, and soon they came to a platform.

The platform is also fiery red in color, but it is as smooth as a mirror, as if it was split by a magic weapon, and you can even see its reflection on it.

But on this smooth, mirror-like platform, there were two flowers growing.

The flower is shaped like a lotus, and the leaves are like flames, purple in color, trembling gently. If you look closely, they will sway gently up and down like a candle.

"Is this the Purple Flame Lotus?"

Shen Yinuo's eyes lit up.

"A magical elixir?"

"No, it can no longer be called a panacea, but a rare treasure of heaven and earth, more precious than the innate purple energy. Legend has it that it can only be born in a place where the sun is strong and full of fire energy, and it can be born after many years of gestation. Taking it can make the true spirit Body transformation.”

Shen Yinuo explained.

Lu Yan's eyes also lit up.

God help me.

With this Purple Flame Lotus, wouldn't their cultivation be able to take a step further and enter the sixth level of the true body?

If he entered the sixth level of his real body, he would not be afraid of even the middle-aged woman in the Yuanshen realm, and was confident that she could give it a try.

"There are writings on the ground."

Suddenly, Lu Yan saw some small words engraved a few meters away from the two purple flame lotuses.

The two hurriedly walked over and watched.

"Immortality is more difficult than reaching the sky."

"I have practiced hard for more than 1,500 years, gone through thousands of calamities and dangers, condensed my true body, refined my soul, and united with the fire. My merits are perfect. As long as I survive the immortal calamity, I will be immortal forever and have endless life. See Xiaoyao."

"No matter what, no matter what, in the end the success failed. Thousands of years of hard work were in vain. But when I was going through the tribulation, I finally got a glimpse of the truth. In this world, the rules are incomplete and the harmony is not perfect. It is impossible to survive the immortal tribulation. I look forward to those who come after me. Remember, you need to complete the rules first, and then survive the catastrophe, Lin Yan will stay."

"Combining the Dao and overcoming the tribulation. Could it be that this senior's cultivation has already entered the Hedao and entered the ninth stage of the Yuanshen Realm to transcend the tribulation."

Lu Yan was surprised.

From a literal point of view, it is obvious that this senior failed to overcome the tribulation.

As for the rules, Lu Yan didn't understand them yet. After all, the gap was too big.

"Lin Yan, Lin Yan"

Shen Yinuo whispered, with a hint of horror in his eyes, and said, "Is it the Flame Saint from the Great Ancient Dynasty?"

"Yinuo, have you heard of it?"

Lu Yan said.

Shen Yinuo nodded and said: "I have seen records in the book. Legend has it that during the heyday of the ancient dynasty, a martial arts cultivator with amazing talents appeared. This person had an innate martial body, strong Qi and blood, and was the average person. Many times, but the most amazing thing is that after becoming a master, this senior also discovered the miracle of internal organs and became an inner god."

"Born close to fire, with unparalleled talent and otherworldliness, he broke through barriers all the way, entered the Hedao, and became the first person of that era. However, he suddenly disappeared and never appeared again. Unexpectedly, it was Failed to overcome the tribulation here."

"He actually has both innate martial body and inner spirit."

Lu Yan was surprised.

"There are only a few people in the past who can combine the Tao. Everyone is incredibly strong. Looking at the world, it is normal to have that kind of talent."

Shen Yinuo said.

"A little girl, quite knowledgeable, actually knows the name of Flame Saint."

A dry and harsh voice suddenly sounded behind the two of them.

From the distance of hearing the sound, it was clearly behind them, within one meter.

The hair on the two people's hair stood on end, and the chill in their hearts shot up to Tianling Gai. With a swish, they jumped forward a few meters, and then quickly turned around in a defensive posture.

Lu Yan unleashed eight top martial arts at the same time, while Shen Yinuo used the Great Sun Furnace to stand in front of him.

Only then did they see clearly what had just been spoken.

A skeleton.

No, to be precise, it's half a skeleton.

Because there is still flesh on half of the body, but the flesh is shriveled, like a mummy, and there are hundreds of sparse white hairs on the head.

The other half is completely a skeleton.

Looking like this, he is still alive.

Is it evil?

The eyes in half of its eye sockets were spinning, and in the other half of the eye sockets, fiery red flames were beating.

It was looking at Shen Yinuo.

To be precise, he was looking at the Great Sun Furnace, one eye flashing with surprise.

Immediately, he stretched out a withered right hand and grabbed it in the air. The Great Sun Furnace escaped from Shen Yinuo's control and flew towards the half-skeleton monster. It was caught in its hand and looked at carefully.

Then, a trace of red flame flew out of the left eye socket of the half-skeleton monster and enveloped the Great Sun Furnace.

"Lu Yan, please don't take action. The opponent is too strong and is far beyond our ability."

Shen Yinuo sent a message to Lu Yan, his face more solemn than ever.

Because just now, the other party wanted to seize the Great Sun Furnace, but she had no power to resist at all.

You must know that the Great Sun Furnace is her miracle, which is equivalent to a part of her body. It can be controlled by her will, and no one else can take it away.

It can only be said that the strength of this half-skeleton monster is unimaginable, it is much stronger than them.

Once you take action, there is no chance of death.

Lu Yan nodded silently.

"Wonderful, wonderful, such miracles are rarely seen in the world."

The half-skeleton monster watched the Great Sun Furnace for a while, nodded frequently and made a harsh sound.

I don’t know how this state makes the sound.

"Senior, is this Flame Saint?"

Shen Yinuo suddenly spoke and asked tentatively.

The half-skeleton monster was silent for a while, then sighed and said: "Counting the time, thousands of years have passed. I didn't expect that there are still people in the world who remember me. It's really rare."

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo's hearts were beating wildly.

It’s really the Flame Saint.

He's not dead.

He didn't completely die under the catastrophe.

"You have also seen that I failed to overcome the tribulation back then. Although I was lucky enough to survive, I am not human or ghost. I can only survive here. Only the remnants of my rules from back then can protect me from death. If I leave, This place will soon return to dust."

The half-skeleton monster is Yan Sheng Yitan.

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo felt sad.

The path of spiritual practice is so difficult.

It is deeply saddening that such an amazing and talented person ended up like this.

After saying a few words, Yan Sheng ignored the two of them and continued to watch the Great Sun Furnace.

Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo didn't dare to leave and could only stay where they were and wait.

This wait is half a day.

"Wonderful, wonderful, little girl, your miracle has an extraordinary origin. I'm afraid it has a huge background and contains infinite mystery. It just fits me. If I can understand part of the mystery, it will definitely make up for my incomplete fire. According to the rules, I can regenerate my flesh and blood and reappear in the world."

The Holy Way of Flame.

"Senior, if you need it, just take it for enlightenment."

Shen Yinuo said generously.

It would be an unwise choice to offend such an old monster.

And if you can make friends with such an old monster, it will be of great benefit.

Anyone with a normal mind would know this choice.

Once a successful person is born, who can be his enemy in the world?

Yan Sheng shook his head silently, waved his hand, and sent the Great Sun Furnace back to Shen Yinuo, and then sighed: "Unfortunately, the little girl's cultivation level is still too low, and there is too little development of this furnace, and I can't understand it. What, if your cultivation level reaches the fourth or fifth level of Yuan Shen, I will definitely be able to gain something."

"Let's do this, little girl, I'll make a deal with you. I'll give you some benefits to help you practice quickly. When your cultivation reaches the fourth or fifth level of Yuan Shen, how about you come here and help me? "

"Of course, I can, this junior, swear that when I achieve the fourth turn of my soul, I will come here to help my senior."

Shen Yinuo immediately raised his hand and swore.

You would be a fool not to agree.


Yan Sheng stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air. From the depths of the magma in the distance, a red light flew quickly and fell into Yan Sheng's hand. It turned out to be a fiery red spar.

"This is the Nine Sun Divine Stone, a rare treasure from heaven and earth. It just fits you. Such a small piece is enough to transform your true body several times."

After saying that, with a wave of his hand, the fiery red crystal flew towards Shen Yinuo and was caught in Shen Yinuo's hand.

Then, Yan Sheng looked at Lu Yan, revealing a hint of murderous intent.

Lu Yan suddenly felt tingling all over his skin, and a fatal crisis enveloped his whole body, making it difficult for him to breathe.

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