Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1436: Don't be afraid, I'm here with you

Chapter 1436 Don’t be afraid, I’ll be here with you

 “Have you really given up?” Lucifer stroked her soft little face distressedly.

 Since this period of pregnancy, her face has gained some flesh, and she finally looks less thin and thin.

 Fortunately, the two little darlings are quite well-behaved and know how to be considerate of their mother and do not torment her.

Su Fu said coldly and proudly: "I'm just a man, what's there to worry about? Besides, what kind of man do I, Cecilia, want? Do I have to hang myself on a tree with a crooked neck like his?" "

 Lucifer looked at her tenderly.

Su Fu stared at him with strange eyes, "Lucifer, you don't think that I am willing to give birth to a child just because I haven't given up on him yet, do you?"

"How could it be?" Lucifer couldn't help but shook his head, "This is your child too, it has nothing to do with him."

Su Fu snorted arrogantly, "That's pretty much it!"

 She has always believed that the two little babies were given to her by her mother because she saw that she was lonely.

 Get two for one gift.

  Her father and mother have always loved her, and now they can't bear that she has no relatives in the world, so... they have given her two little babies who are connected to her by blood.

 Now, she has relatives again.

 Time flies, and there is still one week left before the due date.

 Lucifer sent Sufu to the Royal Hospital early and enjoyed the treatment of a queen expecting a child.

 Soph leaned on the bedside, her heavy belly having affected her daily life.

Even taking a bath is a hassle.

Especially as the due date was getting closer, Lucifer was even more worried about her taking a bath by herself, and had to arrange for a nurse to take a bath for her.

Soph is not pretentious. It's the last few days, and she doesn't want any accidents to happen because of her willfulness.

 The little baby seems to know that he is coming out of mommy’s belly, and he has been extremely excited for the past two days.

  Stretching his fists and kicks in Mommy’s belly day and night, kicking Su Fu so much that she couldn’t sleep.

What a sweet burden.

The maternity ward is large enough. In addition to the bed where Su Fu sleeps, there is also a bed for relatives to accompany her.

Lucifer sleeps on the nursing bed, and doctors and nurses are on call 24 hours a day.

  After a whole night of tossing, the fetal movements finally stopped in the middle of the night, and Su Fu fell into a deep sleep from exhaustion.

 While she was sleeping, a sudden burst of tearing pain woke her up.

"Ah..." She exhaled in pain, and thin drops of cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

Lucifer woke up suddenly when he heard the noise. He turned on the light and anxiously came to the bedside, holding her hand, "Cecilia, what's wrong?"

"Lucifer...I hurt..." Sufu spoke with difficulty, and suddenly there was another burst of pain.

She quickly clenched Lucifer's hand, her whole body seemed to be fished out of water, and her hospital gown was soaked with sweat.

"I'll call the doctor right away, Cecilia, please bear with me!" Lucifer pressed the nurse's collar, and within a minute, footsteps sounded in the corridor.

 Doctors and nurses filed in, and Lucifer shouted anxiously, "Quick, is Cecilia going to give birth?"

“Your Highness Lucifer, please calm down first.”

 The doctor comforted her and began to examine Su Fu.

 “The amniotic water has broken, please send me to the delivery room immediately!”

The doctors and nurses immediately sent Su Fu to the delivery room. Lucifer held Su Fu's hand tightly, secretly giving her strength, and accompanied her all the way to the door of the delivery room.

The doctor paused and said, "Your Highness Lucifer, please stop, you can't go in."

Lucifer looked at Su Fu, whose face was wrinkled in pain. He lowered his head tremblingly and placed a kiss on the back of her cold hand, "Cecilia, it's okay, don't be afraid, I'll be here with you. "

 (End of this chapter)

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