Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 2995: She's just too dependent on me

 Chapter 2995 She just relies too much on me

 The more I think about it, the harder it is to accept it.

 If you were like this when you were a child, it would be excusable.

 But…they are already adults, so it’s not appropriate to sleep on the same bed together, even if they haven’t done anything, right?

"Xiao Guai, she is just too dependent on me. She has never been away from me for more than a month since she was a child."

 It would be a lie to say that I am not envious.

The relationship between childhood sweethearts is the most difficult thing to get involved in.

Lisa was in a very low mood, "Your relationship is really enviable."

 “It’s getting late, let’s go to bed early.”

Lisa stood up and looked at him hesitantly, but finally said good night and left the study.

 In the bedroom, Xiao Guai lay down on the bed happily, picked up her cell phone, and chatted with Kelly on WeChat.

Mengmengtu: Lisa, baby, let me tell you something!

Beautiful girl: What’s the matter? Tell me quickly!

Mengmengtu: Brother Cesar actually thinks that I want to fall in love with your cousin, eh eh eh…

Beautiful girl: Damn! Is there something wrong with your brother's brain?

Mengmengtu: Although I don’t like you saying bad things about Brother Cizer, but...he obviously wants to fall in love with him, okay?

Beautiful girl: Tsk, tsk, tsk, my dear, where has your reserve gone?

Cute Rabbit: Feed the dog, hehe...


Xiaoguai was chatting happily, but he didn't notice at all that the bedroom door had been opened.

Cesare closed the door with his backhand and saw Xiao Guai holding a mobile phone and giggling. He didn't seem to notice anyone coming into the bedroom at all.


Xiaoguai suddenly fell down on the bed with a smile while holding his cell phone. He rolled over and his eyes suddenly widened.

  "Si...Brother Cesar, when did you come in?!"

 “It’s been a while.”

Xiao Guai immediately hid the phone under the pillow and smiled awkwardly but politely, "Do you have anything to do with Xiao Guai?"

 “Can’t I come to you if I have nothing to do?” Cizer snorted coldly.

"No no."

Cesare stretched out his long legs, came to the bedside, stretched out his hand, "What are you looking at so happily? Let me take a look."

"No way!"

"why not?"

Xiaoguai still shook his head and refused to speak.

Cesare’s handsome face sank, “What is there that I can’t see?”

 “Just...a little girl’s secret.”

"Let me see."

 “Brother Cizer, you...don’t go too far!”

 Too much?

 Is this too much for him?

Then he has something even more outrageous.

César suddenly reached out and snatched Xiaoguai’s cell phone from under the pillow when she was unprepared.

 Her password, Cesare knows.

  His slender fingers quickly tapped the screen a few times, and the lock screen opened immediately.

"Ah..." Xiaoguai screamed and rushed over: "You can't look at it!"

"You can't look at it, that's Xiaoguai's secret!" Xiaoguai was about to cry, his eyes were red, and he was still a cute rabbit, just like a red-eyed rabbit.

Cesaire held up the phone with one hand and pressed her little head with the other, "You have a little secret behind my back?"

 “Yes, it has been there for a long time, but Brother Cizer didn’t know about it.”

 “Okay, now I know, tell me.”

 Xiaoguai: “…”


Something seems to be wrong.

She didn’t agree to anything, right?

Kelly’s message came over in a ding-dong-ding-dong tone.

Cesare smiled, glanced at her anxiously, picked up the phone slowly, and started reading.

 (End of this chapter)

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