Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3375: I love you, okay

Chapter 3375 I love you, okay?

 Banxia has never told him these things.

Has never shown the slightest bit of anxiety or unhappiness in front of him.

 Being blind is a devastating blow to a girl, right?

There is no longer any light in my eyes, and the world is dark.

 “Take good care of her, and report to me at any time if there is any situation.”

 After a pause, he added, "Tell Banxia tomorrow that I will come over to have dinner with her."

 “Okay, Master Xingchi.”

 Leaving the villa, Xingchi returned to Shangguan Manor.

Xing Zong, who had a social event tonight, was sitting on the sofa drinking hangover soup. When he saw that he, a person who had not socialized, came back later than him, Xing Zong raised his lips and joked, "Who are you going to see?"

Xing Chi gave him a cold look, and went upstairs without intending to answer.


paused his steps and turned his head slightly, "What are you doing?"

"When will you bring Yu Xi back to see me?" Although Xingzong didn't have any children yet, he still liked Yu Xi's little nephew.

 Such a cute little guy, just like a little dumpling, lovable.

 “He’s not free.”

 Without a word, Xingchi went upstairs.

Xingzong smiled helplessly and raised his hand to rub his forehead. Was it because Yu Xi was not free, or because he didn't want to bring Yu Xi back?


  Country F.

 After receiving a call from William, Xiao Guai remembered how much she had ignored him.

They traveled all the way to country F to support her, but she didn't even fulfill her obligations as a host.

“My dear, you really forget your friends when you see sex.” William complained to her calmly.

The little boy giggled guiltily, "Um... I'm free today, why don't I take you for a walk?"

 “I can do either, see if you are free.”

“Okay, that’s settled, I’ll pick you up at the hotel later.”

  After hanging up the phone, Xiaoguai called Cizer anxiously.

She has learned to be smart. When it comes to relationships between men and women, whether they are strangers or close friends, she must report to Cesar in advance.

 Let him know what he is going to do.

 Whether he agrees or disagrees is one thing, but whether you have considered his mood and told him proactively is another matter.

The phone was connected, and Xiaoguai heard the sound of paper turning on the other end, "Brother Cesar, are you busy?"

 “Hmm, do you miss me?”

Hearing the magnetic voice made Xiao Guai's heart tremble, "William has been in country F for so many days. Xiao Guai will do my best to serve as a host today and take him for a walk and play. Is that okay?"

 “Just you two?”

 “No!” Xiaoguai immediately denied, “There are also bodyguards.”

 Cesare was silent.

Afraid that he would disagree, Xiaoguai added, "How about... Xiaoguai brings Xiaotuanzi with him?"



Agreed so easily?

 It’s still Xiaotuanzi who has more face.

 Xiaotuanzi takes action, one can stand up to two.

Fortunately, she had prepared a lot of drafts and was ready to convince him. She didn't expect that she would agree so easily.

Xiaoguai smiled excitedly and said: "Thank you, Brother Cizere, I love you~"

 “You must be home before eight o’clock in the evening.”

 “Eight o’clock? Not even enough time to have dinner.”

"Isn't it too early?" The voice suddenly became colder.

Feeling the danger, Xiaoguai said with a strong desire to survive: "No! Eight o'clock is too late. Xiaoguai must try to get home before seven-thirty!"

 “Yeah.” Cesare curled his lips with satisfaction, “It’s fun.”

 “Okay, okay~”

 Hang up the phone, Xiaoguai quickly went to find Xiaotuanzi.

 The motorcade slowly stopped in front of the hotel.

 (End of this chapter)

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