Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1438: Please let me meet Su Fu

Chapter 1438 Please let me meet Su Fu

Soph raised her head excitedly, and all the pain was washed away by joy at this moment.

"Miss Cecilia, you can't rest yet, there is still a child who has not come out." The doctor's tight voice did not dare to slack off for a moment.

Now that the little princess was successfully born, there is still a child yet to be born, and she still cannot completely relax.

Soph pursed her lips in embarrassment, "Lucifer, I want to see..."

Lucifer didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He saw the nurse cleaning up the baby and coaxed: "There is still a baby that hasn't come out. Let's take a look at it later, okay?"

Soph sniffed aggrievedly and nodded reluctantly, "Okay."

 “Come on, honey!”

 Soph's lips parted slightly, "I want more chocolate."

 Seeing that she was talking more, it was obvious that she had gained confidence.

Lucifer was so happy that he immediately fed her the chocolate.

 Five minutes later, another loud cry sounded.

 “Congratulations, Miss Cecilia, you are a little prince!” The doctor hugged the little guy who was crying loudly and congratulated him sincerely.

Su Fu exhaled a long, turbid breath, and before she had time to look at the two little babies, she completely lost consciousness.

 When I woke up, it was already a few hours later.

Soph opened her eyes and saw Lucifer beside the bed, holding a little guy in his arms, and another little guy sleeping next to her.

"Cecilia, are you awake?" Lucifer looked surprised, "Look, this is a little baby."

Soph stretched out her hand and tapped her son's face. Her watery eyes kept looking at the daughter in Lucifer's arms.

 “Lucifer, I want to see it!”

 “Okay, okay, don’t get excited.” Lucifer put the little guy next to her.

 Now, the two babies were lying side by side, both sleeping beside her.

 The small nose, the small mouth, and even the fingers are so cute.

Sofu tentatively pinched the baby's fingers. They were incredibly soft!

She held her daughter's hand and smiled with crooked eyebrows, "Christina, you are the elder sister, you are not allowed to bully your younger brother in the future. Cesar, you are the younger brother, you must protect your elder sister from now on, do you understand?"

 Cesare didn’t know if he understood what mommy said, so he burped.

Leo entered the ward, came to Lucifer, and whispered, "Your Highness, someone broke the card."

 Lucifer glanced at Su Fu, who was immersed in getting along with the two babies. Lucifer gave Leo a look and left the ward.

"What's going on?" Lucifer's face was cold, and his blue eyes were as cold as ice.

Leo said truthfully, "It's Shangguan's wife. She led people to break into the card and tried to break into the hospital."

 “Stop her!” Lucifer snorted coldly. When Cecilia gave birth, she was in excruciating pain, and no one of them showed up.

Now that the child is born safely, they will choose the time...

Leo had just received the order and turned to leave when the sound of crossfire came from the corridor.

  Gunshots rang out and the nurses screamed in fright.

Lucifer ran away, and Leo followed worriedly, "Your Highness, don't go there!"

 The gunfire came from the guards of the Royal Hospital. Shangguan's wife was accompanied by the man in black. The silenced gun in her hand was not used.

 Seeing Lucifer, Mrs. Shangguan nodded and smiled, "Please let me see Su Fu."

Lucifer glanced at the battle in front of him and sneered coldly, "Is Mrs. Shangguan trying to rob someone?"

 “I’m sorry, this was not my intention, I just wanted to see Su Fu.”

 (End of this chapter)

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