Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3294: Is he going to leave or not?

Chapter 3294 Is he going to leave or not?

"Say it."

Xingzong didn't dare to show off any more and immediately said, "Thirdly, something is holding him back, so he has to rush back immediately."

Hoshino was unable to refute after hearing how lucid his analysis was.

 For Shichen, which reason is the real reason for him to leave?

Hoshino doesn’t understand…

Xingzong put one hand on the sofa and looked at her sideways, "Sister, who do you like?"


 “Do you like the time?”

Hoshino frowned, "Why would you ask that?"

Looking at her reaction, Xingzong had already guessed something. He curled his lips and smiled, "It's nothing, just curious."

 Are you really just curious?

Not really…


  Country A.

 After reaching a consensus, Chaolu no longer needs to hide.

  When she returned to the Imperial Capital from J City, the apartment she rented had expired and she wanted to renew the lease. The landlord said that it had already been rented out and asked her to move out as soon as possible.

Chaolu had no choice but to find an agent and looked at houses for several days.

 At 6:30 in the evening, she returned to the apartment from outside. There were still two days before the time to move out.

 Until now, she has not found an apartment she is satisfied with. Either the environment is poor or the price is high.

 Far more than she could bear.

 Just pick and choose, and time just goes by.

 Going into the kitchen, she cooked herself a bowl of noodles and ate it in silence.

 Touching her belly with one hand, "Baby, although it may be a little difficult now, mommy will definitely work hard."

 She has to work hard for her children and future.

 The doorbell rang.

  She put down her chopsticks, a flash of doubt flashing across her eyes, who would come at this time?

 Is it the landlord?

Thinking of this, she quickly came to the door and opened it.

 Outside the door, the man had a cold aura.

He stared at her with deep eyes and looked at her coldly, "Why are you here?"

 The vigilance and alertness rising in his eyes deeply irritated Xingchi.

 He glanced past her and looked at the small apartment behind her, which was less than 100 square meters.

 The layout is clear, smaller than his cloakroom. She lives in a place like this with her children? !

"Step aside."

 “What?” Chaolu didn’t understand.

Xingchi frowned, "Don't pass your IQ on to my children."

Chao Lu’s face turned red. Did he think she was stupid?

"What do you want to do?"

Xingchi ignored her question, clasped her shoulder with one hand, pushed her back, and stepped into the apartment with his long legs.

The man was nearly 1.9 meters tall. As soon as his tall body stepped into the apartment, the space seemed small and cramped.

Chaolu looked at him as if he was in a deserted place, casually visiting her residence, and was furious.

 “Young Master Shangguan, please leave!”

 She grabbed the man who was about to open the bedroom door with one hand and said firmly: "Please leave!"

 “Let go.” What should I do if I fall down?

Chaolu pursed her lips with a stubborn look on her face, "Don't let go!"

Chao Lu bravely met his gaze and said, "Unless you leave now!"

Xingchi raised his lips and sneered, "Then you think I didn't say anything."

 Chaolu: “…”

What's the meaning?

 Is he going to leave or not?

 Should we leave or not?

 Why haven’t you left yet? !

Chaolu's mind was very confused, and before he had time to think, Xingchi had already opened the bedroom door and walked in without hesitation.

 The bedroom is very small. There is no room for a bed, a wardrobe, and a dressing table.

Even the place to stay is very narrow.

 Xingchi A grown man stood in the bedroom, barely able to turn around.

 (End of this chapter)

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