Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3432: Is that child the President's?

Chapter 3432: Is that child the President’s?

Xiaotuanzi let out a long "Huh" and blinked, "Uncle, who is that?"

 “Call Auntie.”

 “Hello, aunt~”

Banxia was flattered and quickly replied, "Hello, little miss."

Xiaotuanzi leaned into Cizer's arms and muttered, "Auntie is so weird."

 “What’s strange?”

 “Auntie didn’t look at Xiaotuanzi.” The little guy’s hand grabbed the buttons of Cizer’s shirt and said dullly.

 Cesare was stunned for a moment, and then he realized what she was talking about.

It’s not that Banxia didn’t look at her, but...she was blind and couldn’t see anything.

 “Auntie’s eyes are sick, she didn’t mean not to look at Xiaotuanzi.”

 Xiao Tuanzi’s long eyelashes flickered, “Really?”


César handed Xiaotuanzi to Xiaoguai, "Xiaoguai, play with Xiaotuanzi while I take Banxia to the infirmary for examination."

 “Okay.” Xiaoguai hugged Xiaotuanzi and watched them leave.

The little guy poked his cheek with his index finger. He lowered his head and curled his lips and smiled, "What are you doing, little rascal?"

Xiaotuanzi smiled with crooked eyebrows, "Auntie, can we go out to play?"

 “Want to go out and play?”


 “But…” Xiaoguai looked at Cizer walking away, somewhat unable to make a choice.

Xiaotuanzi coquettishly said, "How are you, auntie? Let's go out and play, okay?"

Xiaoguai was so cute that his face turned bloody, and he agreed without any position, "Okay!"

 Everything Xiaotuanzi says is good!


K Group, Headquarters.

In the luxurious office, the light is bright, and in front of the huge desk, Xue Tuan is immersed in business.

  The phone on the table rang. She picked it up and asked, "Little boy?"

 “Mommy~it’s Xiaotuanzi.”

A faint smile appeared on Xuetuan's lips, "Xiaotuanzi, why are you holding my aunt's cell phone?"

 “Because Xiaotuanzi is with my aunt.”

"Where are you?"

 “Yes, yes... Xiaotuanzi doesn’t know either.”

Xuetuan chuckled softly, his eyes full of endearment, "You little fool, give your phone to my aunt."

 “Good mommy.”

Soon, Xiaoguai’s voice sounded, “Sister, we are almost at the company. Xiaotuanzi misses you.”

 “Okay, come directly to my office in a moment.”

 “Okay sister.”

 Because of the arrival of Xiao Tuanzi, Xuetuan could hardly concentrate on work, so he simply skipped work and took Xiao Tuanzi and Xiaoguai out for afternoon tea.

 After drinking afternoon tea, Xiao Tuanzi saw a baby in the arms of other children and looked envious.

Hold Xuetuan’s neck tightly, and begged in a sweet voice, “Mommy, Xiaotuanzi wants it too.”

“That’s from the claw machine. Mommy doesn’t have the ability.”

 “I want small dumplings too~”

Xiaoguai looked at the time and saw that it was still early. He rubbed his hands and was eager to try, "Sister, let's go play for a while. Maybe we got caught?"

 “Yeah!” Xiaotuanzi, with a heavy head, agreed very much.

 Xue Tuan looked at Xiaoguai and then at Xiao Tuanzi. He was defeated by them.

Leng Shu took the document and called Leng Wei, "Brother, where are you? I found the document and will send it to you now."

Leng Wei gave her an address and asked her to wait there.

Taking a taxi to the destination, Leng Shu did not expect to see Xue Tuan Xiaoguai and Xiao Tuanzi here.

She stood there in a daze, a little dazed. The last time she saw him was two years ago... Now, she already has a child.

Is that child the President’s?

The hand holding the document bag was tightened, and the joints were slightly white.

I thought about it, Rong Yin would be arriving soon, would he see them?

 (End of this chapter)

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