Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1219: Everything is best for her

 Chapter 1219 Give her the best in everything

 Firstly, it was because Gu Jinglan was very busy and had no time to take care of such personal matters. Secondly, because Zhao Qiuxu understood that he was busy with work and did not dare to disturb him rashly.

After such a delay, it seemed that no one mentioned it again.


Chu Xiangyi, who was staying in the manor, couldn't remember how long it had been since he saw Shangguan Ling.

 He disappeared overnight. Where he went, she had no way of knowing.

The housekeeper and the man in black in the manor will not know Shangguan Ling's whereabouts.

Chu Xiangyi became anxious when he thought about Pan Yu.

 After searching for so long, she still couldn't find where Pan Yu was, but one thing she was sure of was that Pan Yu was still in the manor and had not left.

 Perhaps she is locked up somewhere in the manor, but she hasn't found it yet.

Pan Yu is an orphan, how come she looks so much like him?

 At first glance, they really look like sisters.

This thought has been lingering in Chu Xiangyi's mind, and what happened to Pan Yu made her even more sympathetic.

How did her leg get injured like that?

The servant heard the cell phone ringing for a long time. Chu Xiangyi was still in a daze, so he couldn't help but remind her, "Miss Xiangyi, your cell phone is ringing."

Chu Xiangyi finally came back to her senses. She nodded absently, "I understand."

She calmed down, picked up the mobile phone on the coffee table, glanced at it, and then immediately picked it up.

“Godmother, why did you remember to call me?”

Mrs. Shangguan asked slightly worriedly, "Xiangyi, why did you take so long to answer the phone? Are you too busy at work?"

Today is Friday and she has to work. Mrs. Shangguan is worried that she will be tired from working too hard.

“Godmother, I asked for leave today. I was thinking about something just now and didn’t pay attention.” Chu Xiangyi bit his lower lip and hesitated whether he should tell Mrs. Shangguan what he saw and knew.

Shangguan Ling didn't want her to know or ask questions. It was obvious that there was a big problem.

 She didn’t want to miss the answer, let alone let the seeds of doubt take root and sprout in her heart without being able to get the answer.

 If anything happened to Pan Yu, she would definitely blame herself.

 After all...that is a girl who looks so much like her.

"Xiangyi? Xiangyi, are you listening?" Mrs. Shangguan's worried voice called her over and over again. Chu Xiangyi secretly exhaled a long, turbid breath, "Godmother, there is something I want to tell you."

 She picked up the phone, got up and went upstairs to her bedroom.

"Xiangyi, what do you want to tell your godmother? So serious?"

Chu Xiangyi closed the bedroom door, leaned on the back of the door, slowly slid down the door quilt as if he was exhausted, and fell to the ground.

"Godmother, I found a girl who looks very similar to me in the manor. Her name is Pan Yu. She said she was an orphan since she was a child..."

Chu Xiangyi knew that after he said these words, like the arrow from the bow, there was no turning back.

Shangguan Ling will definitely be angry if he finds out.

 But now, she can no longer care about that much.

 The curiosity in her heart, the desire for knowledge, and her indescribable sympathy and closeness to Pan Yu made her panic and uneasy.

  She was afraid that she was overthinking it, and she was even more afraid that Pan Yu had a real relationship with her, but she would do nothing to save her.

She couldn't get over her conscience, so... she had no choice but to ask Shangguan's wife for help.

 Mrs. Shangguan wanted to love her and treat her as her own.

 The best food, clothing, housing, and transportation are all given to her.

 (End of this chapter)

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