Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3388: Voluntarily give up custody rights

Chapter 3388 Voluntarily giving up custody rights

Xingchi, surrounded by the men in black, walked forward quickly with a gloomy face.

 “Let her go.” The voice was low and cold.

 When the security guard saw Xingchi, he immediately responded respectfully and released his grip on Chaolu.

Chaolu rushed forward quickly and glared at him, "Where is Yu Xi? Give Yu Xi back to me!"

 “Give it back to you, why?”


 What a good sentence.

Chaolu grabbed the collar of his shirt, her eyes were scarlet, "Just because he is the child I worked so hard to give birth to in ten months of pregnancy!"

Lowering his eyes and looking at the hand holding his collar, Xingchi's thin lips pulled out a sarcastic smile, "It's true that you gave birth to him, but what happened after you gave birth to him? What have you given him? What can you give to him?" What is he?"


"Don't rush to refute." Xingchi opened her hand little by little, "When you went out to work, did you ever think about what Yu Xi felt like staying at home alone? When you went out to accompany him for a drink, did you ever think about how Yu Xi knew about him? Is the job my mother does so despicable?"

Chaolu opened her lips, wanting to say something, but in the end, she said nothing.

 The voice is stuck in the throat and is extremely uncomfortable.

Her vision was blurred by tears, "I know that my work is not as noble as yours, but every penny I earn is hard-earned money!"

 “My son disdains such hard-earned money.”

Xingchi raised his hand and glanced at the time. It had been ten minutes since he came down. He wondered if Yu Xi would be anxious.

 Intending to make a quick decision, he raised his eyes and looked at Chao Lu, "You are still young, Yu Xi... just pretend you have never been born. I will compensate you, find someone who loves you, and live a normal life."

"What do you mean?"

"literal meaning."

 Over the past two years, he has also become tired.

  Banxia’s sacrifice made him wake up from this endless dream.

 He has tasted all the tastes of loving and being loved.

  I don’t want to wait any longer.

I don’t want to wait any longer.

"Shangguan Xingchi, you said you wouldn't compete with me for custody of Yu Xi..." Chao Lu collapsed and squatted down, covering her face with her hands, tears flowing from her fingers, "How can you keep your words, how can you... "

Looking at the woman squatting at his feet, Xingchi pursed his thin lips tightly. What came to his mind was the image of her wearing heavy makeup and drinking with others in a club until she vomited.

“Chaolu, that’s all I have to say, please consider my words carefully.”

 After saying that, he turned and left.

"do not go!"

Chao Lu grabbed his trouser leg and held it tightly, "Shangguan Xingchi, please return Yu Xi to me? Please, I can't live without Yu Xi."

 At the same time, Xingchi’s cell phone rang.

It was a call from the secretary's office. He answered it in a deep voice, "Hello."

“Vice president, the young master can’t find you. Now he wants to go downstairs to find you. We can’t stop him.”

 “I’ll go up right away.”

After hanging up the phone, Xingchi pulled Chao Lu up and wiped the tears from her face with his fingertips, "Chao Lu, think carefully about what I say. Yu Xi will not be better off if he follows you than if he follows me. You should think carefully about Yu Xi. "

Chao Lu stood there blankly, thinking about Yu Xi, would the result be to give up Yu Xi?

 She can't do it.

 It really can’t be done…

A man wearing gold glasses and a suit came to Chaolu, holding a document in his hand, "Miss Chaolu, the vice president asked me to give these to you. These real estate properties will be assigned to your name, and This money also belongs to you. As long as you sign this document, this will take effect immediately."

"what document?"

 “Voluntarily give up the custody rights of the young master.”

 (End of this chapter)

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