Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1335: Master, the young lady has a headache

Chapter 1335 Young Master, Young Madam has a headache

Shangguan Ling had expected this ending all along, but he didn't expect this day to come so quickly.

He dusted off the cigarette ashes and said solemnly: "From now on, no matter how big or small you are, you are not allowed to call me Madam."

Jiangchuan was startled, then raised his head, his eyes filled with shock that he could not conceal. Young Master, he...

"Divorce?" Shangguan Ling sneered, "Unless I die."

 Finally got married, I want him to get a divorce unless he dies!

Jiang Chuan lowered his head respectfully, "Yes, young master."

  From now on, we can no longer call you Madam or Madam Su.

 Even if the young lady is reluctant, they still have to change their words.

Shangguan Ling took the water cup, took two sips to moisten his throat, and ordered: "Send someone to keep an eye on her, and report any situation immediately."

“Yes, young master.” Jiang Chuan was ashamed. The young master wanted to monitor the young lady in real time.


 The next day, I woke up with a headache that was about to explode.

Suf rubbed her head, sat up with difficulty, and covered her head with her hands. This feeling was very familiar.

It was so familiar that it reminded her of the scene when she woke up after the last hangover, that is, the last time she was hungover, Shangguan Ling had tricked her.



She is still Tang En’s fiancée. If she gets married at this time, where should she put her shame?

How should she explain to Tang En?

Gabby howled and lay beside the bed, his tiger eyes looking at her continuously.

"Gabby, call me someone." After Su Fu finished speaking, she fell on the bed again.

Gabby turned around and walked out, her huge body jumped up, her paws on the doorknob, and she used her body weight to push down, and the door opened.

It walked out in a big way, and after a while, it bit a servant's skirt and brought him into the bedroom.

"Miss Cecilia, what are your orders?" The servant was still a little afraid of Gabi, and at this time, her voice was even more trembling, with a hint of trembling.

Su Fu closed her eyes and said in pain: "I have a headache, get me some medicine."

"Miss Cecilia, let me call the doctor for you." After the servant finished speaking, she turned around and ran away without waiting for Soph's consent.

The servant used the internal line to call the family doctor in the castle. Then, he hid in the bathroom and took out his mobile phone to make a call.

"Hey, Miss Cecilia has a headache, probably because of her hangover. She has called a doctor now. I don't know the specific situation yet. I will tell you when there is new information."

 After saying that, the servant hung up the phone.

 At the same time, Jiang Chuan immediately reported the latest news to Shangguan Ling.

 “Master, the young lady has a headache, probably because she was drunk last night.”

 Hearing this young lady's voice, Shangguan Ling's gloomy mood all morning improved a lot.

If it weren't for her anger last night, Shangguan Ling would never let her drink with Lucifer.

Shangguan Ling experienced firsthand how cute and clingy she was when she was drunk.

 “Prepare the car and go to Onassis Castle.”

Shangguan Ling buttoned the last button of his shirt, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and he looked in a good mood.

Jiang Chuan nodded in agreement and secretly admired in his heart, after all, it was his young master!

 When things have reached this point, it’s still possible to laugh.

After the family doctor came, he examined Su Fu and prescribed medicine, but Su Fu drove her away.

She was lying on the bed. After taking the medicine, her head hurt less.

 After sleeping for a while, she got up and staggered into the bathroom.

 (End of this chapter)

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