Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3034: Don't let anyone take away the snowballs

Chapter 3034: Don’t let anyone take away the snowball

“Perhaps you don’t believe it, but when I was with Wen Ya, I never said I loved her. I also never knew what it felt like to love someone..."

 The feeling of loving someone was something he only vaguely realized after getting in touch with her and falling in love with her.

It turns out that I have a strong desire to possess someone, to attract her attention, to get her attention, to get her attention, and to have her like me wholeheartedly...

 It turns out that this is liking, it turns out that this is love.

 Forgive him for understanding it too late, but it is not too late.

Rong Yin stepped back step by step. His eyes were filled with a layer of mist that she couldn't understand, and finally disappeared.

At that moment, it was like a fine needle was stabbing her soft heart.

Hoshino almost forgot how to breathe. She looked at Rong Yin for a moment.

Rong Yin withdrew his gaze and turned to leave.

 “Rong Yin…”

The gentle voice contained a hint of urgency that no one could detect.

 The man paused and did not look back.

Hoshino sat still and clenched his fingers nervously, "You haven't had breakfast yet."

 This sentence is undoubtedly a retention.

 “Do you want me to eat it?”

Rong Yin asked a difficult question.


 Closing his eyes, Rong Yin pulled his lips and smiled to himself, "Rong Yin, Rong Yin, that's all you've got."

Her understatement and you will be defeated.

 Turn around and go back to her.

Hoshino didn’t speak, and Rong Yin didn’t speak either. Instead, he hugged her tightly.

 He ​​buried his head in the soft and fragrant crook of her neck, "Xue Tuan, what should I do so that you can believe me, huh?"

 “Rong Yin, let’s have breakfast.” Hoshino didn’t want to talk about this issue.

 Even… somewhat resistant to this question.

 She thinks it’s fine as it is now and maintains the status quo.

 She doesn't want to explore or break down the deeper things...

Rong Yin’s eyes were filled with understanding, the time was about to come back...

  Xue Tuan’s attitude, he couldn’t be sure.

A deep sense of crisis came over him overwhelmingly.

 No, he can't let anyone take away the snowball.

 Absolutely not.


 The official residence of the Rong family.

Yan Yi, who was under house arrest in the official residence, received a call from Shichen.

 He was very excited, "Cousin, are you really coming back?"

Very good!

 He can't wait to see what Qi Lianyi and his son will look like after they are revealed!

 A mother and son who are liars, someone should have exposed them long ago.

Letting them live freely until now is the last mercy.

 “Easy, don’t tell anyone about my return for the time being.”

 Easy to nod, of course, he would not be stupid enough to let out the news so early that Rong Yin would notice and take action.

 After thinking about it, Yi Yi became worried again, "But cousin, are your injuries...all healed?"

"Not yet." After a pause, Shi Chen said in a low voice, "I want to go back and see her."

 It is easy to know who she is.

Except for Shangguan Xingye, no one can make Shichen come back to see her despite being hurt.

 “Cousin, I’m waiting for you.”


 Hang up the phone, Shi Chen fell into endless melancholy and contemplation.

 Should we go back?

 Perhaps, he should go back.

 I heard that she was not living a happy life.

 If he married Rong Yin because she liked Rong Yin, then he had nothing to say.

 Even if I like her again, I can only send my blessings.

But Rongyin only used her to repay a favor, or threatened Hoshino's marriage in his name, so...he can't forgive her!

 (End of this chapter)

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