Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3295: Can you get pregnant without me?

Chapter 3295: Can you conceive without me?

 It’s enough to see how small this place is.

Chao Lu was still glaring at him angrily. Facing this uninvited guest, she just hoped to drive him away quickly.

 “You live here?”

"is there a problem?"

Xingchi's face was condensed. Did she still have the nerve to ask him if he had any questions?

 His children should be allowed to live in a place like this?

 A place so small and oppressive that you can hardly breathe? !

“The space is small and the environment is poor. If you raise a baby in a place like this, if something happens to the baby, who will be responsible?!”

Chao Lu was furious and patted his chest, "I'm responsible!"

 “Can you bear the burden?”

Xingchi stepped forward and held her chin, "A child only has one life, or do you mean you don't care about this life at all?"


What is she responsible for?

 "I..." Chao Lu was speechless.

 What’s wrong with this place? She can live there, but why can’t she live there if she’s pregnant?

How ridiculous!

"Yes, of course you, the eldest young master Shangguan, are not used to living in such a place. Just because you are not used to living there does not mean that I am not used to living there. You can have opinions, but you cannot interfere with my freedom! I can live wherever I want, it is not my turn. You take care of it!”

 The man's thin lips tugged lightly, "Do you think I want to take care of you? I'm thinking about my child."

Chaolu choked and became silent.

Xingchi grabbed her and pulled her from the bedroom to the living room. Chaolu struggled dissatisfiedly, "What are you doing? Let go!"

“I’ll give you two options. One, move to a place with a better environment, and two, I’ll make the arrangements.”

 Chaolu, can you say that neither of these two options are good?

Does he think she doesn't want to move? The apartment he just looked at may not have as good an environment and convenient transportation as the current apartment.

 Let him make the arrangements, even less so.


 “I’m already looking for a house, so I won’t bother you.”


 “Still looking.”

 “That means it was not found.”

 Chaolu: “…”

 She lowered her head and remained silent.

Xingchi took out his mobile phone and made a call. When he heard him instructing the person on the other end to clean the villa, Chaolu's heart skipped a beat.

Sure enough, Xingchi hung up the phone and dragged her out.

“Shangguan Xingchi, what are you doing! Let me go!”

She struggled hard, holding on to the doorframe with one hand, refusing to leave.

“Chaolu, I won’t allow you to take risks with my child.”

 After a pause, he narrowed his narrow eyes again and warned coldly, "If anything happens to the child, you are the only one I will ask!"

 “This is my child too!”

 “Can you conceive without me?”

Chaolu's face turned pale, and she remembered the scene of being raped by him. A surge of strength surged through her body, and she threw him away angrily.

"Get out of here!"

As soon as the words were spoken, Xingchi realized that he had said the wrong thing.

However, it is no longer possible to take back the water that has been thrown out.

His thin lips pursed tightly, looking at Chaolu's pale face, she obviously remembered those unpleasant things.

 He let go of his hand and decided to take a step back, "I'll give you a day to think about it, and tell me the answer after one day."

 Looking at her deeply, Xingchi turned and left.


Chaolu slammed the door hard, her strength seemed to be drained, she leaned on the back of the door and slowly slid down.

 Without his rape, she would not have been pregnant...

Perhaps she can still pursue Xing Zong innocently.

 Because he... nothing is possible now.

 Closing your eyes, what comes to mind is his brutal invasion...

Hands covering her head, she whispered uncontrollably, "Don't think about it anymore, don't think about it anymore!"

 (End of this chapter)

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