Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1457: Bad guy, don't bully Fufu!

Chapter 1457: Bad guy, don’t bully Fufu!

This is the first time Sufu heard Xue Tuan call her mother.

 Surprise, excitement, joy, and indescribable ecstasy burst out in her eyes.

 “Snow ball…”

 At the moment when Su Fu was distracted, her wrist hurt and the pistol came out of her hand.

"Jiangchuan, follow up." Shangguan Ling threw the pistol to Jiangchuan and tightened his grip on Su Fu's wrist. Su Fu lost her center of gravity and fell forward, crashing into his hard arms.

Shangguan Ling held the snow ball in one hand to avoid being hit.

He lowered his eyes, and the corners of his lips raised a vague arc, "Miss, you threw yourself into your arms for this."

Mrs. Shangguan looked awkwardly at her son's hooligan behavior. She cleared her throat and warned him: "Aling, don't bully Fufu."

“Mother, she obviously threw herself into my arms, so why did I bully her?”

 “Shameless!” Su Fu struggled to stand up.

Like an enraged little beast, César rushed over like a whirlwind, punching and kicking Shangguan Ling, "Bad guy, don't bully Cizer's Fufu!"

Shangguan Ling didn't even pay attention to the guy with small arms and short legs. He kicked him away and said, "Come and compete with me when you grow up."

Cesare was not discouraged. After being pushed away, he rushed up again.

 Let it go again.

 Pounce again.

 Continue to put it down.

 Continue to fight.

Shangguan Ling was amused by this tenacity. He reached out to pick up Cesar and held him in his arms, "Little one, you can't beat me."

 “Cesare is not a little boy!”

“Then what are you?” Shangguan Ling made a gesture of listening.

 Cesare: “(╯^╰)”

 “Tell me, what are you?”

 “Why did Cesare tell you?”

 “Because I am your father.”

César looked disdainful and turned his delicate little face aside, "César is not such a bad father."

 Daddy is not good to Fufu, Daddy is not good to César, and César doesn’t like Daddy anymore!

Shangguan Ling grabbed Cizer's face and said, "Little guy, look at me."

"don't want."

"look at me."

 Cesare became angry. He turned his head, grabbed Shangguan Ling's hand and bit it.

Shangguan Ling hissed and frowned, "Relax!"

Soph looked on with fear, fearing that he would hurt César. She leaned forward and hugged César into her arms, then took a few steps back.

Shangguan Ling shook his hands that were stained with glistening saliva, "Are you a dog?"

"Cesare is not a dog, he is a tiger!" Cesare turned his head and protested unconvinced.

Su Fu caressed Cizer's white and tender face distressedly. The place where Shangguan Ling had pinched her turned red. She said with a cold expression, "Shangguan Ling, you are really a man when you care about a child!"

Mrs. Shangguan stood up and smoothed things over, "Aling, why don't you quickly apologize to Fufu?"

Shangguan Ling held the snow dumpling in his arms and said with all his heart while strolling, "I'm leaving my words here today. It's impossible to take the snow dumpling away. Of course, you have a second choice, come and take a look at the snow dumpling once in a while."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shangguan Ling was slapped **** the back of the head.

 He was stunned for a second, then stared at Mrs. Shangguan, "Mother!"

"Shut up!" Mrs. Shangguan was really angry to death from him. She originally expected him to keep Su Fu, but now it seems that, let alone keeping her, it would be better not to anger her to death.

 Isn’t it just amnesia? How come you don’t even have any wit?

 She finally waited for Su Fu to come and racked her brains to create opportunities for him.

 (End of this chapter)

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