Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 866: : His only preference is Jiang Suisui

Luo Junhe looked at the vegetables in Jiang Suisui's bowl, and swallowed his throat.

"Jiang Suisui, are these things you like to eat?"

Jiang Suisui said to him: "Generally, when eating Chinese home-cooked dishes, the kitchen will cook 14 dishes, of which I like to eat seven dishes. The other seven dishes are decided by the kitchen, and the dishes are not repeated every day."

Huo Linxi has never revealed his preferences and preferences when he eats, and he has always been hidden in front of the servants of Huo Zhai.

Disclosing personal preferences to those around you is equivalent to exposing your own weaknesses.

As a superior person, you can't disclose your preferences to others, so as not to be taken advantage of by others.

Therefore, the servants have worked in Huozhai for so long, the only thing they know about Huo Linxi's preferences is.

He prefers Jiang Suisui.

In addition, Huo Linxi never gave the servants any more, revealing any preferences in his life.

Luo Junhe smiled and joked:

"I thought it was the chef of Huo's family who knew in advance the preferences of our two brothers. Half of the dishes on this table are our usual favorites."

Luo Junhe smiled, his eyes flashed with playful colors.

At the beginning, when he saw this table of dishes, he became precautionary.

I thought to myself that Huo's intelligence work is already so good that he can understand the tastes and preferences of him and Rothnian.

But according to Jiang Suisui, this is just a coincidence.

But it's a coincidence, and it's too coincidental!

The seven dishes on the table are all that the Luo family’s two brothers usually like to eat, and they grew up in wealthy families, and they were also defensive, and would not reveal what they like to eat to the people below.

But this time, the dishes on the Huo family's table were all right to the appetites of Luo Junhe and Luo Si Nian.

Luo Junhe said while holding the vegetables:

"Unexpectedly, the food in Huozhai's food suits my appetite so well. In the future, when the lame comes to Huozhai to treat his legs, I will follow!"

In this way, he can eat dinner at Huo's house every time!

Huo Linxi's face was cold, as he was about to speak, Jiang Suisui's voice sounded in his ears.

"Okay, Director Luo likes our food, just come."

Anyway, she was not afraid that Luo Junhe would eat Huozhai poorly.

Luo Junhe raised his lips and corrected her name, "Brother Junhe~"

Jiang Suisui's voice is sweet: "Brother Jun Hye~"

With the tip of his tongue touching his upper jaw, Luo Junhe felt a burst of joy in his heart. Somehow, he looked at Jiang Suisui, the more pleasing he looked.

"Does Sinian and I have the same taste?" Jiang Suisui asked him.

Loosnian's voice is light, "Actually, I found out before that our tastes are all the same.

But I didn't expect that we even had the same order of picking up dishes during the meal. "

Jiang Suisui laughed, "Our three meals are so similar, and it reminds me of one person."

Rosnian looked up at her, "Huh?"

Jiang Suisui said to him, "Zong Yue, son of Prime Minister of Country F, Sinian should have heard of it, right?"

Luo Junhe put a vegetable heart in his mouth, and when he heard the name from Jiang Suisui's mouth, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the person sitting opposite.

There was a bitter wind passing through Rosnian's heart, and his face was indifferent and calm.

"Zong Yue, of course I know him, a celebrity in country F, and he often appears in the political news of China."

Los Nian asked unhurriedly: "Sui Sui, do you know Zong Yue?"

Jiang Suisui nodded, "I met him when I participated in the fragrance competition in country F."

She added: "Brother Zongyue is very nice and kind. I have eaten with him and Linlin, and his taste is the same as mine."

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