Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3068: Finally... saw her

Chapter 3068 Finally... saw her

 What does it have to do with her grandfather?

 “Oh, you idiot!”

Mia hit her on the head anxiously: "Haven't you heard a sentence? Handsome men have been handed over to the state! There are so many outstanding men in your grandfather's army, you can choose at will." You are spoiling for choice."

Xiaoguai rubbed his forehead, "But, Xiaoguai only likes brother Cesar."

Like this kind of thing, it’s not something you can fall in love with casually.

 Otherwise, how could there be so many people trapped in love in the world?

"You are really... hopeless." Mia fell on the bed, looking helpless.

 No wonder she was eaten to death by César. She originally thought that she would slowly come out after leaving César.

 Unexpectedly, it was just a different place to feel sad.

“Mia, do you think I’m pretty useless too?”

Xiao Guai lay down next to her and sighed melancholy, "To be honest, I also feel that I am quite useless. Every time Brother Cesar comes to see me, I ignore him again as if he is worthless."

Mia patted her head gently, "It's okay, my dear, your habits and dependence on him over the years cannot be changed overnight. Let's change slowly, don't be in a hurry."

"Okay." Xiaoguai clenched his pink fists, "Xiaoguai will definitely change it!"

 Just like him.

 She will definitely dilute this feeling slowly.


 The next day, Xingye sent Rong Yin away.

 At the appointed time, we arrived at the coffee shop that Yi mentioned.

 “Miss Shangguan, here.”

 Hoshino waved easily, and Hoshino saw him.

 He obviously did not come alone. There was another man sitting next to him.

Sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, noble and noble, and sickly paleness make his temperament even more gloomy and elegant.

Hoshino narrowed his beautiful eyes, this person... was somewhat familiar.

 The hands under the table were clenched into fists nervously.

She is coming.

 The moment she appeared, she immediately became the focus and attracted everyone's attention.

 Shichen has always known that she is extremely beautiful.

I just didn’t expect that she could be so stunningly beautiful that it makes one’s breath tremble.

"Miss Shangguan, please sit down." Yi Yi asked her to sit down and raised his hand to call the waiter.

“Miss, what would you like to drink?”

Hoshino’s voice was soft, “A glass of water, thank you.”

 Shi Chen's eyes looked at her uncontrollably, and finally... saw her.

 Compared to the hunter training period, her aura is stronger now.

  also more…cold.

 The waiter brought her a glass of pure water and then left.

“Have we met this gentleman?” Hoshino was the first to ask Shichen.

 Shi Chen smiled bitterly, she couldn't even remember his face.

That's right. During the hunter's training, her face was covered with paint. It was understandable that she couldn't recognize him for a moment.

 “I am the hour.”


do not know.

Hoshino nodded lightly, his expression unchanged, and his eyes fell on Yi Yi's face, "Why did you come to see me?"

"Miss Shangguan, don't you think it's suspicious?" Yi Yi sneered, seeming to be mocking.

Hoshino’s face darkened, “Speak clearly.”

"I'm curious, how did Rong Yin deceive you and make you believe that he was the one who saved you?"

“…” Xing Zhiye sneered, he indeed knew the inside story.

 She picked up the glass of water, took a sip, and waited for the rest.

 Yiyi clasped his hands together and put them against his chin, "Rongyin deceived you."

 (End of this chapter)

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