Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1220: Why do you do this to me?

Chapter 1220 Why do you treat me like this?

 She believed that as long as she opened the door, Mrs. Shangguan would definitely help her.

 She firmly believes.


  Country F.

  In the dark basement, the air cannot circulate all year round, and the disgusting smell of blood floats in the turbid air.

The woman's screams were so shrill that they penetrated the human body.

Soph followed Lucifer, and Gabby walked slowly behind them.

Lucifer put his arm around Su Fu's shoulders and asked worriedly, "Cecilia, are you scared?"

From the moment he came in, he saw her slightly pale face and her eyes that were out of focus.

 He could tell at a glance that something was wrong with her.

Sophie shook her head. Her voice was soft and slow, and every word she spoke was extremely slow. "Lucifer, I just remembered the scene when my face was scratched... I can understand the feeling of fear and despair."

 Since childhood, her proud family background and outstanding appearance have been what she has been most proud of.

Andre knew where her weaknesses were and took away all the things she was most proud of.

Disfigurement was a devastating blow to her.

But fortunately, she survived...

 After the storm, she saw a rainbow.

That is the color of miracles...

Of course, Shangguan Ling’s contribution is indispensable.

 She will not forget this.

Arriving outside the door of the room where Isabel was being held, Leo opened the door knowingly. The screams were no longer isolated by the heavy iron door, and came out sharply.

Soph felt her eardrums sting a little. She came to the door. Isabel's hands were hung by chains, and her legs made sure they could touch the ground and be able to support her standing.

 Her hair color is not black. When I pretended to be her, she also dyed it black.

 Now, brown hair grows from the roots of her hair, with two hair colors, brown and black, appearing on her hair.

 Hearing the movement, Isabel raised her head.

Soph looked at her calmly, what a terrifying face that was.

There is almost no intact skin on the face, and there are several wounds, and even the bones are visible.

The black blood scab on his face has not yet peeled off, and the blood flowing from the fresh wound has soaked the blood scab again.

Before she even got close, Su Fu smelled the stench coming from her body.

Isabel stared at Souf's face, and after a while, she muttered to herself in a daze, "Cecilia is here...Cecilia is really here..."

Soph covered her mouth and nose with one hand, her eyes slightly cold, "Isabel, I wonder if you can still recognize me."


Isabel laughed crazily. She didn't know where the strength came from, and her body began to rush forward, trying to pounce on her.

The chains hanging her arms jingled at the violent movement.

a step far.

 She was only one step away from meeting Su Fu.

However, she was restrained by the iron chain on her back and could no longer take a step forward.

"Cecilia, why do you do this to me? Why do you!" When Isabel was going crazy, her hoarse voice was already shouting and she couldn't stop.

 Gabby came to Sufu's body and nuzzled her with his big head. Sufu knew that Gabby was comforting her.

 The day of her accident, Gabby was also injured.

All of this is inseparable from the Isabel in front of me.

Now, it's really ridiculous for her to ask her why.

 “Why?” Su Fu stretched out his hand, and Leo immediately handed over the knife.

 (End of this chapter)

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