Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 856: : The three of them are all under one person and above ten thousand people

At this moment, Lu Xiao, who has returned to the Promise Continent, is persuading the congressmen to pass the sanctions against Huo’s bill in the Capitol.

A staff member hurried in and interrupted the meeting.

"Patriarch Lu, the first son, the second son, and the third son, they ask you to make a holographic video call with them immediately without any delay!"

Members present here heard that these three titles appeared at the same time, and they shook in an instant.

They cast curious eyes on Lu Xiao one after another.

In Wuji Continent, the titles of the first son, the second son, and the third son belong only to the children of the overlord of the Wuji Continent.

The relationship between the three sons and the overlord was very poor. Even if the three came to Wuji Continent, they did not want to meet their father.

Even if they meet, it is the ending of a fight with each other.

The three sons suddenly wanted to make a holographic video call with Lu Xiao, which made the congressmen very curious.

What is going on here.

Lu Xiao also felt strange.

Ask the staff who came in to report:

"The three of them, looking for me at the same time?"

The staff nodded, "Yes, Patriarch Lu, I bother you, so come with me as soon as possible."

Lu Xiao could only put aside his business first, and went to a small conference room in the building with this staff member.

After the staff turned on the holographic imaging system, they walked out.

Sitting on the office chair, Lu Xiao saw Zong Yue, Luo Junhe, and Luo Si Nian appearing in front of him and to the left and right.

He found that the posture of these three people seemed to be interrogating prisoners.

And he is the prisoner.

Lu Xiao:?

With a cold face, he glanced over the three brothers.

"The three princes, looking for me in such a hurry, are there any important things to discuss with me?"

Lu Xiao's holographic image appeared in front of Luo Junhe. He came up and kicked the opponent.

But he could only kick the image of Lu Xiao, not Lu Xiao himself, Luo Junhe only felt that this was really uncomfortable.

"Lu Xiao, are you in Wuji Continent these days? Well, don't run away for Lao Tzu. After two days, I will go to Wuji Continent to find you and practice hand skills with me."

Luo Junhe twisted his knuckles, and the joints made a creaking sound.

Lu Xiao glanced at Zong Yue and Luo Si Nian.

Luo Junhe wanted to throw a few punches into his face rather than impulsively.

Los Nian in a wheelchair supports his left lower jaw with one hand.

Lu Xiao discovered that the look in Luo Si Nian's eyes was extraordinarily pervasive!

He seemed to be thinking about how to pluck his skin.

Looking at Zong Yue again, Zong Yue put one hand in his trouser pocket, and he stood right in front of Lu Xiao.

Zong Yue's expression seemed as if Lu Xiao had already become his prisoner.

Lu Xiao let out a cold voice, "Am I offending you?"

"Ha!" Luo Junhe exaggeratedly laughed, "You Wuji Zhou, the Lu Family Patriarch, Quan Qing I, you have a great ability to cover the sky with only one hand.

Like Lao Tzu, in Wuji Continent, a person who has no power and no influence, Patriarch Lu would never take it seriously. "

Lu Xiao heard the strange yin and yang in Luo Junhe's words.

"Second son, you laughed. Although you rarely step into the Promise Continent, you will always be the second son of the Promise Continent. I am just your subject..."

"Ouch! Lu Xiao, if you are really my subject, then kneel down and give me a look?"

Luo Junhe's voice was really arrogant.

The Wuji Continent is not a feudal society. Although Luo Junhe's identity is in the Wuji Continent, under one person and above ten thousand people, Lu Xiao does not need to bow his head to him.

"Second Young Master, just tell me directly, where I am, Lu Xiao, offends you."

At this time, Luo Si Nian spoke, "Patriarch Lu, be interesting, lift the sanctions on Huo Shi!"


[Continue at 3:30 tomorrow afternoon! Seeking comments, asking for rewards! 】

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