Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1458: You can go, the snow group stays!

Chapter 1458 You can go, but Snow Tuan stays!

He is good, he can make people angry with just a few words.

 Shangguan Ling hugged the snow ball depressedly and glanced at Su Fu, his eyes were extremely provocative. Are you satisfied now?

 Cesare made a face at him.

Shangguan Ling waved his fist, and César was so frightened that he immediately buried his little head into Su Fu's neck.


 Mrs. Shangguan slapped Shangguan Ling on the back of the head, "Go back to the study and face the wall to think about it!"

 This is the first time that Shangguan's wife has been so angry with Shangguan Ling since he came of age.

Even the punishment of facing the wall and thinking about one's faults was given, which is enough to show how angry she is now.

Shangguan Ling hugged Xue Tuan, snorted coldly, stood up and left.

Su Fu stood up quickly and stopped in front of him, "You can go, the snow ball stays!"

Shangguan Ling looked at the entangled woman in front of him. He lowered his eyes and pinched Xuetuan's soft cheeks. "Xuetuan, tell her, do you want to go with daddy?"

 Xuetuan nodded his little head.

Shangguan Ling looked at Su Fu provocatively with cold eyes, "Did you see it?"

Su Fu still refused to give up, "Xue Tuan, are you really not going to go with your mother?"

Xuetuan looked at Shangguan's wife, then looked up at Shangguan Ling, and finally shook his head.

Xuetuan is unwilling to follow her...

Xue Tuan is unwilling to...

Su Fu looked hurt and lonely, which was right. After all, she was a relative who had been with him day and night for three years. If she were to leave like this, she would definitely be reluctant to leave.

Just like César, if César was asked to leave her, César would be a hundred unwilling.

Su Fu took a deep breath. Just when Shangguan Ling thought she had given up, she raised her eyes and stared at him slyly with her beautiful eyes twinkling: "Since Xuetuan is not willing to leave with me now, then I respect her wishes. I Just stay with Cizere for a few days and keep Xue Tuan company."

 Is this woman crazy?

 Didn’t you just want to leave today?

 What are you staying for?

 Want to steal a snowball?

Madam Shangguan, whose heart was in her throat, clasped her hands together with joy when Su Fu said this, "Okay, I'll have someone prepare Cizer's bedroom right now!"

César pouted and tugged at the hem of Su Fu’s skirt with her little hands, “Fu Fu, do we really want to stay?”

 “Well, Cesare doesn’t want to stay?”

Cesare looked devastated, "Cesare hates the bad guy daddy."

 After saying that, the little guy raised his short leg in anger and kicked Shangguan Ling.

After kicking him, he raised his little head and stared at him angrily.

Shangguan Ling raised his eyebrows and said, "You brat, you..."

“Shangguan Ling!” Shangguan’s wife warned in a low voice, “If you try harder on me, don’t come back.”

Cesare made a face at him sullenly, looking provocative.

 Shangguan Ling nodded, "You boy, just wait for me."

After saying this, he hugged the snow ball and walked away from the mother and son, and went upstairs to think about it.

“Wait a minute, you go back to the study and face the wall to think about your mistakes. Leave the snow ball behind.” Mrs. Shangguan called after him.

“Father and daughter, we share the same difficulties.” After saying this, Shangguan Ling disappeared around the corner of the stairs.

Mrs. Shangguan smiled awkwardly, "Fufu, I'm sorry for making you feel wronged."

Su Fu didn't think so. She didn't know what kind of person Shangguan Ling was anyway.

She touched César’s little face and said, “Baby, I’m going to wrong you next.”

 “Okay.” Cesare looked reluctant.

Although he hates the bad guy dad, he likes the fairy sister!

 With Fufu and the fairy sister here, Cizere was so happy that she wanted to run around in circles.

 (End of this chapter)

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