Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1071: I also want to rest, why not come together?

Chapter 1071 I also want to rest, why not come together?

Gu Jinglan raised his eyebrows, smiled, and said meaningfully, "Xuxu, what do you want to do if you are so anxious to get rid of me?"

"Want sleep."

“That’s right, I want to sleep too, why don’t we go to bed together?”

 Zhao Qiuxu: “…”

Hearing such frivolous words from him made me really angry and annoyed. Who did he think she was?

 Think of those women who approach him for money, resorting to any means and without dignity?

Zhao Qiuqiu closed her eyes and her face turned red with anger.

Having known her for so many years, Gu Jinglan knew exactly what was wrong with her current appearance. He reached out his hand, held her shoulders, and pulled her body towards him.

Gu Jinglan sighed softly and said seriously, "Have you really not considered what I said?"

 “I’ve considered it, but I refuse.”

 What a clear and decisive rejection.

Gu Jinglan nodded and smiled, "Okay, if this is your final decision, then I respect your decision. I will not mention this matter again in the future. I will be on a business trip in a few days, so I won't come to take care of you. If you need anything, you can call my secretary and he will take care of it."

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand and glanced at his watch, "I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

 He stood up and rubbed the head of Zhao Qiuxu, who looked surprised, "Get some rest early."

The tall man's back disappeared into the room, and Zhao Qiuxu still couldn't recover. What did he mean...he wouldn't even come?

Aware of this possibility, Zhao Qiuxu felt extremely complicated.

On the one hand, I don’t want him to take care of me with a repayment mentality, and I don’t want him to ask me to be his girlfriend with a repayment mentality.

On the other hand, she is a little attached to the current relationship.

 He will appear in front of her every day. She does not need to actively chase him, he will appear in front of her consciously.

 Helping and asking for warmth, taking care of you in every possible way.

 Was what he said just now made out of anger?

 Or...her rejection made him relieved. In fact, he had no real intention to date her in the first place?

Zhao Qiuxu felt depressed. Even when the nurse called her several times, she didn't hear her.

Gu Jinglan, you don’t know that even if I look at you one more time, I won’t be able to bear it.


  Country F.

Since Soph moved into Lucifer's manor, the Duchess ran to the manor every day.

Lucifer gradually became too lazy to deal with the impostors and spent every day with Sufni.

The tattoo on her heart finally stopped hurting, and the weather was hot. Su Fu put on her swimsuit, went to the swimming pool, took off her bathrobe and handed it to the servant, and jumped into the swimming pool.

Lucifer followed and jumped into the water.

The two were chasing each other in the water. I don’t know if it was because of the medicine prescribed by Angus. After swimming twice, Su Fu felt short of breath.

 She immediately surfaced, wiped the water droplets off her face, and gasped for air.

Lucifer also burst out of the water, and he smiled, "What's the matter, Cecilia?"

"It's okay, I just feel a sudden tightness in my chest..." Su Fu felt a little uncomfortable, and she planned to go ashore.

Lucifer suddenly grabbed her shoulder, and he pulled her body over, his eyes tightly locked on the tattoo on her heart, on her white skin.

Although the style was small and exquisite, Lucifer recognized them at first glance as Shangguan Ling's initials.

His thin lips pursed tightly, and his eyes darkened. The man who already had a feminine and evil aura, now the evil aura became more intense.

 (End of this chapter)

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