Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3030: It's okay, don't be afraid

Chapter 3030 It’s okay, don’t be afraid

He pinched his face again and again, causing a slight pain. Xiaoguai came back to his senses and asked blankly, "Brother Cizere, why are you here?"

“I’m here to take you home. Have you eaten yet?”

"Oh, it's ready." Xiao Guai spit out the straw and looked at Mia with her watery eyes, looking shy, "Mia, I'm sorry, I have to leave first..."

Mia's little eyes were so guilty that she didn't dare to look at Cizel. She nodded, "It's okay, you can leave first. I'll ask the driver to pick me up later."

 Outside the restaurant door, Xiao Guai was led by Cizel.

 He is tall and has long legs, and his steps are very long.

Xiaoguai couldn't keep up with his speed at all, and could only keep up with him by trotting awkwardly.

 “Brother Cesar, please slow down.”


 “Slow down, I can’t keep up.”

 Cesaire stopped and looked back at her, who was panting.

 His handsome face was covered with frost, and Xiaoguai didn't know why he was angry again.

Didn’t you say you were here to take her home?

 Why so fierce?

“Brother Cesar, what’s wrong with you?” Xiaoguai bit his lip, looking helpless.

That restless little look deeply hurt Cizer.

He took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart.

 She didn’t know, so you can’t blame her.

Thinking of this, César's stern expression gradually melted. He took her into his arms, patted her back with one hand, and comforted her softly, "It's okay, don't be afraid."

Xiaoguai suddenly felt aggrieved and said, "You were so mean to me just now."

 “Have you?” Cesare thought about it carefully. He didn’t seem to be mean to her, right?

 “Yes, you are staring at me.”

César held her little face, lowered his head and kissed her, "Okay, Brother César was wrong, and he shouldn't have glared at you. I apologize to you, okay?"

"You... don't kiss Xiaoguai." Xiaoguai's face turned red and he avoided it uncomfortably.

 “Okay, no kiss. Let’s go home.” Cizer looked into the distance and raised his thin lips into a provocative smile.

Open the car door, put the little boy into the car, and he followed.

On the way back to the manor, César was unusually silent.

 He didn't speak, and the little boy didn't dare to speak either.

She turned her head silently and looked out the car window. She didn't know how long it had passed before Cizer held her in his lap and sat down.

 The sudden intimacy made Xiaoguai a little uncomfortable.

  She knew in her heart that this was wrong, but she couldn't resist it.

 She hated herself for being hopeless and unprincipled.

“My dear, has anyone said anything to you recently?” Cizer asked softly.

Xiao Guai thought about it carefully and then shook his head, "No, no one said anything to Xiao Guai."

 “How did you meet that friend of yours?”

 “Are you talking about Mia?”

 Cesare nodded.

Xiaoguai said with a smile, "Mia and I met by chance. At that time..."

Xiaoguai talked about his encounter with Mia and how they became friends.

The more Cesare listened, the more gloomy his face became. This was not a chance encounter, it was clearly planned!

 It’s a good thing she, the little fool, hasn’t noticed it yet!

 What a fool!

“Brother Cesar, don’t hate Mia! She is Xiaoguai’s friend, as important a friend as Kelly!” Xiaoguai pouted and warned him sternly.

César sneered, "How long have you known her? How come she is as important as Kelly?"

"The depth of feelings cannot be proven by time. Anyway, Mia and Kelly are equally important in my heart."

The additional update has been written. Do you fairies want to read it? Go to Dean's new article "Hidden Married Wife, So Provocative!" 》If you leave 100 messages in the book review area, there will be more updates~



 (End of this chapter)

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