Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1336: I came to Tang En at this time. I didn't mean to make him angry.

Chapter 1336: Why did you come to Tang En at this time and not mean to make him angry?

 After washing and dressing up, I took Gabby downstairs.

She looked a little pale. After going downstairs, she saw the housekeeper running in in a hurry.

Seeing her, he couldn't help but look happy, "Miss Cecilia, are you awake? There is a man named Shangguan Ling outside who wants to see you. Do you think...?"


Soph's red lips uttered two cold words without a trace of emotion.

How shameless!

How dare you come to see her after the incident was revealed!

Soph went into the restaurant and ate some breakfast hastily, but she no longer had any appetite.

 “Prepare the car and go to Walton Manor.”

The servant asked cautiously from the side, "Miss Cecilia, are you going to see Master Tang En?"

"Where am I going and who am I looking for? Do I need to report to you?" Su Fu glanced at her, and that glance was extremely cold.

The servant trembled, fearing to offend her, so he just shook his head, "No, it's not."

Soph snorted coldly, took Gabi and left.

The black Rolls-Royce motorcade met the black Lincoln motorcade at the foot of the mountain.

Su Fu asked the bodyguard to speed up. She really didn't want to look at Shangguan Ling.

 One more look and you'll be **** off by him.

The convoy that was intercepted in front of the gate saw Su Fu's convoy coming down the mountain. Jiang Chuan immediately said: "Master, it's the convoy of the young lady. They are coming down the mountain."

 “Follow up.”

 “Yes, Master!”

Soph leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes to sleep. She heard the bodyguard say: "Miss Cecilia, there is a convoy following us."

 “Let him follow.” Su Fu sneered, so what if he followed?

 What she doesn’t admit, it’s useless for anyone to force her.

If Shangguan Ling wanted to use this method to tie her up, he would be totally wrong.

If she could be manipulated as she pleased, she wouldn't be Cecilia.

  Walton Estate.

After Su Fu revealed her identity and purpose, the bodyguard at the door immediately let her go.

Su Fu lowered the window and specifically warned, "Those guys behind are not our people. Stop them and don't let them get in."

The bodyguard expressed his understanding, "Miss Cecilia, please don't worry, we will not let irrelevant people step into the manor."

Su Fu smiled with satisfaction, "That's good."

As expected, the black Lincoln convoy tried to sneak in behind the Rolls-Royce convoy, but was intercepted by the bodyguards.

Jiangchuan turned around, looked at the handsome and dignified man sitting in the back seat, and asked for his opinion, "Master, do you want to force your way in?"

  “No need.”

Shangguan Lingjun's face was gloomy, she did it on purpose.

You came to Tang En at this time, why didn't you mean to make him angry?

Tang En wouldn't like her before, and Shangguan Ling didn't believe that Tang En would like her now.

 She will not give up until she hits the iron plate.

 It would be better to just let her hit her head and get bloody, than to have her now with unlimited expectations and undue expectations.

Jiangchuan understood and told the man in black to stand still through the wireless headset.

  The steward of Walton Manor heard that Miss Cecilia was coming and immediately came out to greet her.

 Saw Soph getting out of the car, followed closely by her pet Gabby.

The housekeeper’s smile froze, and he stepped back in a hurry, “Miss Cecilia, are you here to see the young master?”

"What if?" Su Fu glanced at him angrily, "Are I looking for you?"

 She is in a state of rage now, and she has not yet touched her eyesight. What if she is not looking for abuse?

 The housekeeper nodded angrily and said in an apologetic tone, "I'm really sorry."

 (End of this chapter)

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