Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3029: Have you ever thought about changing your environment?

Chapter 3029 Have you ever thought about changing your environment?

“My dear, you seem to be in a good mood. Did something happen?”

Xiao Guai touched his face suspiciously: "Is there any?"

 Is it so obvious?

It's just that she is happy that Brother Cizer is back.

 Mia nodded vigorously, "Yes!"

 Not only that!

 It’s still obvious!

A discerning person will know that she must be in a good mood at a glance.

There is a smile on the corners of the eyes and eyebrows, and the watery eyes are also flashing with a touching smile.

Xiaoguai held his face in his hands and smiled, "What are we going to eat tonight? Have you ever eaten in this restaurant? Is there anything delicious?"

Mia's eyes flashed slightly, "I have eaten, there are many delicious things, can I give you some?"


Xiaoguai readily agreed.

Mia ordered a few home-cooked dishes and two large dishes.

 Actually, she felt guilty and was afraid that Xiaoguai would notice something. Fortunately, she was in a good mood and didn't notice what she ordered at all.

The black motorcade slowly stopped at the entrance of the restaurant.

The man in black asked, "Master Cizer, do you want to go down?"

 “Yes.” Cesare nodded lightly, then opened the door and got out of the car.

As soon as he got out of the car, his sharp eyes narrowed suddenly.

If he saw it correctly, the Jun~ brand car heard not far away seemed to belong to the Xi family.

Thinking that Xiaoguai had been very close to the girl named Mia recently, he raised his lips and sneered.

 Entering the restaurant, I chose a seat far away from Xiaoguai and sat down.

Cesare was holding a glass of water and drinking it slowly. Not far away, two girls, Xiaoguai and Mia, were chatting animatedly.

Xiaoguai’s face was filled with an excited smile, which couldn’t be faked.

 She is very happy.

 Is it because of Mia?

Soon, the dishes on their table were served.

The two of them were chatting and eating, laughing, and Mia would occasionally carefully observe her, observing her calmly, but Xiao Guai did not notice it.

 However, all of this was seen by Cizer.

 The chef of the restaurant.

General Xi has finished his work and is urging the chef to make dessert quickly.

Xiao Guai likes to eat desserts. After dinner, eating some desserts will definitely make her very happy.

“Sir, this is the kitchen, sir, you can’t come in!”

 A panicked voice sounded.

General Xi heard the sound and looked over, only to see Cesare barging into the kitchen with a faint smile.

 The man in black behind him separated all the chefs and staff who were obstructing him.

“It’s rare to meet General Xi here, what a coincidence.”

General Xi said calmly, "It's a coincidence."

“I wonder if Xiaoguai knows that the food she eats was made by General Xi himself?”

General Xi’s heart suddenly sank. Did he know?

 “My dear, do you have any plans recently?” Mia asked casually.

Xiao Guai drank the juice and rolled his eyes, "I don't have any plans..."

“Then you... still plan to stay in Shangguan Manor?”

 “Why not?” Xiaoguai asked doubtfully.

 This is her home. If she doesn’t stay at home, where should she be?

“No, I mean, since you’re unhappy there, have you ever thought about changing your environment?”

Xiao Guai bit the straw and sighed, "But, even if I change the environment, I will still miss home."

What else did Mia want to persuade? She saw a tall figure appearing and was so scared that her whole body became stiff.

Cesare walked over quickly, came to Xiaoguai's side, leaned over and pinched her cheek, "Have you eaten yet?"

Xiao Guai was stunned!

 Why is he here?

 (End of this chapter)

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