Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1437: Lucifer...I'm scared

 Chapter 1437 Lucifer...I'm afraid

How can you not be afraid?

The labor pain seemed to tear her apart, Su Fu's whole body convulsed with pain, and her hands trembled.

 “Lucifer...I’m scared.”

 He couldn't form a sentence, and his voice trembled horribly.

Even though she knew that giving birth to a child was a painful thing, it was only at this moment that she realized that she had always thought too much about the wonderful things.

The pain was getting stronger and stronger, destroying her consciousness and tearing her body apart.

 She chickened out...

Lucifer held her hand tightly, turned to look at the doctor, his eyes were horribly scarlet, "I will accompany you during the delivery!"

This is not a question, this is an order!

The doctors did not dare to refuse and nodded repeatedly, "Your Highness Lucifer, please go and change into sterile clothes."

Lucifer lowered his head, held Su Fu's face, and comforted softly, "My dear, I will be here soon. You have to be strong. Cecilia is the bravest, huh?"

Soph's eyes sparkled with tears, but she was too stubborn to shed them.

She nodded with difficulty, Lucifer let go of her hand, turned around and quickly went down with the nurse to change clothes.

 The production process is the most painful.

 Lucifer stayed with Sufu, and his heart was broken as he listened to her screams that were more painful and cruel than the last.

 “Miss Cecilia, keep breathing, inhale, exhale...Okay, great, after three times, you have to start exerting force.”


"Ah..." Su Fu screamed in pain, and Lucifer's hand was tightly grasped, grabbing him fiercely.

 His nails scratched his palm, and blood flowed out.

The veins popped up on her forehead and her eyes were a little distracted. Lucifer was scared. If time could be turned back, he would rather she had not been pregnant with these two children!

 She likes children, so surrogacy would be great. He doesn’t want her to suffer these hardships herself...

"Your Highness Lucifer, you have dark chocolate on hand. Feed Miss Cecilia a little so that she can conserve her strength." The doctor said from the side.

Lucifer was in a daze for a while before he realized what was happening. He hurriedly broke open the chocolate and fed it to Su Fu's mouth. "Cecilia, open your mouth."

Sufu shook her head wildly, tears streaming down her eyes, "No...I won't give birth..."

Lucifer was heartbroken and wished he could bear the pain on her behalf. He persuaded her earnestly, "Cecilia, hold on a little longer, and the baby will be out soon. Don't you want to meet the baby?"

Soph sniffed aggrievedly and choked with sobs, "...Think about it."

“Then open your mouth and conserve your strength first, otherwise you won’t be able to see the little baby.” Lucifer coaxed softly, and Soph opened her mouth and let the chocolate melt in her mouth before swallowing it.

 The doctor also prepared energy drinks to replenish physical strength, and Lucifer also fed them to her.

 If the child does not come out for a while, she and the child will be in danger.

 So, only by giving birth to the child as soon as possible can she suffer less.

  A new round of exertion began again, and the midwifery nurse began to press Suf's belly. The doctor kept encouraging Suf, giving her confidence and strength.

 “Ah…” Su Fu’s voice broke.

 The baby's loud cry echoed in the delivery room.

 “Congratulations to Miss Cecilia, she is a beautiful little princess!”

Lucifer held a handkerchief and gently wiped the sweat on Su Fu's face. Seeing her happy look, he also laughed, "Cecilia, she's a little Cecilia."

 “I...I want to take a look.”

 (End of this chapter)

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