Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3387: If you want to see the president, make an appointment first

Chapter 3387 If you want to see the president, make an appointment first

She couldn't understand why she couldn't compete with Xingchi for custody of the son she had worked so hard to conceive for ten months.

The reality is cruel, because she has no power, so even her own son will not come back.

 She is very useless.

  It’s really useless.

 The next day, morning.

Yu Xi woke up in Xingchi's arms. He rubbed his eyes and waited quietly for Xingchi to wake up.

 Before Xingchi woke up, he curiously looked at the layout and layout of the bedroom.

Xingchi closed his eyes, kissed him on the forehead, and said in a hoarse voice, "Are you awake?"

“Dad, Yu Xi wants to pee.”

Xingchi immediately opened his eyes and carried him into the bathroom.

 This is strictly speaking, the first time that father and son have lived together.

Yu Xi’s toiletries were prepared by the maid last night, including a pink-blue toothbrush cup and towel.

 The clothes have been arranged, from head to toe.

After washing up, Xingchi carried him to the cloakroom, picked out some clothes and changed into them.

 The little guy is wearing a small shirt and looks like a little gentleman.

 Carry him downstairs and into the restaurant.

Xingzong sat at the dining table, drinking coffee, raised his eyes, and said with a smile, "Yu Xi, did you sleep well last night?"

"Uncle." Yu Xi called out softly, and then replied, "Yu Xi slept well."

  The milky voice, coupled with the cute little expression, is particularly cute.

Xingzong took out a card and handed it to him, "I was in a hurry last night, so my uncle didn't prepare a meeting gift. This is a meeting gift to replenish you."

Yu Xi didn't dare to reach out to pick it up. He looked at Xingchi asking for help.

“Uncle gave it to me, Yu Xi, take it.”

Taking the card with both hands, Yu Xi obediently thanked him.

After breakfast, Yu Xi raised his head and asked, "Dad, when can Yu Xi see mom?"

When Xing Zong heard this, he couldn't help but be surprised for a few seconds. What does this mean?

Xingchi's face showed no trace of emotion, "Yu Xi, do you want to play at home today, or go to the company with your father?"

Yu Xi held his hand and lowered his head, "Yu Xi wants a mother."

Xingzong lowered his voice, "How did you bring Yu Xi back?"

Xingchi pursed his thin lips tightly, not wanting to answer this question.

Even if he didn't answer, Xing Zong could guess something.

 In the end, Xingchi was reluctant to let Yu Xi stay at home alone. The manor was still unfamiliar to him.

 The only person who is not a stranger is his father.

 He decided to take him to the company.

 The secretary prepared snacks and juice snacks, as well as small toys and an iPad for him to play with.

 “Vice President.” The secretary pushed the door open but hesitated to speak.

"What's wrong?"

The secretary glanced at Yu Xi, who was sitting on the sofa watching cartoons. He came to the desk and lowered his voice, "Miss Chaolu was stopped by the security guard at the entrance of the company. She said she wanted to see you."

 Chaolu would come to him, which was expected.

Glancing at Yu Xi, Xingchi stood up and said, "You stay with Yu Xi."

 “Yes, Vice President.”

Xingchi came to Yu Xi and touched his little head, "Dad will go out for a while. You just stay here, you know?"


Downstairs in the company, Chao Lu, who had not slept a wink all night, looked haggard and was in a bad mental state.

After being stopped by the security guard, she continued to rush in. Due to her identity, the security guard did not dare to do anything to her, so he could only stop her and said, "Miss, if you want to see the president, make an appointment first."

 “Let me go and let me go up!”

 The sound of messy footsteps came from far to near.

 (End of this chapter)

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