Hunting Immortals and Demons

Chapter 299 Six Refinements of True Body


Shen Yinuo's expression changed, and he stepped out in front of Lu Yan and said, "If the senior wants to kill him, then he should kill the junior as well."

"Hey hey hey"

Yan Sheng let out a dry laugh, and the murderous intention in his body disappeared.

Lu Yan suddenly felt the pressure lighten and took a long breath.

"The little girl is very kind to her little lover. She is so sincere that she can even risk her life."

"Originally, according to my rules, anyone who enters this place will die, but for the sake of the little girl, I don't have to kill him."

"Furthermore, this boy is extremely talented. At such a young age, he can actually practice so many martial arts to the point where human and martial arts are integrated into one. Even this old man has only seen him, but he is worthy of a little girl."

The Holy Way of Flame.

"Senior, there are a few others who have also followed. Senior can kill them."

Shen Yinuo said tentatively.

"Little girl, do you want to kill someone with a borrowed knife? It's just a first-level soul. Why should I take action? You can solve it yourself when you make a breakthrough."

After saying that, Yan Sheng flashed and disappeared without a trace.

"Little girl, remember your promise. If you can help me regenerate, I will agree to your three requests and I will never refuse."

The voice of Yan Sheng sounded in their ears again, but they had no idea where Yan Sheng had gone.

None of them saw how Yan Sheng left or in which direction.

The gap is too big.

Even if the other party looks like this, I really don't know how powerful it was in its heyday.

"This place is covered with magma. Could it be that it was left behind by Senior Yan Sheng after his tribulation?"

Lu Yan guessed.

This island is covered with wish patterns, which were probably laid by Yan Sheng to fight against the heavenly calamity.

"That should be the case." Shen Yinuo nodded.

"Lu Yan, Senior Yan Sheng gave me the Nine Sun Divine Stone. You can use those two purple flame lotuses."

Shen Yinuo spoke again, raising his voice slightly.

Lu Yan knew that Shen Yinuo was testing Yan Sheng to see if Yan Sheng would object.

As a result, there was no voice from Yan Sheng.

That's the default.

Lu Yan nodded, walked over, picked a purple flame lotus, pulled out a leaf, and swallowed it in one gulp.

Suddenly, a hot breath exploded from the body, permeating the whole body and penetrating deep into the body.

Lu Yan's body felt warm, as if he was being tempered by flames.

In the end, Lu Yan simply swallowed the entire Purple Flame Lotus into his mouth. His body was filled with purple light, as if enveloped by a layer of purple flames.

Ding ding ding.

Dang Dang Dang.

Lu Yan seemed to hear these sounds coming from his body, as if it was undergoing a lot of hard work.

While Lu Yan was practicing, Shen Yinuo also sat cross-legged. She put the Nine Sun Divine Stone into the Great Sun Furnace and used the power of the Great Sun Furnace to refine the Nine Sun Divine Stone.

The Great Sun Furnace was suspended above Shen Yinuo's head, and streams of hot energy poured down, covering Shen Yinuo and being absorbed by Shen Yinuo.

Both of them devoted themselves wholeheartedly to their cultivation.

Here, there is no need for a protector at all.

Because the two believed that with Yan Sheng around, no one could harm them.

As for the Flame Saint, if you want to harm them, it will be useless no matter how high your alertness is.

In the blink of an eye, a day and a night passed.

A purple flame lotus has been completely refined by Lu Yan, but Lu Yan's true body has not transformed and is still a little short of.

As his cultivation level increased, it became increasingly difficult for his true body to transform, and the amount of energy required reached an astonishing level.

For ordinary people, a Purple Flame Lotus can be upgraded from the fifth refinement to the sixth refinement, or even from the seventh refinement to the eighth refinement.


At this time, Shen Yinuo's body was filled with a powerful aura, and her body was filled with brilliant brilliance. She actually completed the tempering one step ahead of him and entered the sixth level of the true body.

Moreover, after reaching the Sixth Level of True Body, Shen Yinuo had no intention of stopping his training and continued to improve.

Obviously, that Nine Sun Divine Stone is extraordinary, and it is by no means as simple as just raising it to one level.

Lu Yan no longer hesitated, picked off the second purple flame lotus and swallowed it in his mouth.

Half a day later.

Lu Yan's body was also filled with a powerful aura, his internal organs were trembling slightly, his muscles were squirming, and his bones were making thunderous sounds.

After a moment, Lu Yan calmed down and successfully completed the tempering. He entered the Sixth Form of Real Body Refining and his strength skyrocketed.

"The second Purple Flame Lotus has not been completely refined yet."

Lu Yan thought to himself that if he continued to refine the Purple Flame Lotus and accumulate it in his body, he would save a lot of energy when he reached the seventh level of the True Body.

After another half day, all the remaining Purple Flame Lotus was refined. Lu Yan stood up, twisted his neck, and made a crackling sound all over his body.

"Now, can I fight with that aunt in the Yuanshen realm?"

Lu Yan's eyes flashed with strong fighting spirit.

I originally wanted to escape.

Now, I don’t want to.

He was beaten so badly before, and it would be unkind to not avenge him.

Shen Yinuo is still practicing.

Lu Yan walked towards the side of the island, stopped at the wish mark, and looked ahead.

Sure enough, the middle-aged woman and others haven't given up yet, and are still erasing the wish marks.

"The boy is still here."

The beautiful woman saw Lu Yan and showed strong murderous intent.

Lu Yan took out his bow and arrow and shot an arrow at the middle-aged woman and others.

Of course, before flying halfway, he was defeated by Yuan Wen.

Lu Yan's move focused on provocation.

Now, he is afraid that the other party will run away halfway and leave this place.

Although he estimated that if the other party really escaped early, Yan Sheng would not let them go.

"Little thief."

The middle-aged woman shouted coldly, anger welling up.

Lu Yan smiled faintly and returned to the place where Yinuo was practicing.

In a blink of an eye, it’s another day.

Shen Yinuo's body was filled with powerful aura again.

"Seventh refinement of the true body."

Lu Yan secretly sighed that the Nine Sun Divine Stone was so mysterious and unusual that it actually allowed Shen Yinuo to complete two temperings in a row and transform his true body twice in a row.

It is indeed a treasure given by the Flame Saint.

A few hours later, Shen Yinuo finished his training and stood up.

"Yi Nuo, congratulations, your cultivation has reached the seventh level of the true body."

Lu Yan smiled, happy for Shen Yinuo.

"The Nine Sun Divine Stone is so mysterious that it allowed me to break through two levels in a row. It has not been completely refined yet, but the remaining core is too hard. Subsequent refining will not be that easy and will take a certain amount of time."

Shen Yinuo said.

Lu Yan was secretly shocked. He broke through two levels in a row, but he hadn't finished refining it yet.

"Lu Yan, how about we spar first and get familiar with our strength."

Shen Yinuo said.

Shen Yinuo has gained too much power at once, and he really needs to get familiar with it, otherwise he will not be able to control it freely.

"Okay, but those guys are still there, let's stay away so as not to scare them away."

Lu Yan said.

The two went in opposite directions, and then started sparring with each other.

The two of them converged their strength without making much noise. Half a day later, Shen Yinuo was able to use the soaring power with ease.

"Come on, let's go out and kill them."

Shen Yinuo's eyes flashed coldly.

"Go out the other side, get behind them and catch them off guard."

Lu Yan's suggestion was highly approved by Shen Yinuo.

Shen Yinuo began to look for flaws in the wish pattern formation.

After a while, the two successfully left the island, and then quietly walked along the periphery of the island to the back of the middle-aged woman and others.

Lu Yan took out the Xingluo Bow, bent the bow and set an arrow, and rushed toward the arrow crazily with his strong energy.

call out!

The arrow flew out like lightning and aimed at a man in black robes.


The middle-aged woman had a keen sense of spiritual awareness and immediately noticed something was wrong and shouted loudly, but it was already too late.

With a pop, a man in black robe was hit by an arrow and exploded.


Lu Yan and Shen Yinuo both looked at each other intently.

Because the exploded body of the black-robed man appeared with lines of wish power, connecting the broken body of the black-robed man and trying to put it back together.

This man in black robe is very similar to those mountain people.

call out! call out!

Lu Yan fired his bow continuously, and arrows flew out one after another. In one breath, Lu Yan shot seven arrows in a row.

Moreover, every arrow is a nine-ring arrow.

Lu Yan's previous estimate was correct. After he stepped into the Sixth Refining of the True Body, he could indeed fire nine-ring arrows instantly.

Seven arrows pierced the void, dragging a trace of light in the air.

The middle-aged woman waved the long golden stick and drew two arrows.

There were two explosions, and the middle-aged woman trembled and staggered back two steps. She felt numbness in her arms and her face changed drastically.

She can block it, but others can't.

One of the remaining five arrows hit the man in black robes before.

Before the person could recover, he exploded again. This time, the lines of wishing power were wiped out, making it difficult to recover.

The remaining four arrows hit four men in black robes.

These people had already reacted and tried their best to resist, but facing Lu Yan now, it was all in vain.

The arrows penetrated all their attacks and defenses, hit their bodies, and their bodies exploded one after another.


Shen Yinuo stepped into the air and launched the Great Sun Furnace, suppressing it like a mountain of flames.

The four exploded men in black robes had their wish lines wiped out, and their remaining bodies were reduced to ashes under the furnace of the sun.

Then, the Great Sun Furnace turned around and headed towards the middle-aged woman to suppress her.


The middle-aged woman swung her long stick and struck it on the furnace of the sun, causing an earth-shattering roar.

The Great Sun Furnace trembled and flew back, but the middle-aged woman also staggered back five or six steps.

"Great Sun Fist."

Shen Yinuo's fists were like two suns, blasting towards the middle-aged woman. At the same time, the Great Sun Furnace flew back and continued to suppress the middle-aged woman.

Lu Yan, on the other hand, kept firing his bow, shooting at the remaining two men in black robes and the beautiful woman.

The beautiful woman swung her sword and barely blocked an arrow, but the sword also flew out of her hand.

call out!

Another nine-ring arrow was shot at the beautiful woman.

The bracelet on her wrist lit up, surrounded by a long snake.


The arrow hit the long snake, and the huge force blew the beautiful woman away, landing in the wish pattern formation on the island.

Suddenly, countless wish patterns appeared, turning into fierce tigers and pounced on the beautiful woman.

"Dharma Protector, save me."

The beautiful woman screamed for help in fear, and rushed out desperately. With the protection of the Lingbao, she finally broke out of the range of the wish pattern, but the Lingbao's light was also dim, and the long guarding snake was swaying in the wind like a candle. will go out.


Another arrow flew over, passed through the body-protecting snake, and pierced the beautiful woman's eyebrows.

The beautiful woman's eyes widened, her face full of unwillingness, then her head exploded and her headless body fell to the ground.

The other two men in black robes were also shot and killed by Lu Yan.

Lu Yan aimed his bow and arrow at the middle-aged woman.

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