Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1492: I don't like seeing you in such a miserable state at all

 Chapter 1492 I don’t like seeing you in embarrassment at all

 The body loses weight and falls rapidly.

It fell from a height of more than ten meters, hit the sea hard, and sank into the sea.

Sufu is the most familiar with the Sea of ​​Mosul. She and Lucifer used to play here often. She can know the sea area and terrain here with her eyes closed.

 There are cliffs here and it is impossible to get ashore.

 Only after swimming through this section of the sea, on the shallow reef in the distance, can there be a hidden path ashore.


After breaking out of the water, Su Fu struggled to get ashore, dripping wet, and spit out two mouthfuls of seawater. She was panting.

"My dear, I don't like to see you in such a bad mood at all." The man's joking voice reminded him.

Soph raised her eyes and saw Lucifer, waiting for her with a bath towel.


Sufu rushed forward and hugged him tightly, her mood still not calming down, "How did you know I was here?"

"I heard from the bodyguard that you fell into the sea. You are familiar with this sea area, so I don't think you are so stupid as to wait in the water to be rescued." As he spoke, Lucifer wiped her wet hair.

He leaned over slightly, picked her up and walked back, "It seems that I guessed right."

Shangguan Ling was a step too slow after all. When he jumped off the cliff, Su Fu could no longer be seen.

 When he sank into the sea, she was nowhere to be found.

The helicopter hovered over the sea, and the man in black descended from the cabin in an orderly manner.

 On the sea, the man in black opened a human net and expanded the search in the sea area.

The bodyguards of the Onassis family also immediately went into the sea to search. For a moment, the atmosphere was terrifyingly solemn.

Xue Tuan cried convulsively in Jiang Chuan Hai, and Jiang Chuan clumsily comforted her.

Shan Xuan stared blankly at the place where Shangguan Ling disappeared, unable to believe that he actually...jumped for a woman!

Lifeboats patrolled back and forth on the sea, and rescuers could be seen everywhere, searching intensively in the sea.

"Master, please come up and rest first. We will continue to search for the young lady." The man in black watched Shangguan Ling dive into the water again and again to search.

 Dive into the water again and again, and surface again and again.

Shangguan Ling's face when it emerged from the water was pale and bloodless. At the moment Su Fu fell, some scattered pictures seemed to flash through her mind.

I can’t tell why, but at that moment, my heart seemed to have stopped.

 The feeling of suffocation came over me overwhelmingly.

The only thing he could worry about was the snow ball. After handing the snow ball to Jiang Chuan, he jumped down without any thought.

He thought he was fast enough and thought he would be able to find Su Fu.

 But he made a mistake after all...


 There is no souf in the sea.

 There is no souf on the sea.

 Where has she gone?

 Is she... okay?

He ignored the words of the man in black, took a deep breath, and dived into the water again to continue searching.

 Half an hour later, professional sea rescuers told Shangguan Ling, "There is a whirlpool on the seabed. We suspect that Miss Cecilia is likely to be caught in the whirlpool..."

“Shut up!” Shangguan Ling grabbed the rescuer’s collar with one hand and veins popped out on his forehead, “I don’t want to hear any excuses! I want to see people dead or corpses!”

Soph can't just die like this...


 The man's body exuded a dark murderous aura, and the rescuers nodded in fear, "Yes... we will definitely find Miss Cecilia."

Shangguan Ling let go of his hand, his expression frighteningly gloomy.

  It’s the last day of May. Dear friends who have monthly votes, please remember to vote ~ otherwise it will be invalid ~



 (End of this chapter)

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