Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1449: Aling and Xuetuan haven't come back yet?

Chapter 1449 A Ling and Xuetuan haven’t come back yet?

In the past three years, the two have almost lost contact. Now that they meet again, there is an indescribable sense of vicissitudes.

Soph touched Cesar's little head and introduced him, "César, this is mother's friend, you should call her aunt. This is aunt's daughter, little friend Zhile."

 “Hello, aunt, and hello, little Zhile kid.” Cizer’s red little mouth opened with a bright smile.

The moment she saw Cizer, Zhao Qiuxu almost gasped. She was shocked: " this the son of Master Shangguan?"

Su Fu didn’t want to say more and nodded.

 César was very excited when she heard her father's name, "Auntie, do you also know César's father?"

“Yes, my aunt knows me too.”

Lucifer stepped forward and nodded lightly to Zhao Qiuxu: "Miss Zhao, long time no see."

He took Cesare's hand and said, "Let's go in and play."

With full doubts, Zhao Qiuxu and Zhile followed them into the aquarium.

I was stopped just now, and the staff said the venue was closed. It turned out that the venue was cleared for Su Fu.

 Enter the aquarium, all the attention of the two little guys was attracted by these marine animals.

Su Fu and Zhao Qiuxu walked behind, chatting, "Could this be Mu Chenhua's child?"


Su Fu was puzzled. The child Zhile didn't look like Mu Chenhua. "When did it happen? I mean Zhile."

“Shortly after I got married, I found out that I was pregnant. The doctor said that I was not in good health and should not have an abortion. He also said that if I abort the child, the chance of getting pregnant in the future would be very small.”

 So, even though she hated Mu Chenhua, that disgusting guy, she still had to give birth to the child.

 After all...this is her bloodline too.

"You...find a time to do a paternity test. I think Zhile looks nothing like Mu Chenhua." Su Fu said tactfully.

“A lot of people say this. My mother said Zhile looks like me when I was a child.”

Zhao Qiuxu turned around and looked at her. Three years later, she was still so dazzlingly beautiful that it was heart-stopping.

  "Fufu, what about you? Why are you in country F with your child?"

Su Fu shrugged helplessly, "It's a long story. Shangguan Ling planned my marriage. There were always so many women around him, so I simply returned to China. Later, I found out that I was pregnant and gave birth to twins, Cizer's. My sister was taken away by Shangguan Ling as a condition for divorce."

She spoke calmly and even had a relaxed look on her face.

But Zhao Qiuxu knew that she felt unhappy. Let me ask you, if the child leaves the mother's side, what mother would not be sad and sad?

 Since the divorce has reached the point of divorce, it seems that the problems between them are not small.

At one time, she thought Shangguan Ling would be her husband.

 Unexpectedly, she made a mistake...

Suf paused for a moment and then said, "Speaking of which, the time agreed upon is coming soon, and it's time for me to pick up my daughter."


  Country A.

Mrs. Shangguan has been particularly happy these days.

With a cheerful face, he rewarded almost all the servants and men in black.

It was almost time for dinner, and Shangguan Ling had not returned from K Group. Mrs. Shangguan came out of the kitchen and looked around, but she could not see her little baby.

“A Ling and Xuetuan haven’t come back yet?”

The servant smiled and said: "Madam, the young master and the young lady haven't come back yet. Do you want to remind them?"

Mrs. Shangguan smiled and waved her hand, "No need to rush, they should be back by now."

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 (End of this chapter)

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