Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1493: I advise you not to humiliate yourself

Chapter 1493 I advise you not to humiliate yourself

 The bodyguards of the Onassis family suddenly retreated and evacuated in an orderly manner.

Shangguan Ling narrowed his cold eyes. He grabbed a bodyguard and asked coldly, "Has Su Fu been found?"

"No comment!" The bodyguard opened his hand and immediately boarded the yacht and left.

Shangguan Ling always felt that something was wrong. If Su Fu was still in the sea, it would be impossible for them to leave.

 Then...there is only one possibility!

 Soph has news!

 It is very likely that it has already landed!

 “You stay and continue searching!” After saying this, Shangguan Ling also came ashore.

Jiangchuan led people to the beach to pick him up. Xue Tuan in his arms was crying so hard that he was out of breath and looked very pitiful.

"Dad..." Xue Tuan stretched out his hands, his tears reflecting the bright light in the sun.

 It hurt Shangguan Ling's heart.

He was wet all over, so he simply took off his meditation, took the towel handed to him by the man in black, and wiped off the water drops on his body before he dared to reach out and hug the snow ball.

“Xue Tuan is good, don’t cry anymore.”

 Xue Tuan hugged his neck helplessly and kept looking at the sea, "Mom... where is mom?"

“Mom will be back soon, Xuetuan, don’t cry.” Comforting Xuetuan, Shangguan Ling looked at Jiangchuan, “Go to Onassis Castle.”

"Master, do you suspect...?" Jiang Chuan saw that all Su Fu's bodyguards had evacuated, and thought of this possibility.

This is country F after all. Su Fu may be familiar with the terrain, and may have left beforehand from a place unknown to them.

 Otherwise, it would be impossible for her bodyguards to leave without finding her.

Shangguan Ling nodded, hugged the snow ball and left.

 Xue Tuan cried even harder, "Dad, where is mom? Where is mom?"

 “Snow ball…”

 “Mom is still in the sea, dad save mom.”

Shangguan Ling's heart clenched when he heard Xue Tuan's choking voice. He watched Su Fu fall off the cliff with his own eyes, and then watched him jump off.

 She must have been quite frightened.

Shangguan Ling patted her back gently, "Xuetuan, do you believe daddy?"

Xue Tuan's eyes were filled with sparkling tears. She looked at Shangguan Ling blankly. Shangguan Ling lowered his head and rested his forehead against hers. "Believe me, dad, mom will be fine. Mom will definitely come back."

 “Woo woo…”

“If Xue Tuan cries again, mother will never come back.”

Xuetuan immediately stopped crying, but couldn't control the sobbing. His little shoulders were twitching, which was really pitiful.

Shangguan Ling got into the car with Xuetuan in his arms, and Shan Xuan also wanted to get in the car, but Jiang Chuan stopped him and said, "Shan Xuan, the young master is going to find the young lady. I advise you not to humiliate yourself."

"Jiangchuan, you..." Shan Xuan looked in disbelief. She couldn't believe that Jiangchuan would embarrass her in public.

Jiangchuan sneered, "There is only one young lady that Madam and Sir recognize. This person will never be you."

As soon as she finished speaking, Jiang Chuan pulled her away and closed the car door with a bang.

Shan Xuan was dragged so hard that she couldn't stand on her slender high heels and fell to the ground.

 His elbow was scratched by the rough ground, and traces of blood flowed out.

  She raised her head and looked at the motorcade that was getting away. Didn’t the president see her?

Shangguan Ling frowned, and the fragments in his mind were unfamiliar to him.

 But the people in the picture are indeed him and Su Fu.

She laughs and curses, she is coquettish and willful, she is coquettish and shows weakness...

 The huge amount of information impacted his brain, and his head began to hurt.

 (End of this chapter)

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