Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 857: : They are here for the years

After a brief astonishment, Lu Xiao's emotions quickly converged.

He has always been like this, the city is extremely deep, and he won't be peeped, the true thoughts in his heart.

Lu Xiao sat on the chair, resting one hand on his lap casually, and pressing his back against the back of the chair.

His dark eyes swept across Zong Yue, Luo Si Nian, and Luo Jun He.

With an inexplicable smile, he asked:

"The three princes are helping Huo Linxi get ahead?"

"Who helps Huo Linxi?" Luo Junhe's voice was full of disgust.

Lu Xiao was taken aback, he guessed wrong?

Soon, he thought of Luo Junhe, Luo Si Nian and Jiang Suisui getting close at the Jiang's engagement banquet.

He had doubts in his heart, so he asked in an uncertain tone:

"Could it be that you called me over in such a big battle and asked me to remove the sanctions on Huo's for... Jiang Suisui?"

When this question was asked, Lu Xiao shouted to himself in his heart:


Is the relationship between Luo Si Nian and Luo Junhe, and Jiang Suisui so good?

Loosnian looked polite, as if speaking very well.

But Lu Xiao knew very well that Luo Si Nian, a man in the city, was very good at planning, and he was like a green snake hidden under the lush bamboo leaves.

He looked gentle and harmless, but when he started hunting, he swallowed the prey in one bite, and the prey would never know who killed it until he died.

Moreover, it is extremely difficult to get close to this person in the Year of the Lost. The members of the Promise Continent, the family wanted to win the Year of the Lost, and he was lucky that he did not calculate it in the end.

And Luo Junhe, with a bad personality and a hot temper, he also loves to do things when he speaks. When he becomes irritable, even ten cows can't hold him.

He was covered with thorns, and he kept on fire. It was not easy to befriend him.

With regard to these two people, the various forces in the Promise Continent have wooed them for several years, and they have not been effective.

And they have lived in Luo's family since they were young, and none of the patriarchs and sons of the wealthy families in the capital has become their best friend.

According to the information held by Lu Xiao, their relationship with Huo Linxi has been average over the years.

Lu Xiao's gaze fell on Zong Yue again.

Zong Yue lives in country F all the year round, and has even fewer friendships with Chinese people.

"Lord, why are you looking for me?"

"Patriarch Lu, are you not a rookie from Promise Island, the first wise man in the House of Lords? Why did you suddenly become stupid?"

Zong Yue laughed mercilessly.

Lu Xiao's eyes condensed slightly, and Zong Yue's mockery at him made him feel a little confused.

"The big young man is doing holographic video video with me in reverse jet lag, hoping that I can lift the sanctions on Huo's?"

Even with a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers, even if Zong Yue appeared in Lu Xiao's line of sight, it was only a virtual image.

But Lu Xiao could still feel the strong aura he radiated from Zong Yue.

If in ancient times, Zong Yue was a benevolent monarch. He was kind and upright. When he looked at someone, he would feel that there was warm sunlight shining on him.

Zong Yue's unrefined temperament was born with Zong Yue.

With a faint smile, he corrected Lu Xiao's words, "It's not hope. It's asking you, immediately, immediately! Withdraw this resolution!"

Lu Xiao said: "In the past few years, Huo's trade and project cooperation with Wuji Continent has benefited greatly, but Huo's backing to China, I am based on strategic deployment..."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly reacted and asked:

"Lord, is it because Jiang Suisui..."

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