Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3234: Your wings are stiff

 Chapter 3234 Your wings are hardened

Xiao Guai pulled him to the counter and continued cutting strawberries. "Look, Xiao Guai didn't lie to you, right?"

César snorted, forgave her, put his chin on the top of her hair, and rubbed it lightly, "What good news do you want to tell me, huh?"

"Guess." Xiaoguai's eyes were bright and he was not in a hurry to answer him.

 The news that makes her so happy must be related to her work.

 “Have you found a job?”

  “Not quite right.”

 What does it mean that it is not right?

Cesare's handsome eyebrows frowned slightly, then relaxed, "Tell me yourself, eh?"

 “Hey, Brother Cizer is so boring.”

  Cesare: “…”

Xiao Guai turned around, raised his pointed chin slightly, his face full of pride, "Xiao Guai has been accepted as a closed disciple by Teacher Mena!"

 “Which Mena?”

 "Piano master Mena!" Xiaoguai said with an expression of "How could you not know Mena?"

 “So?” He raised his eyebrows slightly, waiting for the next words.


Xiao Guai pointed at his fingers uneasily and glanced at him timidly, "So Xiao Guai will study with the teacher and work hard to become a piano master."

 “Have you become a piano master?”

A cold smile appeared on César's lips. The smile did not reach his eyes, and his eyes were bone-chillingly cold.

"Just... you can have your own career." Xiaoguai replied bitterly. She knew that this news was good news for her.

 But for him, it may not be the case.

 Studying with Teacher Mena means that she has to leave...

 Although she doesn't want to be separated from him,...she wants to have a career of her own so that she can be confident.

 “Is career so important?”

Xiaoguai nodded without fear of death, grabbed his sleeve with her little hands, and shook it gently, "Brother Cesar, I have already promised Teacher Mena..."

“So, you are not discussing with me, but informing me?”

"I don't know... I hope to get your consent." Xiao Guai hugged his arm in fear and shook it gently, "Don't be angry, okay?"

 Cesare withdrew his hand and said, "You can just decide for yourself."

He turned around and left without saying anything.

 “Brother Cesar!”

Xiaoguai rushed up, hugged him from behind, and pressed her face against his generous back, "Don't go, don't be angry with Xiaoguai..."

"let go."

 “No, don’t let go.” She knew that he would leave as soon as she let go.

 So you can’t let go.

   Even if beaten to death, he will not give up.

Xiao Guai's tears wet his shirt, and the hot heat seemed to burn his skin.

“He Xiaoxi, if your wings are hardened, I can no longer control you, right?”

 The man's voice was extremely difficult.

Xiaoguai shook his head wildly, "No, Xiaoguai doesn't have strong wings... Xiaoguai just, just wants to..."

 “Just want to leave me.”

 “No!” She denied anxiously, “Xiao Guai didn’t think so!”

 Why would you want to leave him?

She wished she could be with him and be with him with peace of mind.

 Instead of...standing next to him with inferiority complex.

 “Ha.” With a sneer, Cesare opened her hand and strode away.

Xiaoguai was stunned and started to chase, "Brother Cesar, where are you going?"

 “Don’t follow me!”

 Cesare shouted coldly.

Stopping, Xiaoguai stood there in a daze, not daring to take another step forward.

Tears fell, and she bit her lip, not daring to cry.

 (End of this chapter)

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