Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3033: Xuetuan, is this how you see me?

Chapter 3033 Xuetuan, is this how you see me?

 “Rong Yin, let go!”

Ever since he grew up, Hoshino has been disgusted with such behavior.

 She is not a little girl, why do you always pinch her face?

 Is she shameless? !

 “Are you really angry?” The man laughed lowly.

"Who's angry?" Hoshino pushed him, but before he could push him away, he said angrily: "Get out of here!"

 He reached out and started pinching him.

 Pinch the soft flesh on his waist, pinch hard.

 “Hiss…” The man gasped, obviously pinched by her.

This little woman's revenge came quickly and harshly.

  Not admitting defeat at all.

 “Okay, I’ll explain to you, don’t be angry.”

Rong Yin hugged her and clasped both of her hands with his free hand, "Wen Ya came to see me. She just heard that I was injured, so she came to see me. There is nothing wrong between me and her. Don’t worry about overcoming it.”

 “I’m not worried.” Hoshino snorted coldly.

"I know you are unhappy." Rong Yin raised his head, his dark and deep eyes, like the vast stars, so profound that they were unfathomable, but so bright that they were dazzling.

He looked directly at her. Hoshino subconsciously looked away. The next second, his face was turned back.

Rong Yin held her face and sighed helplessly, "Is it so difficult to admit that you care?"

 “I didn’t care.”

 “Like to talk ironically?”

Hoshino didn’t want to talk to him anymore.

Rong Yin is in a surprisingly good mood, and she is particularly cute when she gets into trouble. However, she is the cutest when she is drunk.

Soft and cute, easy to push down.

 “Snow ball.”

Rong Yin hugged her, lowered his head, and placed a soft kiss on her plump and smooth forehead with his hot thin lips, "I said I will be loyal to you. Unless I die, this sentence will be valid for the rest of my life."

“People’s hearts are fickle, so it’s easy to say such slap-in-the-face words.”

 The mocking words almost rang in his ears.

Rong Yin frowned fiercely. Is this how she looked at him?

 People's hearts are changeable?

She also thinks that he is just tricking her?

 Or does she think he will change his mind?

Rong Yin's handsome face was extremely gloomy. He was obviously extremely angry, but he did not attack her.

 Just suppressed the anger, slowly digested it, and slowly calmed down.

 “I don’t know about others, but I don’t know how to do it.”

"No way?" Hoshino sneered coldly, his eyes even more contemptuous, "When you were with Wen Ya, weren't you fighting for life or death? We had only been separated for a short time, but you already fell in love with me so deeply that you couldn't save it. medicine."

Rong Yin's face turned pale, and the blood quickly receded from his face.

 Already sickly pale, it looked even paler at this moment.

 He slowly let go of her, his eyes filled with emotions that she couldn't see clearly.

The thin lips twitched slightly, forcing a very faint smile, "Xuetuan, is this how you look at me?"

"Is not it?"

Rong Yin nodded to himself, "That's it, that's it..."

He almost murmured, stood up, his tall body staggered before he stood up awkwardly.

 (End of this chapter)

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