Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3228: Not eating or drinking, going on a hunger strike

Chapter 3228: Hunger strike without eating or drinking

Xiaoguai said in surprise: "Brother Cizer, are you awake?"

 “What are you so happy about?”

Xiao Guai hugged his neck excitedly and fluttered to come up. César took her into his arms and rolled her twice on the bed with her soft body.

Lying on Cizer's chest, Xiaoguai's fair and tender face was flushed. She bit her lip nervously, thinking about what to say, "Brother Cizer, Xiaoguai has something to tell you."

 “What’s the matter?” César stroked her smooth hair with one hand and asked casually.

 “I want to go out and find a job.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the air suddenly condensed.

 Cesare's handsome face sank slightly, "What job are you looking for?"

 “Find a job that interests you and makes you money.” Xiaoguai is still immersed in the wonderful yearning for work.

 After chatting with Pei Zhennan last night, she was immediately awakened.

Doing nothing is not a long-term solution. She thought that she should also have a job of her own.

 “Are you short of money?”

César pinched her cheek and said, "Daddy and mommy didn't give you enough pocket money? Or is it that I don't have enough money for you to spend?"

"No, it's not." Xiaoguai hurriedly waved his hands and denied hurriedly, "It's enough, Xiaoguai can't spend it all. It's just that Xiaoguai just wants a job."

 “Be my secretary.”

Recalling what he said in the office yesterday, Xiaoguai suddenly blushed with embarrassment.

Pink Fist shyly punched him twice, "No, I have to find a job by myself."

 Cesare snorted coldly, "It's up to you."

“Brother Cesar, have you agreed?” Xiaoguai kissed his handsome face twice excitedly, “That’s great!”

 Pushing her away, César got up from the bed and entered the bathroom.

 Compared with her excitement, Cesare's reaction seemed much colder.

Xiaoguai didn't realize it and was immersed in his own little world.

After breakfast, the little boy left ahead of César. César's eyes were gloomy and he ordered his bodyguards to follow her closely.

 On the first day of job hunting, Xiaoguai hit a wall.

 She was not discouraged and continued the next day.

 For several days, everyone returned disappointed.

Xiaoguai was completely exhausted and was so shocked that he locked himself in the bedroom.

 Not eating or drinking.

 The housekeeper and servants took turns coming to invite her downstairs for dinner, but she dismissed them all.

 Finally, Cesare took action himself.

 Pushing the door open, I saw a big bulge on the bed.

Xiao Guai curled up, hiding under the quilt and feeling sad.

The sound of footsteps came closer and closer, and Cizer opened the quilt with one hand, revealing the little boy curled up under the quilt.

“He Xiaoxi, what are you doing?”

"Give the quilt back to Xiaoguai." Xiaoguai struggled and snatched the quilt back.

César quickly pulled her into his arms and clasped her chin with one hand, "Tell me, what are you doing?"

 “Nothing done.”

 The tone is weak and weak.

  "What have you done nothing? Going on a hunger strike without eating or drinking is called doing nothing?"

Xiao Guai bit her lip in grievance and remained silent.

"You are looking for a job yourself. If you can't find it, why do you act like you're dead?"

 “You don’t have to look at it.”

 “How dare you talk back?” Cesare scolded him coldly.

Xiaoguai shrank his neck, still feeling a little scared.

 Drop your eyes and dare not speak any more.

Cesare pinched her chin, forcing her to raise her head and look at him, "Say, what are you making a fuss about?"


 “It’s nothing, why don’t you go downstairs to eat?”

With tears welling up in his eyes, Xiaoguai choked, "I have no appetite...I don't want to eat."

 (End of this chapter)

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