Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3235: Did she really do something wrong?

Chapter 3235 Did she really do something wrong?

Just like that, I watched him leave quickly, and finally, the figure disappeared from sight.

 “Woooo…” He squatted down, hugged himself, and cried loudly.

 The cry attracted Hoshino.

 “Little dear, what’s wrong?”

Hoshino came to her side, squatted down and patted her back, "Don't cry, tell sister what happened?"

 “Sister, I’ve made Brother Cizer angry.”

Xiaoguai raised his head, his eyes were red from crying, and his voice was choked with sobs.

 “What have you done to make him angry?”

Hoshino helped her sit down on the sofa and poured her a glass of water.

Xiao Guai took a sip and then sobbed and said, "Xiao Guai was going to learn piano from Teacher Mena. When brother Cesar found out, he left angrily."

Learn Piano?

 “Do you want to further your studies?”

"Yeah!" Xiaoguai nodded, put down the water glass, and held Xiaoguai's hand tightly, "Sister, can you understand Xiaoguai?"

 To be honest, Hoshino can understand.

 However, she has no right to influence Xiaoguai’s thoughts.

Everyone has their own way of living. Perhaps in her opinion, Xiaoguai doesn't have to do any work every day, just eat, drink and have fun.

 But for her, a job brings her not only money, but more importantly, confidence and security.

Then Hoshino will not oppose her.

 “How long will it take to study?”

Xiaoguai stretched out **** and said timidly: "Two years, if there are still no results after two years, Xiaoguai will come back."

Of course, in her heart, she desperately hoped that she could get a good transcript and give it to Cizer.

 “Have you really decided?”

Xiaoguai nodded with tears in his eyes, "It's decided."

"Okay, let's do it." Hoshino touched her head, "Cesare was just angry for a moment, he will figure it out."

Xiaoguai hugged Hoshino and said, "Sister, you are so kind!"

  It was late at night before Cesare came back.

 Pushing open the bedroom door, he saw the little boy sleeping soundly on his bed.

He deliberately made a loud noise, took a change of clothes, and entered the bathroom.


 The bathroom door was slammed shut.

 Originally, I wanted to wait until he came back and then apologize to him properly.

Who would have thought that after waiting and waiting, my eyelids became heavier and heavier, and the little boy fell asleep.

Hearing a loud noise, she suddenly woke up from her sleep.

Yi Gulu sat up and looked blankly in the direction of the bathroom.

 Inside, there was the sound of rushing water.

 Prove that someone is taking a bath inside.

 Xiaoguai lifted up the quilt and got out of bed, carefully ran to the bathroom door, and knocked on the door, "Brother Cesar, are you back?"


 In the bathroom, there was nothing but the sound of water.

Xiao Guai bit her lip in embarrassment and leaned against the wall, waiting for him.

 Half an hour later, the sound of water stopped, and after a while, the man opened the door.

 Hands on the belt of his nightgown while walking out.

"Brother Cesar, you are back~" Xiaoguai ducked and came to him, looking up at him.

"Step aside."

César didn’t even look at her, and his tone was cold.

 It was extremely cold.

That gaze was without a trace of emotion, like a glacier that never melts.

Just being close to it will make your whole body feel cold.

 She stretched out her hand, trying to grab his sleeve, "Brother Cesar, I'm sorry..."

 Before her fingertips touched his nightgown, he had already walked around her and walked away.

 My heart is filled with bitterness.

Xiaoguai asked himself over and over in his heart, did he do something wrong?

 Did she really do something wrong?

 (End of this chapter)

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