Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1555: Su Fu shakes her head and gives me a headache

Chapter 1555: Su Fu gives me a headache when she shakes her head

Mrs. Shangguan raised her hand to her forehead and said, "Jiangchuan, there's no need to call the doctor. I think he's quite drunk. Feed him more hangover soup later."

Jiang Chuan was also ashamed, "Yes, madam. I will remember to feed the young master more hangover soup later."

Mrs. Shangguan nodded and turned to leave.

Let him figure it out on his own in the middle of the night.

Just as she turned to leave, Shangguan Ling grabbed her hand and said, "Mother..."

 “What’s the matter, Aling?” Mrs. Shangguan asked patiently.

 “Soph, she shakes me and gives me a headache.”

"Then let her dangle, you deserve it." In the last half of the sentence, Mrs. Shangguan lowered her voice, almost muttering.

Shangguan Ling rubbed his head in pain, seeing Mrs. Shangguan feel unbearable again.

“Okay, okay, the pain in my head will soon stop. Just bear with it a little longer.” Mrs. Shangguan leaned over and rubbed his head.

Gradually, Shangguan Ling calmed down and fell asleep with light breathing.

Mrs. Shangguan didn't know why he suddenly returned to China this time. Looking at his depressed look, she had some guesses.

“Jiangchuan, tell me what’s going on?”

Shangguan Ling came back, but the snow dumpling was not brought back to her. How could Mrs. Shangguan not be suspicious?

"Madam, it was the young madam who told the young master to get lost, and the young master left overnight. Little Miss Xue Tuan, it was the young master who was concerned about the young lady's mood, so he left little Miss Xue Tuan to accompany her."

"Alas." Mrs. Shangguan sighed again and glanced at Shangguan Ling, "When will this child make people worry-free..."

Jiang Chuan knew that there were some things that it was necessary for Madam Shangguan to know. After thinking for a moment, he said: "Madam, the young master is already looking for a brain doctor, hoping to restore his memory. I believe that as long as the young master recovers his memory, he will definitely let the young lady know. Caught back again.”

"hope so."


  Country F.

 Time flies, and half a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

At the Onassis Castle, facing the rising sun, the snow ball hugged Su Fu's neck and yawned delicately.

 “Mom, why don’t we sleep a little longer?”

Su Fu kissed Xue Tuan’s little cheek, “Didn’t Mommy promise Xu Tuan last night that we would watch the sunrise together today?”

Didn’t the little guy say it himself? When he feels homesick, he just looks at where the sun rises, because home is right there.

In the past half month, although Xue Tuan did not talk about it and all life routines were as usual, Su Fu still felt that she missed Shangguan Ling.

She couldn't guarantee that he would definitely send her back to Shangguan Ling, so she could only use these small methods to make her happy.

The fragrant and soft little guy in her arms rubbed his head against her neck lovingly, and said in a soft and waxy voice with a bit of milky sound, "Mom, I'm tired of snow."

“Huh?” Su Fu lowered her eyes and looked at her baby daughter: “Xue Tuan, don’t you want to watch the sunrise?”

Xue Tuan lazily raised his eyes and said, "If mom wants to watch it, Xue Tuan will watch it with her."

 I was really amused by her.

“Okay, let’s watch Xuetuan with mommy. After breakfast later, we can accompany mommy to watch the uncles compete in martial arts.”

Xue Tuan held Su Fu's neck with two small arms and nodded, "Okay."

The sunrise was beautiful, but the children in the snow group were so sleepy that they fell asleep.

After forcing herself to watch the sunrise with Su Fu, Su Fu took the snowball back to the restaurant for breakfast.

Every year, Onassis Castle recruits a group of bodyguards, and the candidates for these bodyguards.

 (End of this chapter)

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