Huo Ye’s Little Wild Cat is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 867: : Their mother is... Jiang Li!

Luo Sinian and Luo Junhe were silent, and Huo Linxi's deep gaze swept across their faces.

He opened his mouth with a cool voice, "What is the relationship between you and Zong Yue?"

Jiang Suisui was stunned by what Huo Linxi said. She raised her head blankly and looked at the two brothers of the Luo family.

A cold and arrogant smile overflowed from Huo Linxi's eyebrows. He said:

"When I was in country F, when I saw Zong Yuehou, I was puzzled. Zong Yue and you two look a bit similar."

Jiang Suisui rushed toward him, and Luo Si Nian and Luo Junhe looked at their faces, and their facial features were indeed somewhat similar to those of Zong Yue.

It's just that usually, when she sees the Luo family brothers, she only feels cordial, but they don't go together. Why do they look similar to Zong Yue?

Huo Linxi patiently waited for their answers.

Luo Junhe didn't conceal anything, he said straightforwardly:

"Zong Yue is my eldest brother."

Jiang Suisui's apricot eyes widened, how could such a coincidence happen?

"Big brother?" she asked.

"Well, my big brother, my mother gave Zong Yue to that time, who was only raised by a friend of a member of the National Assembly of F country.

After the **** and I were born, they were brought up by the two brothers of the Luo family. "

Jiang Suisui asked curiously:

"Your mother, why should you leave you to be raised by others?"

"She wants to escape." Luo Junhe said.

"If you take us in our infants, she will be easily spotted by those who pursue her. She can only give us and Brother Zong Yue to others."

Jiang Suisui blinked his long eyelashes. He didn't expect that the two Luo family brothers and Zong Yue's mother had experienced such a thing.

She asked curiously, "What happened then? Did your mother escape the hunt? Why was she being hunted? Did she come back and look for you?"

Luo Junhe leaned back in his chair. He glanced at Luo Si Nian. Seeing that Luo Si Nian did not have much opposition, he said to Jiang Sui Sui:

"Our mother, you know."

"Huh?" Jiang Suisui felt incredible.

How would she know their mother?

Luo Junhe uttered two words: "Jiang Li."

Jiang Suisui was stunned.

Luo Junhe confessed to her: "Jiang Li is me, the lame man, and Zong Yue's mother."

He said again: "I heard the lame say that you are not a child of the Jiang family. At first, we and Zong Yue thought that you were our cousin.

Although we are not related by blood, it doesn't hurt to tell you this.

My mother is Jiang Li. After she gave birth to us, she hid everywhere, and the person who arrested her was our biological father.

My mother doesn't want to be trapped by that man, so she won't be caught by that man again in order to be able to escape.

She has no choice but to leave us temporarily.

However, she was later caught back and escaped several times. She gave birth to my eldest brother, our two, fourth brother, and fifth sister.

Our three brothers and our fifth sister were all children born outside by our mother, and she gave them to others to raise.

The fourth brother, and a little devil head, has followed our biological father since childhood. "

Jiang Suisui whispered: "Aunt Jiang Li actually encountered something like this..."

Huo Linxi's eyes fell on Jiang Suisui. If Jiang Suisui was a child of the Jiang family, she would have similarities with Zong Yue and the Luo family brothers. This would be forgiven.

However, she is not from Jiang's family, so how can she explain the similarities between her and these men?

And Jiang Suisui was still thinking about Jiang Li, she seemed to mumble to herself:

"Death is more like a relief to Jiang Li."


[Some people who are good at mathematics understand that Jiang Li has given birth to several children in total~]

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