Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1450: Who wants to take away the snowball?

Chapter 1450 Who wants to take away the snow ball?

K Group, the luxurious and elegant president’s room.

 Different from the strictness of the past, today's president's office is quite lively.

The little guy, who was as delicate as a glutinous rice dumpling, was sitting on the sofa. The chubby Harry was ravaged by the little guy, making bursts of screams.

 The coffee table is filled with Nuomi Dumpling’s favorite fruits and desserts, and the black sofa is filled with many plush dolls.

Jiang Chuan and his assistant came in to report on their work, and they tried to keep their voices down, for fear of disturbing the delicate snow dumpling.

Xue Tuan hugged Harry and touched Harry's head with his small hands. His thick long eyelashes, like small fans, trembled slightly.

With a small red mouth and slightly pursed lips, she raised her eyes. Her dark eyes were clear in black and white and watery.

“Dad.” The voice was soft and waxy, as sweet as marshmallows.

The handsome man who was reviewing the documents suddenly raised his head when he heard this. His stern face softened instantly, "Are you bored, Xue Tuan?"

 “Xue Tuan is hungry…”

Xue Tuan reluctantly put his chin on Harry's head.

Harry also meowed aggrievedly and looked at his master longingly.

Shangguan Ling glanced at the time, immediately closed the document and put down the pen. His tall body walked around the desk, came to Xue Tuan, leaned over and took her into his arms.

 Harry was ruthlessly carried away and completely fell out of favor.

“Let’s go home, okay?” Shangguan Ling pecked Xuetuan’s soft cheek, his voice as gentle as water.

Xue Tuan hugged his neck tightly with two small arms and nodded obediently.

The black Lincoln motorcade quickly left the K Group headquarters.

In the palace-style restaurant, Shangguan Ting sat at the head of the long dining table, Shangguan's wife sat on his right, and Shangguan Ling sat on his left.

 Xuetuan leaned in his father's arms and enjoyed his feeding.

“We Xuetuan are so good, let’s drink more soup.” Shangguan Ling coaxed softly.

Xue Tuan turned his head away and refused to drink.

 Shangguan Ling compromised, "Would you like taro paste?"

Xue Tuan then turned his little head away and said in a baby voice: "Yes."

Mrs. Shangguan looked at this scene with a smile on her eyes and brows. She put down her chopsticks and said, "Aling, there is something I want to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Shangguan Ling didn't even raise his head. He picked up a napkin and carefully wiped off the taro paste from the corners of Xue Tuan's mouth.

“Xuetuan’s mother will come to take away Xuetuan in a few days.” This was something Shangguan’s wife had never told him.

Of course, this was what she and Su Fu had agreed upon at the beginning.


The spoon slammed on the table, Shangguan Ling's face was gloomy, "Who wants to take away the snowball?"

 This is his precious daughter, who dares to take her away? !

Shangguan Ting's eyes darkened and he began to protect his wife: "Shangguan Ling, pay attention to your attitude."

Mrs. Shangguan didn't mind, she explained softly: "Aling, in your situation, you can only survive if you have a strong enough faith. That's why I went to country F and asked Fufu to give me the snow ball. Come back. I promised Fufu that I would return the snow dumpling to her within three years at the latest. Fortunately, neither you nor the doctor disappointed me or your father. When three years came, we finally successfully developed the You had antibodies to the virus, and you persisted and were successfully cured."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Shangguan couldn't help but sigh, "All of this is thanks to Fu Fu's understanding and thanks to Xuetuan. Otherwise, your father and I don't know how long we would have to wait for you to recover." information."

 In the past three years, it can be said that he has lived a hellish life.

 (End of this chapter)

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