Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1448: Fufu, you are fierce

Chapter 1448 Fufu, you are fierce

He couldn't believe that someone had also discovered Zhao Qiuxu's talent. It seemed that only in this way could he deceive himself and tell himself that he still had a chance.


 Onassis Castle.

Today is the weekend, and Sufu is taking Cizel to the aquarium.

Going downstairs, she couldn’t find César. Su Fu held her forehead with a headache, “Where is César?”

"Miss Cecilia, the young master and Gabby went to play." The housekeeper suppressed a smile.

Soph snorted, "Bring him back to me!"

 “Yes, Miss Cecilia.”

 Before the housekeeper sent someone to find young Master César in the castle, Gaby came back in a big way carrying César on his back.

 “Hi, Fufu.”

Lying on Gabby’s back, Cesar shook his little hands and smiled cutely at her.

 “How many times have I told you to call me mommy?” Sufu stepped forward and lifted Cizer off Gabby’s back.

 The little guy’s delicate little face looks more and more like a **** from country A!

 A true-to-life replica mini version!

César held her face with both hands, her rosy little mouth pouting, "Fufu, are you thinking about César's father again?"

Su Fu was annoyed for a while and retorted angrily, "Nonsense!"

“Then why do you keep looking at César’s face?” César muttered, poking his soft cheek with his index finger, “Uncle Lucifer said that César looks just like daddy.”

 “Shut up, Cesare.”

 “Fufu, you are fierce.” Cizer hugged Sufu’s neck, pressed his little face against hers, and nuzzled her affectionately.

 “Call Mommy!”

Cesare opened his small mouth and said with a smile: "Fairy Mommy!"

 This remark was very useful to Su Fu.

 After Lucifer arrived, a group of people set off to the aquarium.

 The aquarium has been closed and only accepts Miss Cecilia.

Cesare sat on Gabi's back and ran majestically in front, with Souf, Lucifer and a group of bodyguards walking behind.

 Suddenly, a cry was heard.

Worried that César and Gabby would frighten the other children, Suf shouted, "César, Gabi, come back!"

Cesare got up from Gabby with a groan, touched Gabby's head with his little hand, and slowly ran to a mother and daughter in front of the aquarium.

 The sound of crying comes from Zhile.

 When she saw Gabby, a large beast, she was so frightened that she hid in Zhao Qiuxu's arms and cried.

“Auntie, I’m sorry, César didn’t mean it.” César raised her little head high, stretched out her little hand to grab the corner of Zhao Qiuxu’s skirt, and shook it gently twice.

Zhao Qiuxu was stiff all over. When she saw Gabby, she felt extremely familiar.

Moving his eyes back, he saw the familiar figure not far away. Zhao Qiuxu completely ignored the little guy at his feet.

Cesare lowered his head in frustration and returned to Gabi, staring with big eyes and small eyes, "Gabby, it's all your fault."

 Gabby howled, and Cesar snorted arrogantly, "No refutation is allowed."

Su Fu did not expect that after three years, she would see Zhao Qiuxu in country F.

 She was excited and ran over quickly, "Xuxu?"

 Zhao Qiuxu's eyes turned red, "Fufu!"

Su Fu felt it was incredible. The excitement of meeting again after a long separation did not let her ignore the little guy in Zhao Qiuxu's arms.

"This is…?"

Zhao Qiuxu smiled and said, "This is my daughter, Zhile, Zhile, this is my aunt."

Zhile waved her little hand timidly, "Hello, aunt."


 Xuxu also gave birth...

 (End of this chapter)

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