Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3227: Is Rong Yin crazy?

Chapter 3227: Is he crazy?

“Do you think your grandfather is that kind of person?”

Xiaoguai looked at him blankly for a long time, then slowly shook his head and said, "Xiaoguai doesn't know."

 She doesn’t know, she really doesn’t know.

To be honest, her contact with General Xi didn’t last long.

General Xi was very kind to her. He was really kind to her. He tried his best to be kind to her, as if he wanted to make up for all the lost time.

César pinched her cheek and said, "Don't worry, I will ask people to pay attention to the news over there. If anything happens, I will tell you immediately, okay?"

  "Well!" Xiaoguai hugged his arm and shook it twice: "Brother Cizer is the best!"

 César helped her blow dry her hair, and the little boy pushed him out of the bedroom, "It's getting late, brother César, please go to bed early."

Being pushed out of the bedroom, Cesare was a little in disbelief, "Sleeping alone tonight?"

  "Yes!" Xiaoguai waved his little hand, "Good night, brother Cesar."

After saying that, close the door.

  Cesare: “…”

 Did he agree?

  It’s really...needs to be sorted out.

Back on the bed, Xiaoguai was still very worried. After thinking about it, he had to call Pei Zhennan.

 “Brother Pei.”

Hearing her voice, Pei Zhennan smiled, "I thought you would never contact me again."

"How is that possible?" Xiao Guai muttered, "Brother Pei, can Xiao Guai ask you a question?"

 “Ask, and I will answer you if I can answer.”

 The implication is that if he cannot answer, he will not reveal a word.

 “ is my grandpa?”

"Chief?" Pei Zhennan was startled, and then said in a deep voice, "The chief has been very busy recently. Everything is fine with him, don't worry."

"Really?" She asked in a low voice, "Then the anti-corruption... will something happen to grandpa?"

Pei Zhennan laughed loudly, "My dear, are you worried that the chief will be corrupt and take bribes?"

 When he smiled, the little boy felt relieved for some reason.

  said with a smile, "I'm just worried, little darling."

“Don’t worry at all, the chief is a sword entrusted with important tasks by His Excellency the President.”

 Just to the point, Pei Zhennan cannot say too much.

Xiaoguai also understood, and the two chatted for a while before hanging up the phone.

 In the study.

 Cesare has received the news from country A.

The newly-appointed president of country A is vigorous and resolute in his campaign against corruption. A massive anti-corruption campaign is being carried out across the country.

 The second prohibition is poison.

 The nationwide ban on drugs is the strictest since the founding of Country A.

 Three strict crackdowns on trafficking in women and children.

 For a time, everyone in country A cheered for the newly-appointed president.

 At the same time, this was also the beginning of Rong Yin’s arduous journey.

 Country A’s national conditions are complex and its political relations are intertwined. There are some forces that cannot be overthrown by him if he wants to.

When the previous president was in office, he only maintained a balance after weighing the pros and cons.

Rong Yin…

I really don’t know if he is crazy or seeking death.

 Has his brain trust gone crazy too?

 Cesare left the study with a somewhat complicated mood.

No matter what, as long as the sister keeps the child in her belly, it will be the child of their Shangguan family.

 It doesn’t matter who the child’s father is.

 Whether he is dead or alive, it doesn't matter.


 The next day, Cesare was woken up by a warm and soft cry.

"Brother Cesar, wake up, it's time to get up." Xiaoguai lay beside the bed, tracing his outline with his fingertips.

 Finally, the man quietly opened his eyes as deep as the vast Milky Way.

 (End of this chapter)

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