Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1072: There is a woman beside Shangguan Ling

Chapter 1072 Shangguan Ling has a woman around him

"Cecilia, what's going on?" He asked her in a suppressed voice with deep anger.

Su Fu lowered her head, glanced at the tattoo, and said helplessly, "It's Shangguan Ling's fault. I was tricked by him."

"damn it!"

 Lucifer punched the surface of the water, and water splashed everywhere.

 At first, when Su Fu woke up, she found that Shangguan Ling actually dared to stun her and forcibly tattoo her body. She was also angry.

He was so angry that he wanted to slap him **** his shameless face.

 But now, she has more important things to do and has no time to care about him.

That guy Tang En really doesn’t like to go out for more than ten years...

 She hasn't regained her identity yet, so naturally she can't run directly to Walton Manor like she did before.

If Tang En didn't go out, she wouldn't be able to create a chance encounter, let alone gain a sense of presence in front of her fiancé.

Soph went ashore, took the towel from the servant, wiped the water off her body, and put on her bathrobe.

She turned around, looked at Lucifer who was still soaking in the water, and frowned, "Lucifer, what are you thinking about?"


Lucifer followed closely behind and also went ashore. He put on his bathrobe and said to Su Fu, "I'll go take care of something while you play with Gabi."

Soph nodded, Lucifer turned around and left quickly.

 “Leo, follow me to the study.”

 “Yes, Your Highness.”

Leo did not dare to delay and immediately followed him upstairs to the study.

 Lucifer came to the desk, picked up a cigarette and lighter, and lit them irritably.

After taking a deep breath, he came to the floor-to-ceiling window and said, "Send some people to keep an eye on Shangguan Ling. I want to know what he is doing."

"Yes, Your Highness." Leo paused and then asked, "Your Highness, do you have any other instructions?"

Lucifer pondered for a moment, then curled up his lips and smiled. His handsome face became even more charming because of this smile, "Send him another big gift."

Leo listened carefully to the meaning of this gift, and he immediately understood, "Your Highness, don't worry, I understand what to do."

 Leo informed Dick that day, and Dick immediately started preparations.

 Unexpectedly, I received good news in the evening.

 At this time, it is dinner time.

 In the restaurant, the dining atmosphere was extremely lively, with constant laughter and laughter.

Leo quickly walked into the restaurant, hesitating, not sure whether he should go forward to report. Lucifer saw Leo coming in from the corner of his eye. He put down his wine glass and said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

 After saying that, he got up and walked out.

Leo turned around and followed him. In the living room, Lucifer lowered his voice and said, "What did you find?"

“Your Highness, the latest news from Dick is that there is a woman beside Shangguan Ling and she has already moved into his manor.”

Lucifer narrowed his eyes slightly. Is there a woman beside Shangguan Ling?

 No wonder...No wonder he would stay in country A instead of staying in country F to continue to pester Cecilia.

 This saved him a lot of trouble.

Lucifer turned his head and looked in the direction of the restaurant. I wonder what Cecilia’s reaction will be when she finds out?

That night.

In Su Fu's bedroom, Lucifer accompanied Su Fu to discuss how to create a chance encounter with Tang En.

Soph had just taken medicine, and now the effects of the medicine were taking effect, making her head feel dizzy.

As she talked, she fell asleep.

Lucifer leaned over and carried her to the bed. After laying her down, he lay down beside her and supported his head with one hand.

 (End of this chapter)

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