Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3376: Cute or not?

Chapter 3376: Cute or not?

William, who was sitting in the hotel lobby, saw Xiaoguai coming in at a glance.

She was holding a soft and cute little creature in her arms. It was white and tender, with dark and bright glasses, and she was looking around curiously.

Seeing him, Xiaoguai immediately waved and smiled brightly: "William."

 She waved her hand, and the little cute creature in her arms also waved her little hand.

 It’s so cute, like a small glutinous rice dumpling, it’s so cute that it touches people’s hearts.

“This is...?” William looked at the cute little milky-white creature in her arms and asked with a smile.

"My sister's daughter, Xiaotuanzi, is cute, isn't she?" Xiaoguai looked proud and turned his arm so that he could see the little dumpling in his arms more clearly.

Even though William didn’t like children, he was still won over by this well-behaved, sweet-smelling and soft little guy, “Cute!”

 “Little dumpling, call me uncle.”

 “Hello, uncle.” A sweet voice came with a sweet smile.

William rubbed his hands excitedly and asked tentatively, "My dear, do you want me to hug you?"

Xiaoguai lowered his head and kissed Xiaotuanzi, "Baby, do you agree to let uncle hug you?"

Xiaotuanzi tilted his head, his eyes flickering as he thought for a while, then nodded, "Okay."

He carefully took the little dumpling and held it in his arms. The little cute thing was fragrant and soft, with the smell of milk. William looked satisfied, "Are all daughters so well-behaved?"

"It depends on whose daughter it is." Xiaoguai said at the side: "At present, I only find that my sister's daughter is so well-behaved and so cute."

William held the little dumpling in his arms and walked out first, "Tell me, as my host, where do you plan to take me to play today?"

  The group of people gradually moved away.

 All of Xiaoguai’s itinerary will be reported to Cizer in real time by the bodyguard.

 At six o'clock in the evening, Xiaoguai and William, after playing all day, had already taken Xiaotuanzi to the restaurant for dinner.

César curled her lips and smiled. Seeing how well-behaved she was, he decided not to go through with it.

At 7:50 in the evening, Xiaoguai returned to the castle with Xiaotuanzi on time.

 After playing with Xiaotuanzi all day, he fell asleep in Xiaoguai’s arms.

 “Brother Cesar.”

Seeing the handsome man sitting on the sofa, Xiaoguai called out softly.


César looked at her and stood up to greet her. He carefully took the sleeping little dumpling in her arms and the little dumpling groaned.

César lowered his head and said softly, "It's okay, we're home, go back to sleep."

Xiaotuanzi closed his eyes, rubbed his face, found a comfortable position, and continued to sleep.

 After sending Xiaotuanzi back to her children's room and lying down, César turned on the wall lamp before turning around and leaving.

As soon as he closed the door, the little boy jumped into his arms, hugged his lean waist and said coquettishly, "Brother Cesar, I'm tired too."

 “I’ll take you back to the bedroom to rest?”


He leaned over slightly and picked her up. Xiaoguai buried her head in the crook of his neck, laughed secretly, and kissed his neck.

 She really liked the smell of him, it gave her an inexplicable sense of security.

"be honest."

 “Kiss me.”


Going back to the bedroom, he laid her down on the bed. César put a hand on the side of her head. Xiaoguai blinked slowly, stared at him, and kept giggling.

Cesare smiled and pinched her cheek, "Enough is enough, don't make her angry."

Keeping staring at him, do you really think he is Liu Xiahui?

Don't she know how cute she looks now and how much she makes his heart beat?

 (End of this chapter)

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