Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 2994: childhood sweetheart

 Chapter 2994 Childhood sweethearts

 “No, no!” Xiaoguai shook his head violently.

 “What happened to Caesar?”

If she didn't express her position, why did Uncle Gu and Aunt Gu have such strange attitudes?

 She looked like Caesar liked her and she was also interested in him.

 The only thing is to get them together and fall in love right away.

Looking at that posture, it seems that the elder has passed this level.

Xiaoguai cowered and shrank to the sofa, holding up a promise and covering his face, "Caesar is Kelly's cousin. I asked Kelly out, but I didn't expect that she also called Caesar. Since everyone has We know each other and it’s okay to have dinner together.”

 “Nothing?” Cesare curled his lips and sneered, “You’ve already asked him to meet his elders, so it’s nothing?”

“It’s just...just a normal meal. It’s not as complicated as you think?”


 Is it because other people think too complicated, or is she just stupid and can't figure it out?

"You... promised not to be angry, so why are you angry again?" Xiaoguai puffed up his cheeks and complained dissatisfied, "Who promised Uncle Gu to protect Xiaoguai?"

Get angry now if you fall out, tyrant!

 Just know how to bully Xiaoguai.

  Cesare: “…”

 My blood is rising and I want to beat her!

Little darling rushed to the bathroom, shouting as he ran, "Little darling is about to take a bath, good night, brother Cesar!"

With a bang, the bathroom door swung shut.

 The sound of rushing water immediately came from inside.

 Cesare raised his hand, rubbed his forehead, and turned around to leave.

Lisa heard the noise and knew that Xiaoguai was back, so she wanted to chat with her for a while.

Unexpectedly, it was Cesare who opened the door.

 “Lisa, are you still awake?”

Lisa was startled. She didn't expect César to come out of the little boy's bedroom.

 How many times has it been?

 How many times have you seen Cesare come out of the little bedroom?

Honestly deceiving himself and others, it seemed impossible that César was just a brother and sister to Xiaoguai.

Lisa had an intuition that César had more than just feelings for Xiaoguai...

 “Cesare, can we talk?”

 Cesare raised his eyebrows slightly, "Of course."

 In the study, César picked up a glass of red wine and sipped it, "Tell me, what do you want to talk to me about?"

 “Cesare, do you like Xiaoguai?” Lisa looked into his eyes and did not allow him to escape.

 Why is this a problem again?

Cesare took a sip of red wine and smiled softly, "I remember that I have already answered this question for you."

 “But, that’s not what I saw.”

“Oh?” He raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise.

Lisa clenched her fists and said calmly, "You and Xiaoguai are very close to each other. They are so close that they don't look like brothers and sisters, but more like lovers. Maybe even you yourself haven't noticed how good you are to Xiaoguai. That's not What a brother can do to his sister.”

 “No, Lisa.”

Cizer held his forehead and smiled, "Xiaoguai and I have been like this since we were young. She is a little crybaby and can't bear the slightest grievance. When she was a child, she was soft and cute, a small ball, and she called her brother with a milky voice. , has a smiling face with everyone. Maybe because I am the eldest brother, she especially likes to stick to me. At night, if she cannot sleep with her mommy and sister, she will definitely sneak into my bedroom holding her own little pillow. Acting like a baby Even if she wants to sleep with me, she will sleep alone on the bedside and curl up into a ball if I don't allow her..."

 In Lisa's mind, a scene from childhood sweethearts emerged.

 (End of this chapter)

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