Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3069: How can I trust you?

 Chapter 3069 How can I trust you?

“Use your Shangguan family to consolidate your position. Miss Shangguan, I’m curious, what will you do after knowing the truth?”

Hoshino has been patiently waiting for him to tell the so-called truth, "So, what is the truth in your mouth?"

"The truth is..." Yi Yi paused, turned his head, and looked at Shi Chen beside him, "Cousin, why don't you tell her?"

Shi Chen's too sickly pale face suddenly turned pale, and he slowly raised his eyes, "The person who saved you was Hunter No. 31, but he was wearing Hunter No. 72 clothes at the time. The epaulette you took off was also No. 72 , so you will take it for granted that the person who saved you is Hunter No. 72."

Hoshino’s beautiful eyes suddenly narrowed, “How can I trust you?”

 There is no basis for what you say.

 How can she trust him?

Shi Chen smiled calmly, with a hint of bitterness in his smile, "After escaping that night, I have been staying abroad to recuperate. Until recently, I heard that Rong Yin actually replaced me, threatening you to marry him in exchange for repayment, He also uses you to consolidate his position. I think you should have the right to know the truth."

Hoshino pursed his lips and said nothing.

Rong Yin never mentioned the details of saving her that night. Even if she asked him about the details, he quickly changed the subject.

Hoshino just thought that he didn't want to mention that night because of his injury.

 If what Shi said is true, then...Rong Yin's abnormality during this period has been confirmed.

 Seeing her confused expression, Shichen spoke up and told all the details of what happened that night.

Hoshino’s heart is like falling into an ice cellar.

Shi Chen was right, word for word, it was exactly the same as what happened in her memory, exactly.

"If you still don't believe it, you can go back and ask Rong Yin. If he is really the one who saved you, he should have a deep memory of everything that happened that night."


 Presidential Palace.

 At nine o'clock, Rong Yin returned to the presidential palace.

 He was always restless. Even in the Government Affairs Office, he could not concentrate on official duties.

I called Hoshino but couldn’t answer the phone.

 He had a bad feeling...

Returned to the Presidential Palace early, and sure enough, she was not there.

“Master Rong, would you like some midnight snack?” the butler asked respectfully with a smile.

 “Where’s Hoshino?”

Rong Yin stood in the middle of the huge hall, feeling dizzy.

"The young lady has gone out and hasn't come back yet. How about you call the young lady and ask?"

 Not here…

she went out…

Rong Yin waved his hand, walked upstairs slowly step by step, and locked himself in the study.

 The hour finally found her.

She should know that he is a despicable and shameless liar, right?

"Master Rong, are you okay?" Leng Shu saw that his expression was wrong and asked worriedly.

 “Get out!”

The man roared angrily, and Leng Shu was hit on the forehead by a flying folder, causing blood to flow immediately.

  Covering her bleeding forehead with one hand, Leng Shu had a look of astonishment on her face.

 Leng Wei came over quickly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Rong, we'll go out right away."

Leng Wei pulled away Leng Shu who was standing still and quickly retreated from the study.

Ten p.m.

Hoshino got out of the car and walked quickly indoors.

When the housekeeper saw her coming back, he seemed to have seen a savior, "Young madam, you are finally back, please let him..."

Hoshino's face was condensed, and he walked up the stairs quickly and angrily.

 The housekeeper looked at her back blankly. Young Master Rong and Madam Rong...did they have a quarrel?

 (End of this chapter)

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