Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1577: I just love you, is this wrong? !

Chapter 1577 I just love you. Is this wrong? !

 “So, you still feel you have been wronged?” After kidnapping Angus, is he still reasonable?

"Is not it?"

Soph smiled contemptuously, lowered the window, and threw the shirt in her hand out.

  After doing all this, she turned her head, with no trace of warmth in her beautiful eyes, "I'm warning you, if there is something wrong with Angus..."

Before she could finish her words, the man stretched out his hand and covered her mouth.

 “Hmm!” Su Fu squeezed his hand randomly, two clusters of blazing flames burning in her beautiful eyes.

Shangguan Lingjun's face was gloomy, "Su Fu, don't let me hear from you that you are worried about any man again, otherwise, I don't know what I will do."

 Threaten her?

 Very good, true to his nature!

 “Don’t you understand why I kidnapped Angus?”

Shangguan Lingyi looked at her like a superior emperor, "Su Fu, don't pretend to be stupid. Angus personally treated you before you lost your memory and restored your memory. I lost my memory, but you didn't cooperate. I asked Angus to treat me, but he still obstructed me in every possible way. Is it wrong for me to find a way on my own to restore all the memories about you?"

 Soph turned her head away, "You..."

Shangguan Ling had quick eyes and quick hands, and covered her red lips again, "I know, I know, you are going to say that I am crazy and a **** again. But Su Fu, have you ever thought that all this is because You? The source of sin is you. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be eager to restore that lost memory. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t care about that memory at all. Even to me, that memory It’s completely dispensable! But you, because of you, I want to know you, what happened in our past, and whether you loved me... No one told me, I can only learn from myself I found some useful clues in my memory. Tell me, is there anything wrong with this? I just love you, is there something wrong with this?!"

Soph has gradually calmed down from her initial struggle to now.

 She remained motionless, not even looking at him, breathing quietly and lowering her eyes quietly.

Shangguan Ling cursed lowly, let go of his hand, raked his hair irritably, and leaned heavily on the back of the chair.

“You have always acted according to your own wishes, as if everything you did was right and justified. Shangguan Ling, if you have any consideration for others, now..."

 What now?

 She never said the rest.

Shangguan Ling frowned fiercely, and it came again, and the familiar feeling of suffocation came up in his heart again.

He lowered the window, and the wind rushed in, blowing Su Fu's hair flying in the air.

After a long time, when the fire in his chest was almost suppressed, Shangguan Ling closed the car window.

Without even looking at Su Fu, he spoke in a low and cold voice: "Su Fu, we are all adults now. We are husband and wife. Any problems need to be solved by both of us. If you lose your temper or act petty, you need to have a partner." After all, life has to go on, and no one has too much energy to spend."

 “Are you warning me?”

"No, it's a kind reminder." He raised his hand and rubbed his aching forehead, "I will be tired too. If one day... I can't hold on anymore, I hope you don't blame me."

 (End of this chapter)

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