Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1554: Mother...Soph, she ignored me

Chapter 1554 Mother... Sufu ignored me

 “She doesn’t like me.” The man said this fact with a gloomy face.

 Gu Jinglan shook his head again and leaned forward to fill his empty glass, "Shangguan, maybe she is angry."

Shangguan Ling blew the hair in front of his forehead dejectedly and leaned lazily on the sofa, "I know that if she was not angry, she would not treat me like this now. Jinglan, every time I see her I tell her to get out of here, no matter what I say, but tell me, which man can bear it? I want to apologize to her properly and admit my mistakes to her, but she has to give me this chance!"

When he thought of Su Fu's cold little face and those beautiful eyes without a trace of emotion, Shangguan Ling could only sigh in his heart.

He also wants to perform well and obtain her forgiveness, but the premise is that she must give him the opportunity to perform.

While saying heartless words to tell him to get out, she was making love to the man who had a crush on her.

He did not destroy Lucifer on the spot, which was considered very restrained!

 He is a man and has his own pride and dignity, which cannot be trampled on by her at will.

If he hadn't been concerned about her mood, how could he have left the snowball for her when he left injured?

That woman... never really thought about why he did what he did.

 She never does.

Gu Jinglan wanted to say something, opened his lips slightly, and swallowed the words.

He smiled bitterly and shook his head slightly, "Shangguan, it seems that you can only place your hope on Xue Tuan."

Speaking of Xuetuan, Shangguan Ling changed his dejected look, and a proud look appeared on his handsome and immortal face, "Of course, Xuetuan is so smart, he will not let me down."

It was already late at night, Jiang Chuan helped the drunk Shangguan Ling leave the Golden Wing Palace, and Gu Jinglan refused the man in black to send him home.

 He didn’t want to go home and had nowhere to go, so he had to stay in the hotel suite above the Golden Wing Palace.

 Golden light embellishes the magnificent manor into a golden palace under night.

“Master, be careful where you step.” Jiang Chuan supported Shangguan Ling, climbed the steps, and entered the castle.

Mrs. Shangguan went downstairs to drink water. Before Shangguan Ling even came near, she could already smell the heavy smell of alcohol.

 Putting down the water glass, she stepped forward to help, "Why do you drink like this?"

Jiangchuan whispered: "Madam, the young master is not in a good mood, so..."

Mrs. Shangguan nodded understandingly, "Help him go upstairs first, and let the servant bring the hangover soup later."

The servants on night duty were busy.

Back in the bedroom, Shangguan Ling lay on the bed. He was so uncomfortable that he pulled at the collar of his shirt, and several crystal buttons were broken by him.

“Aling, do you feel like vomiting?” Mrs. Shangguan twisted the wet towel and wiped his face.

Shangguan Ling struggled to open his eyes, his eyes blurred, "Mom... I feel uncomfortable."

"Where do you feel bad?" Asking softly, Mrs. Shangguan turned her head and told Jiang Chuan: "Jiang Chuan, call the doctor quickly."

"Yes, ma'am." Jiang Chuan picked up the phone. Before the call was made, the drunk man spoke again.

"It feels uncomfortable here." Shangguan Ling's hand patted his heart randomly, with a hint of aggrievedness in his tone, "Mother... Su Fu ignored me."

 “Fufu ignores you?”

 “Soph, she told me to get out.”

Mrs. Shangguan sighed quietly, isn't this normal?

"I've already rolled over, why is she still so annoyed..." The man's hands were grabbing randomly in the air, "And she ran up to me and wandered around."

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 (End of this chapter)

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