Chapter 1576 Be quiet!

Hearing this, Shangguan Ling paused and half-turned his head, "Are you willing to open the door?"

Su Fu walked out of the bedroom and quickly came to him. She raised her hand to hit him, but her wrist was caught by the man in mid-air. Shangguan Ling lowered his eyes, his deep cold eyes locked on her angry face for a moment. , "What is it for this time?"

  Hitting people when they disagree with each other, who has this bad habit? !

 “What have you done that you don’t know clearly?”

  Who gave him the courage to kidnap Angus? !

  No matter what, Angus is a benefactor to her, a benefactor of the same nature as Old Man Xiang.

Without Old Man Xiang, there would be no Cecilia who has regained her appearance now; without Angus, there would be no Cecilia who has regained her memory now.

 He actually attacked Angus, which really made her unable to bear it.

Shangguan Ling frowned, his tone was a little impatient, and his voice was a little deeper, "I don't like to guess, I just say what I have to say."

 What a person who speaks directly!

 Still pretending to be stupid with her!

Su Fu withdrew her hand hard and rubbed her wrist, "Okay, as you wish, tell me what you have to say. I'll give you an hour. After one hour, I want to see Angus at the Royal Hospital. Angus is intact. Otherwise, the consequences are at your own risk."

After leaving the words behind, Su Fu pushed him away and went downstairs.

Shangguan Ling looked at her back as she left angrily, with a cool curve on her lips, and looked in the direction of the bedroom.

 It turned out to be a whistleblower.

 Raising his hand, he stroked his gracefully curved chin. Shangguan Ling snorted coldly and turned around to go downstairs.

Soph came to the coffee table and leaned over to pour a glass of water. Before she could drink it, someone grabbed her wrist and pulled her away.

 “What are you doing? Let me go!”

With a flick of his hand, the water in the glass poured out.

Shangguan Ling ignored her and pulled her out. Su Fu was annoyed, "Are you crazy?!"

With a raised hand, all the remaining water in the water glass was poured onto him.

The man paused in his steps, and his handsome face, as deep and three-dimensional as a knife, was now gloomy, like a ghost crawling up from hell.

The whole body is shrouded in a dark and gloomy aura, and the aura is so powerful that people dare not get even close.

That oppressive force, cold and powerful, is pressing towards people in waves.

The servants were so frightened that they kept silent and lowered their heads.

Su Fu had no expression on her face and pursed her lips slightly, "I'll say it again, let me go!"

 “Hehe, if you don’t eat the toast, you’ll have to drink wine as a penalty.”

 Shangguan Ling leaned over slightly, put her on his shoulders, and walked out quickly.

Su Fu's body instantly jumped into the air, and the next second she was carried on his shoulders in an uncomfortable position. All the blood rushed to her head in an instant, and the feeling of congestion in her brain made her feel terrible.

“Shangguan Ling, you bastard!”

His face was gloomy, his thin lips pressed into a tight line, "Quiet!"

When Jiang Chuan saw this scene, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He quickly opened the car door. Shangguan Ling stuffed the people into the car and followed closely.

The man in black asked: "Master, where are you going now?"

 “Let’s go see Angus.” Shangguan Ling said with a gloomy face as he took off his soaked shirt, exposing his naked upper body.


The wet shirt covered Su Fu's face with coldness. She tore off the shirt angrily, "Shangguan Ling, don't go too far!"

 “Who is going too far?” Shangguan Ling turned his head and became angry.

Those cold, scarlet eyes, glowing with cold light, wanted to tear her apart.

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 (End of this chapter)

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