Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3374: How was your day?

Chapter 3374 How are you doing today?

Banxia heard the familiar footsteps and curled her fingers slightly, "Master Xingchi, are you here?"

 Since she lost her sight, her hearing has become much more sensitive.

 She was already familiar with his footsteps and remembered them in her heart.

As soon as Xingchi approached, she smelled his refreshing scent, which was light but extremely aggressive.

 “Why haven’t you rested yet?”

 The sofa sank slightly, and Xingchi's voice sounded in his ears.

“It’s still early, I’m listening to the radio, it’s quite interesting.”

After losing her sight, she could no longer watch any entertainment activities such as television.

 I can only listen to the radio and listen to other people’s stories to pass the time.

"How was your day?"

Banxia's smile was slightly bitter, "It's still the same. After getting up in the morning, I had breakfast. The weather was good, so the servant took me to the yard to soak up the sun for a while. After lunch, I took a lunch break. After waking up , just waiting for dinner..."

Her life is repeated day by day.

 Bland and lifeless.

"My eldest brother will return to China in a while. When the time comes, let him check your eyes. Maybe there is still hope."

 What is the condition of my eyes? After being seen by many doctors, they all said there is no hope.

 He alone was still busy with her eyes.

It would be a lie to say that he is not moved. Banxia is very satisfied and moved. In order not to disappoint him, Banxia nods vigorously, "Okay, I believe there will be hope."

Xingchi raised his lips and smiled, "There are several channels for storytellers, including famous works from home and abroad. Do you want to listen?"


Xingchi adjusted the channel for her, and Banxia listened quietly.

At first, when Chao Lu was pregnant, she didn’t know whether she was carrying a boy or a girl. In order to protect Chao Lu and the child, a group of female bodyguards were recruited at the same time.

 Pinellia ternata is one of them.

She looks very delicate, but she has chosen to apply for a bodyguard job. Just from her thin body, no one can tell that she is a Sanda champion.

 Have excellent martial arts skills.

If it weren’t for saving him, she wouldn’t have become blind in her early twenties.

Xingchi raised his hand, touched her head, and whispered softly, "The hair has grown longer..."

His almost tender gesture made Ban Xia's heart beat like a drum, "I kept forgetting to cut it."

 “Don’t cut it, let it grow long, girls look better with long hair.”

 “Okay.” If he likes it, she will keep it.

The magnetic female voice was still reading, but Banxia was already so tired that she fell asleep.

 His head was tilted on his shoulder, and his breathing was shallow and even.

Xingchi turned off the radio, picked her up horizontally, and carried her upstairs.

 The woman in her arms is incredibly light, holding her in her arms with almost no weight.

she is skinny.

Xingchi has always known it, especially after putting on the black bodyguard uniform, he is so thin that he can fall down if the wind blows.

 Going back to her bedroom, he laid her down on the bed. Xingchi pulled up the silk quilt and covered her. She looked at him quietly for a while before getting up and leaving.

 Downstairs, he called the servant and asked about Banxia's situation.

The servant did not dare to hide anything, "Miss Banxia's appetite is very poor and she cannot finish a bowl of rice at every meal. Today, she tried to walk alone into the yard without our support, less than ten meters away. , fell twice..."

 Listening quietly, Xingchi’s brows furrowed tighter and tighter.

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 (End of this chapter)

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